Cryptic, please reward influence to players for completing heroic encounters outside the Stronghold.
Currently, it's boring to do the same heroic encounters every day to acquire influence.
Before strongholds existed, icewind dale was my favorite zone to do heroic encounters.
But since that time, instead of doing HE's in a public zone with numerous other players, I normally only do HE's inside our private stronghold.
Even though our guild has 140+ accounts, more often than not, I am alone while doing stronghold HE's.
There will be (at least) two benefits to awarding influence in HE's outside the stronghold:
1. Players may be less bored.
2. New players need help in zone such as Well of Dragons and IceWind Dale. Empty zones do not encourage new players to continue playing Neverwinter.
I am not asking for all HE's in game to award influence, although that is a possibility.
The new demon HE's are already quite rewarding.
Right now, seems most players only do either demon HE's or stronghold HE's (to get influence).
Instead of doing HE's alone in the stronghold, I would like to do HE's (including epic HE's) in other zones, with random players or with guildmates.
Also, consider adding influence rewards to dragon HE's in zones such as: Neverdeath graveyard, Ebon Downs, Rothe Valley, Whispering Caverns, well of dragons, and in the stronghold.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
They should review and find another avenue .. i said tie it in with demonic encounters at least.