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Update on the Trade Bar Store



  • aaramis75aaramis75 Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    So, do we know where the Coals will be now?

    Invoking isn't the most reliable way to get Coals, so I'm hoping they put them in as possible rewards for something - maybe in the new CN end rewards list, or eDemo or something?
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    aaramis75 said:

    So, do we know where the Coals will be now?

    Invoking isn't the most reliable way to get Coals, so I'm hoping they put them in as possible rewards for something - maybe in the new CN end rewards list, or eDemo or something?

    The ZEN shop, or the AH for AD...

    I doubt that there will be any other reliable way to get them. And i wouldn't be surprised, if they were removed from the invoking coffers with this update too.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    This game will continue, in ever diminishing numbers--and smaller, sadder mods as a result. It survived Mod 6 in smaller numbers, LS nerf in ever smaller numbers, now this is on our plate. I may still log in from time to time, but am looking at new homes.

    They seem to have a rule to do a major nerf ~every four months. Winnowing the base.
  • forumnamesuxsforumnamesuxs Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 490 Arc User

    im from the x box side....cant say this was not written on the wall the past week from all the talk of balancing both x box and pc to be setup the same.
    , be thankful you have chance to buy up all you need before the change takes effect.

    have fun in under dark everyone!!

    Unless you're european.
    I had absolutely no chance of making it back home from work in time to exhaust my TB on something that's actually usefull.
    I'm not even angry about this though.
    Disappointed? Yes, of course.
    Tradebars and the wards I could buy from them, was the only justification I ever had for buying keys, since the reward from them tend to yield very little in return.

    Oh well.. This only means I will have to scrap yet another alt or two, I suppose. Not that anyone anywhere cares.
    Wolves, big as a horse! I need new pants!

  • fernandosbfernandosb Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    Very reckless maneuver by Cryptic. I have played this game since beta. I was never a botter or a leadership exploiter and what I have experienced my whole time in this game was getting milked for my money. No other mmo out there does this kind of stuff to players. Neverwinter has always been among the most expensive games to play, despite not delivering a fraction of the experience other games do.

    I left this game after the ad changes, but decided to come back and check mod 8 and the state of the game. When I saw that the bars were affordable and I could actually buy a perfect vorpal for 2 mil ad I was like: "omg it is not p2w, in time i will have bars for wards and work on enchantments." With that in mind, I got vip but now there is not use for it anymore. In the mean time, the players that have accumulated hundreds of millions of AD via foundry botting a few months ago keep laughing at new players and suckers like me, who despite buying zen and trying the best to enjoy a game, keep always getting behind due to a greedy and corrupt business model. The same perfect vorpal that was 2 mil a few days ago was already 5 mil last night. It won't be long before it reaches 7 mil again. Good job cryptic.

    Stumslinger you want this game to thrive? Go ahead and tell your friends at cryptic to stop being such crooks. And instead of trying to deceive us and say the changes are for a better economy, have the balls to tell us we are getting exploited once again.

    Transparency is obviously not Cryptic's best virtue.
  • messahlamessahla Member Posts: 33 Arc User

    On Friday, February 19, Coalescent Wards, Preservation Wards and Blood Rubies will be removed from the Tarmalune Trade Bar Store after maintenance.

    Please keep discussions respectful and on-topic; we all love this game and want it to thrive.<</b>

    ROFL!!! this alone was funny but with your "are you getting mad" signature gif , i almost died laughing it was perfect man :)
    Kirk eyes a young female romulan put on her EV suit then her head dissapears.

    Kirk : My god bones...her head is gone :eek:

    Mccoy : DAMNIT JIM!! im a doctor not a game developer
  • edited February 2016
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  • verdant#9137 verdant Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Fire which ever employees spearheaded this project.
  • psycho#6888 psycho Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    why you do this you have too many people on the server ??? why bother buying vip ?? great - for you me i dont buy VIP lose more money with this job enjoy yourself game
  • alaskaalaska Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15 Arc User
    :Leaving the wards in the trade bar store would only hurt people running bots. So explain why you are working in the interest of bots...
  • psycho#6888 psycho Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    melodicah said:

    So now you are basically forcing people to spend Zen or pay ridiculous AD costs to progress as coal wards are a necessity for upgrading the huge amount of artifact weapons/armor/enchants/runestones that are in the game.

    Well, I'm hopping off this train. I've brushed off a lot of the changes and said that it wouldn't really affect me, so I'd keep logging in and buying Zen occasionally to support the game. This, however, removes any way for me to progress my characters without spending real money. No thanks.

