People asked for it ever since new visuals for enchants were aplied like 2-3mods ago... Devs said 'yay it will be cool' and did nothing, as usual. it's one of the most anoying thing in everyday gameplay, next to bad new campaign UI.
Agreed. Very annoying. Especially when you're not displaying the armor but the Fashion outfit. Every single item with visuals should have a display toggle, just like the head armor does. That includes the enchantment visuals.
But I wouldn't stop there if I had a say in anything.
I would start splitting the bottom and top armor and fashion items in to separate items. This idea that a sarong is part of something you wear on the upper body when 98% of it is on the bottom part of your body is laughable. The bottom part of the outfit being only the shoes. Instead let us have the same amount of slots both for battle and fashion. Also some things like pants and shirts armor items, which can look amazing by the way, are never seen as they are covered up by everything else. We should be able to use them and mix those in with out fashion items. Make all items with a special design in to costume unlocks and add wardrobes that we can store saved outfits in.
So all in all, these are the slots I'd like to see in the future. Head/Helmet Face/Mask Neck/Cape Arms 2 slots Wrists 2 slots Hands 4 slots Rings more then 2 but 10 might be too many even though we have that many fingers and can have more then one ring on each. Torso/Shirt 2 slots Belt Waist/Loincloths Pants/Skirts 2 slots Legs 2 slots Feet 2 slots
I would then start breaking up all the older items in to these new parts and add some with every update. I would also make sure that all items have 3 color channels. That they are not linked to other items or illogical parts of the same item. Create a interface where we can rotate the color pack's channels so that if we want the gold color on the metal part of the item and not on the cloth part, we could rotate the pack colors until it ends up in the right place.
I would also make metallic individual dye bottles. For Gold, Copper, Bronze, Silver, Chrome both int shiny and aged variations. I would add more colors then the few we have. Like yellow (not gold), orange (not copper). I would also add to the crafting profession the tasks to split color packs in to their individual colors. For the economy's sake make the split ones bind to character if you like. I would also add a feature that let us preview color packs and individual colors on our items before we buy them. In fact I would like a tailor option much like the ones in Champions and Star Trek online. That allows us to save outfits and buy stuff from that interface.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,171Arc User
Source material limits rings to one on each hand.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
But I wouldn't stop there if I had a say in anything.
I would start splitting the bottom and top armor and fashion items in to separate items. This idea that a sarong is part of something you wear on the upper body when 98% of it is on the bottom part of your body is laughable. The bottom part of the outfit being only the shoes.
Instead let us have the same amount of slots both for battle and fashion. Also some things like pants and shirts armor items, which can look amazing by the way, are never seen as they are covered up by everything else. We should be able to use them and mix those in with out fashion items. Make all items with a special design in to costume unlocks and add wardrobes that we can store saved outfits in.
So all in all, these are the slots I'd like to see in the future.
Arms 2 slots
Wrists 2 slots
Hands 4 slots
Rings more then 2 but 10 might be too many even though we have that many fingers and can have more then one ring on each.
Torso/Shirt 2 slots
Pants/Skirts 2 slots
Legs 2 slots
Feet 2 slots
I would then start breaking up all the older items in to these new parts and add some with every update. I would also make sure that all items have 3 color channels. That they are not linked to other items or illogical parts of the same item. Create a interface where we can rotate the color pack's channels so that if we want the gold color on the metal part of the item and not on the cloth part, we could rotate the pack colors until it ends up in the right place.
I would also make metallic individual dye bottles. For Gold, Copper, Bronze, Silver, Chrome both int shiny and aged variations. I would add more colors then the few we have. Like yellow (not gold), orange (not copper). I would also add to the crafting profession the tasks to split color packs in to their individual colors. For the economy's sake make the split ones bind to character if you like. I would also add a feature that let us preview color packs and individual colors on our items before we buy them. In fact I would like a tailor option much like the ones in Champions and Star Trek online. That allows us to save outfits and buy stuff from that interface.
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