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Greed of the Dragonflight Fix

strumslingerstrumslinger Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,724 Cryptic Developer

It has been brought to our attention that there has been a bug causing the Greed of the Dragonflight event in Strongholds to ignore its intended schedule. As the Traveling Wizard states in-game, the event was originally designed to run every two hours unless you use a Golden Bell.

While we plan to correct this issue, we understand that there are many guilds that may already have plans based on this inaccurate event availability. With this in mind, we plan on leaving this event in its current state until 10AM PT on Monday, March 7, at which point the event will resume its intended schedule, which begins every day at 10:30AM PT (Pacific) and recurs every two hours from that point on. Guilds that prefer not to wait are still welcome to purchase Golden Bells that will trigger the dragons at anytime.

We apologize for any confusion this bug has created.

Cheers and have a wonderful weekend,

- The Neverwinter Xbox One Team

Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
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  • ftrydaftryda Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Post edited by ftryda on
    4000 iL Scourge Warlock
    Well Endowed (Xbox)
  • shazza53shazza53 Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    This is ridiculous. Getting people together for dragon runs is one of the FUN things left in this game. Now, you are saying we can do it only once every 2 hours unless we spend Zen for bells. You are so out of touch with your customer base, and your timing couldn't be worse ... You make even loyal players think twice about continuing to support the game.

    Why don't you fix the black head glitch in Tiamat? Or the Goristro glitch in Epic Demogorgon? Or the tooltips that are wrong, the NPCs that don't show they have a quest ... And on and on and on.

    Edit to add: I have no objection to fixing it, or even the fact that it makes money for PW - but at least wait until a major update, giving a longer time for people to adjust. I just hate it when PW shoots themselves in the foot. Why couldn't you just wait to fix it on Tuesday, during maintenance?
    Post edited by shazza53 on
  • ajax0101ajax0101 Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    Because you cant buy a tiamat whistle to summon him early. Thats why those things dont get fixed.
  • satniteeduardosatniteeduardo Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    Absolute disgrace. Fix the things that the players want fixed, not what will make you money. Greedy devs...can't post what I really want to say.
  • yogluntyoglunt Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    no one cares about bells take them out the zen market and let the dragonflight event keep going like its going at the moment, we dont need more apologies we need community managers to understand the community and work with and not against us.
  • lordrahllylordrahlly Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Give us MOAR money and you can play MOAR! The depth of your greed is truly nauseating ARC.

    This morning I was finally considering playing again, then I saw this. So I am liquidating my 6 characters and leaving the game. I will keep one active to collect my VIP.

    Andy, I want you to know it was a sad day for me, to literally GUT characters I had spent moths building. Watching every rank 8,9,10 gem get dispersed to someone else, things that did take huge investments from me of time and even yes money paid to your company. I cant and wont have a part of it anymore. Is Neverwinter a good game, sure, is it worth $60-$100 as a purchase, maybe. Was it worth spending $1300 on between release and Underdark, nope but I was a fool and bought behind the illusion of a little money here and a little money there...

    Your problem isn't cheap customers, its an unsustainable business model. I think the $1300 I spend on this game since its xbox release is wayyyy to much too spend on a game. Do you expect me to pay $1300 a year? If so your are utterly off your rocker.

    I was over excited about the game and the fun I was having. You have done me the service (and all other companies that come after you including MS the disservice) of showing me how stupidly easy it is to overspend. Never again.

    I spent months and trailed behind all I played with, and even my own wife, who has been able to invest more time than myself, so her character which was started AFTER my primary play character has an item score at least 13-7% higher than mine. See that is where your "Ooops we need to fix X (trade bars, AD, WOD, and now Strongholds Dragons) " mentality screws many players. Yeah it doesn't touch your hardcore driving the bleeding edge die hard players, but the average guy like me, now you are putting your hand out and say, pay me sir, or you can continue your slow progress and stay well behind the others.