    Bad move, Cryptic. Just another nail in your coffin.

    they forced peeople to added monney in game
  • This content has been removed.
  • shaunymcflashshaunymcflash Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    it sounding like you are being greed (insert hate comment hear) and we as a player base are sick you it you have (insert hateful comment hear) us so hard what is left for us nothing but pay to progress drive all eu and na off you game and the charge back will hurt you allot. thank you (insert hate comment hear)
  • olegius88olegius88 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 80 Arc User
    Guys, don't be Rage because of this change... It never was so easy to upgrade your Gear until m8 and I think this "Update" helps Neverwinter to survive... They also have to manage their Costs by that you can play this Game....
    Mainclass: DC
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  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    messahla said:

    On Friday, February 19, Coalescent Wards, Preservation Wards and Blood Rubies will be removed from the Tarmalune Trade Bar Store after maintenance.

    Please keep discussions respectful and on-topic; we all love this game and want it to thrive.<</b>

    ROFL!!! this alone was funny but with your "are you getting mad" signature gif , i almost died laughing it was perfect man :)


    fatguns said:


  • joan234joan234 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    I'm personally done giving this game chances came back to the game about 2 months ago. Told myself if they drove me away again that would be it. They have no interest in making the game fun or enjoyable the devs have no clue how to actually do their job. NW is dead and buried in my opinion.
  • elvalianonelvalianon Member Posts: 331 Arc User
    edited February 2016

    Add preservation wards to VIP rewards. Like 5/day

    That's not a bad idea. Put them in the bag with the lockbox key.

    Face it, a LOT of people bought into VIP because the tbars from the daily key meant a steady supply of wards even if you didn't score big.

    I second this, that would be a good compensation/solution. And like @beckylunatic said, up the drop rate of Coals from invocation so that you can at least win one every one or two months with one character. I seriously won 1 coalward in my entire Neverwinter "career", which is 2+ years....lol! (I have 8 toons)

    Personally I am not upsad, I assumed this was going to come to PC and I make peace with having to grind, the game evolves around a endless grind anyway, welcome to mmo's.

    The coalwards where nice, though I am more busy buying Dusk gear for all my alts. The prize of Coals in the AH will now go up to 400-600k a piece, which will be troublesome for me in the long run. Considering how expensive it already is to upgrade, that is a huge downfall.

  • malfoirmalfoir Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 39 Arc User
    @kolatmaster collection is just... great. I think they remove 90% this comments so NEW payers will not scared off...
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    Bah, I did my /played the other day and found I had over 100 days on just 1 of my characters...perhaps, this is cryptics way of telling me its time to go.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    I've had some time to think about this, and in my opinion, this action by Cryptic is breaking what is commonly referred to as a Social Contract.

    Introducing VIP, with the free daily key, told every player with a pair of brain cells that buying VIP would allow them to acquire Coalescent Wards in an easier and cheaper way. The wards are pretty much the only thing that 99% of the playerbase ever spends trade bars on. You absolutely need them to make or upgrade weapon and armor enchantments, and you need them once you push normal enchantments, runestones, or artifacts beyond a certain point.

    The social contract was, "you buy VIP, which, while not technically a subscription, carries some of the benefits of it. In return, you get trade bars every day, which you can spend on those wards you need." It wasn't spelled out, but it didn't have to be. It's as obvious as the sky being blue or water being wet. Attempting to deny it would be an insult to players' intelligence.

    Removing the wards breaks that social contract. First, it removes the single benefit that by far outweighs all other VIP benefits from people who have already bought VIP. Second, it removes the largest incentive to buy it or renew it. If it feels slimy and underhanded, it's because it should.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
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    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • chrisolliecchrisolliec Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 37 Arc User

    On Friday, February 19, Coalescent Wards, Preservation Wards and Blood Rubies will be removed from the Tarmalune Trade Bar Store after maintenance. Please keep discussions respectful and on-topic; we all love this game and want it to thrive.


    This kinda makes me sad, as it hampers my progress.
    I usually have 10 EUR/month to spend for this game and prefer to put this money into the VIP system, as it provides some real ingame value for me. 10 EUR equal 1100 Zen.

    The rubies and perservation wards don't hurt me much, as I usually get these from other sources like invoking (at least the preservation wards, but there's enough other stuff that I'm not really in need of these rubies.).

    Reading across the posts here, I saw a suggestion to put coalesced wards (account bound) into the VIP system rewards.
    I like this idea, even though I think getting them on a weekly basis would suffice, as you sometimes find some in other sources as well. But I fear this would cause the pricing of the VIP ranks to raise into realms out of my reach.
    "I came from a long gone time, saw many other times...
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  • fatgunsfatguns Member Posts: 410 Arc User

    messahla said:

    On Friday, February 19, Coalescent Wards, Preservation Wards and Blood Rubies will be removed from the Tarmalune Trade Bar Store after maintenance.

