Strumslinger has made several references to the warlock being looked at and in one of his last livestreams he said the Warlock was indeed being improved. When exactly are we going to see these results? I have been waiting and waiting and was sure this update would include something, but alas I am still wallowing in mediocrity and I refuse to take advantage of the soul puppet fiasco.
Look Good Play Good
Look Good Play Good
Either way, at least give us an idea as to when a change might come. As other class players start to become equally geared my personal frustration will grow and grow. I would rather know whether I should cut my losses now or keep waiting. There's no way I'm investing in another character like this just to risk the devs changing mechanics blindly that greatly affect gameplay.
Well Endowed (Xbox)
I dont pvp but I can one shot lesser players, but I die more than I kill when I dabble.
Tabatha@rotters // Scourge Warlock // Co Leader // Civil Anarchy
We are looking for non elitist guilds to join our alliance.
Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
My Guide
you do seem rather full of yourself! @poopoomcmuffns
Tabatha@rotters // Scourge Warlock // Co Leader // Civil Anarchy
We are looking for non elitist guilds to join our alliance.
Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
My Guide
Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
My Guide
A damage specced CW deals pretty high numbers with desintegrate, i run with some scilled player, and they do nearly same numbers without being bugged...
SW is a bugged class , creating big numbers at low IL by some feats and powers.
In case you want to know where the class stand, run temptation and add about 30% damage, that's what an unbugged damagetree will deal about.
If we ever get fixed , the class will be underwhelming without buffs to some feature/powers for sure.
There are near no player on PC that serve the community with aproximately correct numbers from classes at maxed level, but the one that may be closest to the truth states, that highest damage comes from a GF conquerer spec...yes a tank
What I mean by burst for those wanting to argue about this is, our PvP spec hands down is "FURY" no if and buts about that, but in order for it to work properly and actually survive all the other classes within the game, you have to spec to outlast them. Stack hitpoints, Deflect, Regeneration, lifesteal times 3 boon, and use certain abilities to rebuild health along with water weapons and such (More of a defensive specced Warlock).
Even with so many wards within a top end/leveled guild I still run Wards against TR and GWF in which it works most of the time (Shocking Execution and Guardian Fighter is hard to beat, due to it hitting for 160-600k health "EASY", and dailies being spammeable now, due to the Cleric's sigil and AP gain insignias).
You guys have to considier a lot of things within the game we don't get huge benefits off of like the demon's lord's set, again, due to our low burst (GF and GWF can get the Demon lord's bonus damage bonus in 1-2 globals and CW 2-4, due to their burst).
I don't know, developer's at some point will "PROBABLY" buff SW (Don't hold your breath though.), but it's been said there will be no major changes to the whole dynamic of the SW, you will still need to do 3-5 damn things before you get some type of benefit to kill somone in PvP.
As far as PvE, I say, lower your crit and buy an OWL bear, as it seems to be riddled with bugs that they can't seem to fix with this class, and may as well enjoy the numbers you can pump out with the companion , since it is working as intended with our broke/buggy HAMSTER abilities and encounters anyways.
Also, for those of you that don't know, our damage on Fury side was nerfed by 40%, because so many people cried about it, Killing flames was not given the same damage modifier as "Anvil of Doom" which has been hitting people in PvP for 200-500k damage (If it was, be a lot more people playing Scourge Warlocks and be two Warlocks in every premade comp, due to insta kills.).
Again, SW is inconsistent, due to it's design, I can give you a list of bugs with this class that has been used since it's introduction that got worse with mod 6, SW on it's own, playing legit, will never hold up against any of the other classes in this game.
I can't wait until the NCL hits again and we get another heart felt warming video about how screwed up we are, will be interesting to see how they address this issue and class, "Sits back with popcorn".