    Do you expect us to pay $$$ or spend years playing? I understand you need money to keep Neverwinter afloat, but do you expect 50% of your player base to pay you $1k/year? I mean seriously. If the development and upkeep of Neverwinter is that high, then you have a corporate management problem not an in game economy problem. And if you honestly expect any of us to believe that you are just now catching on to the fact that stongholds has operated this way since its release, you are telling us one of two things. You are not the gamers you claim to be and you never pay your product except to demo to try to drive up sales, or you think we are stupid. Which is it Andy?

    Have you guys actually gotten yourself into a business model where it costs you so much money to operate NW that you have to gouge us for every dime? What next, are you going to tell us that 50% of all players play less than 3 hours a day and if you want play more than that you are going to have to pay for a premium unlock key? Hell at this point I wouldnt put it past you to start charging people based on their item score.

    I wish you players good luck who stay.

    Ohh the irony of this being called "Greed of the Dragonflight"......
    Post edited by lordrahlly on
    Pastor Martin Niemöller had it right, but remember, before they come for anyone, they silence all, because to have discourse, is to breed discontent.
  • grreeeenmachinegrreeeenmachine Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    This is funny stuff. Can you fix the glitched special quest window this quick??
  • slagbottomslagbottom Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    You guys already pushed a lot of buttons with the trade bar fiasco. You really, really shouldn't have done this right now. Smart thing to do would have been to have waited a while, at least. Epic double facepalm.
  • cscriv79cscriv79 Member Posts: 398 Arc User
    You remove my comment about the game closing at the end of march due to non renewal of contract by microsoft regarding feedback and negativity recently?

    Does the removal of said comment mean it is true?

    I am neither here nor there, for I am NevrCene

    NevrCene: TR
    Melisandre: SW
    Brienne: GWF

    Guild : Mystic Dawn (GH20)
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    thumbs up to all the player comments here. it's fer realz. so what I get from this is.. we at arc really really really HATE our player base. seriously.. are you trying to kill the game? cause I'm seeing it.. It's not that this matters all that much.. but in the over all picture with the other stuff that's happened recently it comes off as a giant middle finger and that's enough to lose people who'd been on the edge of leaving or staying.
  • firepats12#3687 firepats12 Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    cscriv79 said:

    You remove my comment about the game closing at the end of march due to non renewal of contract by microsoft regarding feedback and negativity recently?

    Does the removal of said comment mean it is true?

    I truly think it will happen. There is no way Microsoft wants the bad publicity about how much this game has screwed over its player base on more than one occasion. Multiple times when Microsoft support was hounded by former players of this game, me included, requesting their money back and generally saying how horrible this game and the devs are. There is no way they will let this game continue on imo. So I say, enjoy it now all you people who somehow still manage to play this game, cause I doubt it will last too much longer.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    naw, I doubt it will be pulled. if they were why wouldn't they plop down an extended event that people pay money to further like the alchemy or gond thing again to get the last grab cash instead of just taking stuff away and fixing things to make a very small extra sum. you'd think they'd run fire sales too. 50% off stuff.. people go omg and buy zen to load up on cheap stuff.

    their business managers may not know the game, they may not know the player base but I think those are some pretty basic fast cash tactics. if they were going away pulling all the stops wouldn't matter for long term planning. Just pissing your player base off.. that's not a smart cash grab move imo
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User

    naw, I doubt it will be pulled. if they were why wouldn't they plop down an extended event that people pay money to further like the alchemy or gond thing again to get the last grab cash instead of just taking stuff away and fixing things to make a very small extra sum. you'd think they'd run fire sales too. 50% off stuff.. people go omg and buy zen to load up on cheap stuff.

    their business managers may not know the game, they may not know the player base but I think those are some pretty basic fast cash tactics. if they were going away pulling all the stops wouldn't matter for long term planning. Just pissing your player base off.. that's not a smart cash grab move imo