    Please keep discussions respectful and on-topic; we all love this game and want it to thrive.<</b>

    ROFL!!! this alone was funny but with your "are you getting mad" signature gif , i almost died laughing it was perfect man :)


    fatguns said:


    You are way to awesome for these forums :cold_sweat:
  • greylock#6636 greylock Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Relatively new to this game so glad I've only spent $50 for initial mount purchase and a few odds and ends. I was thinking of a 12 month VIP purchase but not any more. Too bad, there were better solutions such as BoC/BoA for the Tarmalune coalescents' but they chose a short sighted money grab solution. In time, the only players left will be the newbs and the ones with fat wallets and the newbs will leave soon enough once they learn this is a P2W game leaving only the fat wallets who will then leave as they will have no player base sell their items too.
  • boondoc0boondoc0 Member Posts: 19 Arc User

    Reading across the posts here, I saw a suggestion to put coalesced wards (account bound) into the VIP system rewards.

    for what it's worth, we've been offering things like that as alternate suggestions since the tb store was nerf'd on xbox and we can't even get so much as a follow up reply from @strumslinger or @yetweallfalldown
  • crizpynutzcrizpynutz Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Well, I'll add another post to the mix, because I can.

    I'm not jumping off buildings over the change, but it still sucks. Primarily it hurts alts and those that play with alts. One of the most expensive things in game to do is rank up enchantments. Now, the only realistic way will be to use real money. You may be able to get enough from RNG on those celestial bags to get a couple ranks up, but if you are the type that likes to play several characters, that simply won't be enough. Not only does the price of a coal ward go up, the enchant prices will go up and as we know for each enchant you want to rank up, you need not only the marks, the coal ward (cause 1%) you also need another enchant of equal rank to the one you want to improve. All of that is going to be more difficult, e.g. costly to acquire. I was just starting to have fun building my DC and OP now that my CW is a 3.3 ilvl. I'm seriously wondering if I should bother now as I don't pump in more than the occasional $10-$20 for a treat.

    With VIP and a rare zen key purchase you usually get very little out of the lockboxes - most people I've met anyway - but you could count on those trade bars which were useful in building up your alts.

    If the problem was that the price was too low, then increase the number of trade bars a bit. If the problem was that there weren't enough zen sales, then why not offer other things that people would want to buy.

    Why not have some designers work on some nice new gear appearances, and no not clothes, actual armors. No stats, just for appearance. I would certainly fork over a little more $$ to acquire that really sweet new armor look if it was there. There is already a lack of variety in the armor options, some more choices would be great. Make them zen only purchases, there are no stats so it's not P2W, just P2lookcool.

    Add some services like a token to unbind your artifact or mount and change it to BoA so you could move that awesome Axe Beak to an alt now that you don't need the ArPen anymore.

    There are plenty of fun, cool options that could be added to the Zen store for Zen only purchasing that won't break the power balance and would entice players to spend. I don't see completely removing the wards from the TBar store as something that is going to fix an economy that really doesn't feel broken (compared the last 1-2 years anyway.) The biggest impact I see, is that players will play less and potentially spend less. Lately, a lot of my time was spent working on alts knowing that I would be able to gear them up reasonably well without breaking the bank and impacting my main character. I'm not so sure that's doable anymore, so when I'm done with the few things my main does on a daily basis, if it's a slow guild night, I'm going to be apt to just shut the game down rather than jump to an alt and grind out the campaigns again.

    I'm just not seeing the upside especially when there were alternatives to generate income without hurting your reputation and/or the player experience.

    With the lack of elite dungeons in Mod9, the Mount money sink and now the Trade Bar store, I worry for the player base. I still plan on being here playing the game likely less often and that is too bad.

    Just my two Lincolns on the change.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    From a Zen sales standpoint, it's a really boneheaded move: they're simply robbing from Peter to pay Paul. Coal ward sales will increase at the expense of VIP and key sales (and a hell of a lot of player enmity).

    Now, whenever I see an offer by Cryptic on any sale with long-term effects (e.g. VIP), I'll be forced to ask myself what the major benefit is and how it will be taken away later on.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • razor4lpharazor4lpha Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 89 Arc User
    "They are trying to milk the cow they already sent to the slaughterhouse - because it was unable to give milk anymore."

