Hey guys, I'm building a pure PvE SW (Damnation) and wanted to know which artifact weapon set is better. Twisted or Fire.
I mean, most of the damage cleaning trash comes from TT, so Fire with AP gain sounds good. But I see most PvE SWs run around with Twisted.
Any advice would be appreciated
I'm still using the old EE one. If I ever choose to try out temp I'd want all the LS I can get.
As far as I know, Fire set DOES fill AP regardless.
The thing is the ap you can get from the first combination has advantage in stoped moments, when you're party is waiting etc and you can aford to use a heavy howler for example, with the fire set you'll need more ap, since the set has a cooldown that many times you'll break, so it would require from you a gorgon/flail snail/new apparatus of gond. Right now i'm using DC sigil + fire weapons, ap is too much is many, many cases of the run, but on the other hand in speed runs i can cast IS, BoH, cast some soul scortches and IS or BoH again, but this is praticly the only benifit and gets worse now that dread enchant is out and dailies are undervalorized.
So, my ultimate sugestion: Fire set + both the artifacts if you can offore to make them mithic, in stoped moments use the DC sigil, and swap asap to the wheel. If you want the best combination without all that bothering, i would say twisted + DC sigil + AP cloak is still the best.
I skipped toughness and spend some point into energizing curse elven haste , AP cloak and some AP glyphs and you won´t need that fire weapon any more.