    I am not so sure, MS have pulled games before, these negative changes forcing folk to spend more cash than the Game justifies may be having a serious effect on the perception of the Service Live offers, if so then I could see them doing this. Hopefully they and Arc will reach some kind of accommodation to roll back some of the negative changes and we can continue playing, not sure that they will TBH. We did a Dragon run last night in our guild and I am really glad we did, sadly If I had known we would have run Friday and Saturday as well!
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    these kinds of business deals aren't skin of the teeth affairs. end of quarter for msft is dec. they have things renewed by then for the next quarter. the next one is april may. if it isn't renewed they've known since at least dec. why would they bother changing things in a way that would HAMSTER people off. they aren't going to make more last minute money that way. LOL. conspiracy theories. Yeah they've pissed people off but I highly doubt msft would pull something successful because of something like coal gate. there is absolutely zero reason to think that they're going to be pulled from xbox. xbox needs content. they might give arc a stern talking to but I'd be flabbergasted if they actually ended the deal.

    I'd actually think the legal consequences of just pulling a game like this with cash transactions being a part of the show would be higher than leaving the game in place and having people upset about misrepresentation. Paying for something and then not delivering on goods for everyone is more dire than a verbal type bait and switch. Microsoft is VERY concerned with legal implications regarding MSFT. pulling the content involves microsoft. having an underperforming vendor doesn't as much
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User

    these kinds of business deals aren't skin of the teeth affairs. end of quarter for msft is dec. they have things renewed by then for the next quarter. the next one is april may. if it isn't renewed they've known since at least dec. why would they bother changing things in a way that would HAMSTER people off. they aren't going to make more last minute money that way. LOL. conspiracy theories. Yeah they've pissed people off but I highly doubt msft would pull something successful because of something like coal gate. there is absolutely zero reason to think that they're going to be pulled from xbox. xbox needs content. they might give arc a stern talking to but I'd be flabbergasted if they actually ended the deal.

    I sincerely hope you are right however if MS support are getting too much pain and it reflects on the service, they have and will bin a game, I have way too much invested in this game and would hate for this to happen and like you I suspect its just a BS rumour, but don't assume it cant happen because it certainly can.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    I think it would have to be a lot worse than anything they've done that I'm aware of to get them binned. xbox is in dire straits when it comes to content.
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User

    I think it would have to be a lot worse than anything they've done that I'm aware of to get them binned. xbox is in dire straits when it comes to content.

    Not sure I would agree, plenty of content on Xbox right now and new stuff dropping as we type this, they are short on MMO'S that's for sure but this was meant to be their brave new world, those of us who aren't limited to one Genre of games don't have issues with Content imho.
    However Destiny and WOT are out there and functioning without major issue, so I reckon we will see more over time.
  • amafia313amafia313 Member Posts: 270 Arc User
    @strumslinger can you fix the Tiamat hoard in WoD? It resets everyday
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    meh, I disagree. the content is very stale and monotone. this is some diversity to otherwise stale offerings on their part. without something for everyone people will ditch the console for ps4 (Which is also hurting for content)

    anyway. IMO this rumour about them not having a contract extended is just poppycock. no reason to fret. It's unlikely. I know people are pissed at this game and maybe it makes people feel good to think msft is going to pull their contract but it just aint gonna happen.
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User

    meh, I disagree. the content is very stale and monotone. this is some diversity to otherwise stale offerings on their part. without something for everyone people will ditch the console for ps4 (Which is also hurting for content)

    anyway. IMO this rumour about them not having a contract extended is just poppycock. no reason to fret. It's unlikely. I know people are pissed at this game and maybe it makes people feel good to think msft is going to pull their contract but it just aint gonna happen.

    I have both Consoles and yeah we will disagree I am afraid :)
  • zacoria1405zacoria1405 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    Unbelievable, just how low can they go?
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    I have both consoles as well. HAMSTER doesn't count as content. :) there is a lot of HAMSTER.
  • xalorusxalorus Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    Still mad my determination meter has not been fixed on my GWF in a year yet this requires immediate attention.

