This is a repeat item, I believe we got them last year as well, however, last year they were a proper account-unlock rather than claimable on all characters for that one day. As such, I have the Winter Wolf available in the zen shop for free right now, but the one coming up specifically says it will be available to claim that one day and then not available in the shop anymore. After the promotion is run, is the Winter Wolf still going to be available to people who had it available as an account unlock from the previous giveaway?
How this will interact with previous unlocks, I don't know, but I would hope that if you're gotten it unlocked once it stays that way regardless.
"The Winter Wolf mount can be claimed on every character on the account, and is reclaimable - but after the free day is over, it is no longer reclaimable!"
They gave away another mount a while back in a similar fashion (I believe it was the ashen brindle horse?), where I only claimed it on one character assuming it'd be an account-wide unlock but it wasn't. The wolf was given away properly unlocked at one point, like I said. I'm just hoping I won't lose my account-wide wolf after the promotion.