So as posted here in this thread, there is 50% off Friday and Monday. I also got an email today saying a 15% Zen charge bonus will be in effect this weekend as well. It's nice that the sales are running at the same time this year, giving those who wish to purchase a really great deal.
50% off everything + 15% bonus on zen charge... got my account wide epic mount and maxed shared bank... wohoo very happy camper here
Strive always to aid, to foster new hope, new ideas, and new prosperity for all humankind and its allies. Perfect thyself, and guard ever against pride, for it is a sacred duty to foster new growth, nurture growing things, and work for rebirth and renewal. Be fertile in mind and in body. Consider always the consequences of thine actions so that the least effort may bring the greatest and best reward. Wherever you go, sow seeds of plants, tend the growing things you find, and plant seeds of hope, new ideas, and plans for a rosy future in the minds of all. Whenever possible, see each dawn. - Lathander's Dogma
Black Friday Sale starts: Friday, November 27 at 10am PST
Black Friday Sale ends: Saturday, November 28 at 10am PST