5 poeple standing on 2 and get repel and lost the cap in seconds was the one exciting happened to this match. I felt that i am a control wizard with primary role to control and yes repel maybe is annoying but is control. THE second exciting was : i remembered that control wizard has icy storm a daily version of cleric sunburst. again all outside of the node. OH enemy cleric noticed that and started those damaging dailies to drain my ap but i said ok i can just repel. 3: win with 0 kills all my team won.
THAT was enough for us to have fun knowing my enemy can kill us and they lost with 0 deaths .
i want to thank my teamates showing to our enemies pvp is not kill death records but teamwork.
Still, PvP "immortality" is an issue. PvP should be about capping while fighting. If you need to forget about fighting because the enemy team is immortal...something is wrong O.o
Repel is a very good tool to counter immortal classes/ very strong melee fighters, and clear nodes.
beside That i have noticed the only noticeable damage encounter a tr has is the lashing blade and this one with cooldown 11 seconds if the build is with points on inteligence. THAT fact is very sad for striker class. FROm that point of view i can understand a tr go snail and devoted for the only thing has strong his dailies.
Are we foucus too much on killing and forget how to cap to win? U dont need to bis to repel bis
if i join pvp is to fight, to kill my enemies and of course be killed lol,
So I don't care about glory, AD or win the match.
my focus is on eliminate the enemy!
I know that sounds probably cruel, but this is how PVP works "kill or be killed".
That is likely the case indeed.
There could be some stubborn lots like myself that want to do it their own way and to hades with anything else. Sometimes you just really want to hit that screww with a hammer, even though you have a screwdriver in your toolbelt.
- edit that word is apparently filtered so I had to misspell it. I am not doing this to defeat the filter it is just that the word is appropriately used and should pass.
Simply put : Stop queuing for arena domination cause you have a very wrong perspective bout it