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Creation of new packs that can be bought by in-game coin

worldavatarworldavatar Member Posts: 2 Arc User
I have been around Neverwinter for a while now, and one of the things that disturb me is the lack of packs for characters level 50 and BELOW! All I ever see are packs that cost beholder eyes to come up with.
Do you Not care that people are flocking to other games in droves because they cant get ahead far enough to be able to play without spending weeks grinding in a lower level just to get the astral diamonds that they need?
Do you not care that according to the comments around the internet that Neverwinter has become a PAY TO PLAY which wasn't the way it started.
Sure ... set up for the Strongholds and the Underdark, however it is now set that the only way to play any new content is to be level 60 and above AND be in a Guild.
Please try to understand... I am not a new player, however, I do not have the free cash to use on a game; as much as I would like to; having to spend it on necessities of life such as FOOD and SHELTER!
I know that I speak for thousands of players that you have disenfranchised by the above actions, and I also know that any sane person would not play for hours and hours to get to a level then be told that they are going to have to play hours longer WITHOUT the needed equipment because they cannot afford the price of 300000 Astral Diamonds.
Where is the changes that were promised that would allow players to earn this in game money easier. Unfortunately, you threw out the baby with the bath water so to speak, because you really didn't do anything. I sometimes think that I (Yes even I) would be better off playing a game that i had to buy without the ingame cash shop.
Please hold up your stated ideals and PUBLIC statement that things would be easier for players to purchase or win with ingame COIN. This was stated a long while back when Strongholds were first talked about. To be honest... you have screwed the in-game economy so that soon the only players you have left are Pay To Play


  • dsn1118dsn1118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    I am playing the game almost 2 years now.And it took me a year to reach 3k gs.You are saying that game became pay 2 play but I see people running dungeons,doing tiamat and running edemo with 2-2.5k gs.Yes they do slower and sometimes fail but that is the reality of undergeared runs.Only thing you cant do is PVP with undergeared toons for now

    I dont like the current gaming economy where you can buy things with just money but this is reality.They do business,they have to pay their workers,hardwares and other stuff.There is only 2 choice for companies

    1)Sell ingame items or refinement points in our case for real money
    2)Sell the game or some special access for newer part of the game while luring people with free basegame(Guild Wars,Defiance etc)

    It seems we are in the same bot.I dont have extra money to invest the game but I am also aware other option is worse for me.At least I am able to play the game without any access restriction to any part of the game.I also wonder how people accuse of management make players run away for other games.I also looked myself if there are other games that can give what Neverwinter offers as a quality and story but nearly all of those games which are in same leauge with neverwinter, are in the 2nd group so pay to play isnot the main issue why players are running away
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,527 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Below level 60, it is easy to play without paying to get anything.
    And the "new content" in mod 9 has a big portion for below level 60.
    In this game, there are only 2 styles: (1) pay and play to win, (2) play to win.

    (1) means you have money. Then, you can spend a little bit less time than (2). A little bit less grinding.
    (2) means you need to spend a lot of time. A lot of grinding.
    Post edited by plasticbat on
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
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  • xveganroxxveganrox Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    dsn1118 said:

    I am playing the game almost 2 years now.And it took me a year to reach 3k gs.You are saying that game became pay 2 play but I see people running dungeons,doing tiamat and running edemo with 2-2.5k gs.Yes they do slower and sometimes fail but that is the reality of undergeared runs.Only thing you cant do is PVP with undergeared toons for now

    You can't run eDemo at below 2.5k IL. It won't let you in.

    Other than that I think you've got things pretty backwards. There's no need to buy anything for real money or AD below level 70. Levels 1-60 (and even like 1-67 now with Maze) is 100% playable for free. It takes like 10 hours of game time if you're going slow to hit 50 - why would there be packs aimed at people below 50?

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