    Think about it, it won't only affect us who are paying for VIP, but the ones who do not - it was a broken cornerstone of character building, you were able to buy it from us for a more realistic price (still not cheap). One of the benefits of VIP came from this - and all benefited from it indirectly. Many of the commenters calculated the price to get your enchants and artifacts and armor/weapon artifacts to a decent level, and it's not worth it, not at all.

    ----To Cryptic, PWE----

    You had some issues with wards, first what everyone mentioned - no one bought them for $10 - it was already a no-brainer to have them for this price - but easy to fix.
    The second, gold sellers were able to use it as a currency, and farm quite a lot from it - you have this issue for a while, but this is not a solution for that.

    We wouldn't be happy if you would make it account bound - but with _accurate_ reasoning (and some fine tuning on how we can get it) it would pass.
    Not disclosing what the problem really is, just making up half-minded excuses won't work, and we took it as an insult, some may still continue to pay for it, but some won't - and that is already a problem for you.

    Calling you developers or community managers is just a disgrace for everyone who is in the same job but does not fail this hard in it.

    It was as respectful as possible, I'd love to have this game thrive -sorry to say that- but you are not doing a good job.
  • hypnoticbeasthypnoticbeast Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    I have not played for some time {since the leadership issue} and I have been noticing a odd similarity to how NW is slowly trying to make there economy match that of STO. And before any moderators start to cry yes I am going bring up another game in here because Dev bad decision making has been effecting my other games as well. {DDOS attacks and what not} Now I am ecstatic at the mount changes that are going to be made. I know that they only came about because of the feed back that was given around the same time as the AD revamp. I know the shadow wolf was put on the zen market because there over 200 of them at one time on the AD market. And when they where all bought a LOT of people went off because why was this awesome mount so freaking ssllooww? There where a lot of new players then and someone saw where the wind was blowing and poof the shadow wolf was on the zen market and now no one will ever buy them on the AD market anymore till the mount update. It seems that Cryptic wants a large and unique group of players a "no two are a like" kind of idea, which is wonderful. Now here are some ideas that I think the Dev AND players will like.

    If you I.E. Cryptic wants that kind of player base AND make monkey you need a product for the player to buy, but not exploit.
    so what is the most wanted commodity? Coalescent wards and preservation wards. You had two markets competing with each other. Unless you corner BOTH you will get undercut. You want to stay in business then take the "product" out of BOTH markets.

    1. Put BOTH wards in the V.I.P. And keep them only in the V.I.P Account bind them and such. Now what about those of us who can't afford that right now? Well then a account bound reward for a new daily should do the trick. Something along the lines of "keeping them out of the wrong hands" quest. Example: The artifact quest in the early stages of the game would do great for this. How do I know this will work you ask? Simple there are always those who have "time" but are short on funds. And there are those who have the funds but want it right now. How and where what wards are given is up to the Devs.
    2. There needs to be a Lifetime V.I.P option as well. Why? Because there are those with the money but not a lot of time.
    3. If the Item is for personal use then make just that. For THAT person and only THAT person. That way I and anyone else who is sick and tired of getting spammed to buy third party won't have to bother with them anymore. "But I can't make no mo money off this game if the Devs do that!!! Well it's not YOUR game now is it? If some HAMSTER$ want's to make money off of NW then go to college get a BA and get a damn job with company!
  • krzrsmskrzrsms Member Posts: 164 Arc User

    kingramze said:

    Someone who wouldn't buy one for $10 might buy 10 for $10... so you'd get that $10 instead of zero money.

    And yet, all those programmer's salaries are being paid. People do buy things. Cryptic does make money. You have no clue how many $10 Coalescent wards they sell, only they do.

    My gut feeling is $10 is over-priced, but I don't have any actual data to back that up. Cryptic does. I very strongly suspect they have someone that looks at Zen market data closely and sets prices to maximize profit. If they could make more by dropping coalescent ward prices, they would.

    Certainly that could be possible. 75 tradebars was likely too attractive a price, $10 is likely too expensive. However when seening some inflation the correct answer isn't for the fed to increase interest rates to 25%. When you have a product that is not performing you don't yank its availability or drastically increase its price in one go. You make adjustments, observe the changes and go from there.

    The appropriate change to make here if they thought there was a problem would be to change the price in the TTB store. Not to delete them.
  • darthsillydarthsilly Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 6 Arc User
    makes me super glad i stopped buying zen. you know, i came to this game because of the chance to play D&D in a reasonable fashion. each mod has taken it further from the feel of the original game. slapping names from D&D onto barely recognizable mechanics was lame, but hey, better than the other attempts right? years later, and this is a travesty for the name of D&D. as many mistakes as were made in the original over the years, they still never did anything this greedy and dumb.

    good job guys, good job. /s
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