I don't think it looks like you're screwed - I actually think it looks like they're going to figure out what happened.
You'll recall I mentioned something about them requesting data you'd already sent them - I honestly think they ask for everything again to see if you'll respond, to weed out the requests that are not supported or not worth it to the player to go through the hassle.
You were able to show a clear and obvious problem with your mail, and they said they were elevating your ticket, which means they agree that you have an issue which they cannot solve. It's not going to be a one-day thing, unfortunately, but hopefully they will respond in a few. If I were you, if you don't hear anything in a week or so, respond to the email again and ask if they have any updates or if there's any way you could at least get your items back. (keep being nice, I know it's hard, but cs obviously can't figure out or fix the code)
I had an issue once (deleted a stack of high-level enchantments while upgrading an artifact) and thankfully I took screen shots immediately. Had about the same response, they asked me to send screen shots and basically relay all the info that was in my first ticket posting, but I did what you did - sent them the info, along with more that they wanted (time and date - clearly in the screen shots, but whatever lol) Anyway, they actually returned them to me. So CS can retrieve items if they can find the log, but clearly this mail thing is beyond what they can do.
The game's had problems with the mail - or more like with the auction house/mail - for quite a while now. Maybe it's somehow related. You're doing a service for us all by helping them find these problems, so thanks! Hopefully they unclog your mail, and if they can't do it right away, they should at least give back what's stuck in your mailbox.
I have high hopes.
In fact, can't hurt to tag @strumslinger and ask him to catch up on this thread and the situation. HEY STRUM - can you make certain someone has seen the ticket elevation for @thuddriver ?? Pretty Please?
You'll recall I mentioned something about them requesting data you'd already sent them - I honestly think they ask for everything again to see if you'll respond, to weed out the requests that are not supported or not worth it to the player to go through the hassle.
You were able to show a clear and obvious problem with your mail, and they said they were elevating your ticket, which means they agree that you have an issue which they cannot solve. It's not going to be a one-day thing, unfortunately, but hopefully they will respond in a few. If I were you, if you don't hear anything in a week or so, respond to the email again and ask if they have any updates or if there's any way you could at least get your items back. (keep being nice, I know it's hard, but cs obviously can't figure out or fix the code)
I had an issue once (deleted a stack of high-level enchantments while upgrading an artifact) and thankfully I took screen shots immediately. Had about the same response, they asked me to send screen shots and basically relay all the info that was in my first ticket posting, but I did what you did - sent them the info, along with more that they wanted (time and date - clearly in the screen shots, but whatever lol) Anyway, they actually returned them to me. So CS can retrieve items if they can find the log, but clearly this mail thing is beyond what they can do.
The game's had problems with the mail - or more like with the auction house/mail - for quite a while now. Maybe it's somehow related. You're doing a service for us all by helping them find these problems, so thanks!
I have high hopes.
In fact, can't hurt to tag @strumslinger and ask him to catch up on this thread and the situation. HEY STRUM - can you make certain someone has seen the ticket elevation for @thuddriver ?? Pretty Please?