    Greedy corporation if ever I saw one in my game playing days. Again I feel bad for those who spend a mass amount of money on the game.

    I do have a question. How many of you have created a profile on the forms to come here and let these folks know how you feel? It was why mine was made initially.

    Tc and I bid you a good day. (Except you arc. Look both ways before crossing).
  • satniteeduardosatniteeduardo Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    I will believe Neverwinter will continue when the in game calendar is updated. Maybe the end is nigh......I hope not but time will tell.

    I actually don't think MS need to cancel anything. I am not aware of people blaming them...just trying to get them to pressure the devs into action.
  • firepats12#3687 firepats12 Member Posts: 264 Arc User

    I think it would have to be a lot worse than anything they've done that I'm aware of to get them binned. xbox is in dire straits when it comes to content.

    Worse? As I mentioned I had known A LOT of people that went to MS support and got their money back. Then after the last screwover I am willing to bet even more people went to support. So I personally think MS has heard enough from this game. But thats just my opinion.
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    It's actually pretty difficult getting enough people together for dragon runs & when you do you need to run a few to make it worth it. Considering the amount of fangs needed for Dragonflight gear (108), it leaves players with the choice of spending months doing runs at permitted times or spending a ton on Zen.

    Of course this is the intention. However, given that Drow & Dusk armor is easy to get and the Dragonflight stats aren't much different, most players will now favor these options.

    Once players have a set of Drow/Dusk they won't bother with Dragonflight, making it even harder for those few that do want it, to organise DF runs - even if they have bought bells.

    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User

    I have both consoles as well. HAMSTER doesn't count as content. :) there is a lot of HAMSTER.

    Could make that argument on both Consoles, good stuff and HAMSTER are a personal call deciding on the Genres you like, I find plenty to play when I can drag myself out of this addiction lol
  • batdriven#5792 batdriven Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Basically they always do whatever the eff they want. They screw things up, people get disappointed, people spend less money than before - they look for a new way to get money.
    While in the beginning I liked and supported this game, put 2500 Euro in it, tried to defend it in front of my friends, told them since it's a free game, they need to make money in one way or another - it's more than evident by now, that money is ALL they care about.
    They don't give a flying cr4p about the users on Xbox, just constantly thinking hard of new ways to hopefully milk us dry.
    I regret sooo so much, putting all this money into ZEN market over the course of one year. I could've gone on a really nice holiday for that money and would've gotten far better service than from Neverwinter.

    I didn't put any more money into it since the tradebars-incident. And I'll certainly not start again now.
    It is immensly hard and time-consuming ANYWAY to get dragonflight gear. But with buying bells now, it would be also expensive now on top of all things.

    Things that get you cash, are fixed so quickly. But stuff, that is annoying the players since it makes the gameplay worse for us, has ZERO priority. (Special quest bug, the horrible lags, the boss glitches, HEs not working properly, the wrong artifact classes for refinement, the "you can only see 5 green status effects", the immensly immensly unbalanced classes with 1 or 2 classes always being super OP after some changes, the neverending spamming from 3rd party websites in enclave, etc.pp.)

    You kill this game. Slowly but surely.
    Many of my friends already think about new games to buy and play. I guess I'll join them. (And I envy all my friends who stopped playing Neverwinter months ago, because they already saw back then, what this is all about. I was so blind.)
  • zacoria1405zacoria1405 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    This has killed yet more guild activity. Who is supposed to pay for these keys for dragon runs? There is no way of raising funds that can be transfered for keys and all random runs have now come to a stop. What mess are the developers going to introduce next, rent for the stronghold each month maybe?
  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    Well that just killed another guild activity in one of your rare 150 member guilds left.
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

    []Full Metal Witch[]
    4149 TiL
    Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

    "The Best of the Best"
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