Hi everyone, I have a big problem. I accepted the quest "Handel mit Leckerei" (in english it might by Trade Candys?). But then i canceled the quest because I wandeted to make a video about this event. No I can't accept the quest again and have to wait 15 hours. But i did not do the quest and I did not get the purple Item "Andenken an Leira" to upgrade my artifact. The only way to get these are with the quests and due to the time limit I think the amount you can get is exactly the amount you need. So... yeah... I can't get this item... Pls help!
Due to the problem with the time because it is a daily quest: Is it possible to get the Item "memory of/souvenir of leira" (Andenken an leira) directly? I traded a lot of candybags during this evening, so the quest would be fullfilled.
According to the description on the Memento of Leira, once you upgrade your Illusionist's Mask to blue, you should be able to buy Mementos from the event vendor. It takes 3 Mementos of Leira to reach blue.
According to the description on the Memento of Leira, once you upgrade your Illusionist's Mask to blue, you should be able to buy Mementos from the event vendor. It takes 3 Mementos of Leira to reach blue.
That would be great for me! 3 mementos should be possible in the time of the event. I hope the Mementos (thanks I did not know the english term) is not too expensive.
But the bug would be still there on the other hand.
Is it possible to get the Item "memory of/souvenir of leira" (Andenken an leira) directly? I traded a lot of candybags during this evening, so the quest would be fullfilled.
But the bug would be still there on the other hand.