Greetings all,
Saw this interview
HERE w/Cryptic Executive Producer Rob Overmeyer.
Key question/answer of note:
Jordan: Will there be any major class changes, stat tweaks, or anything of that sort included in this expansion that players may want to know about?Rob: No, there’s not. For this Dev cycle, we took some time to look at classes and evaluate them. It was about identifying the process for how we review classes and starting our class review. So with this update, there’s no serious balance or class changes, but one of the things we focused on was figuring out what it means to fully review a class and identifying the classes we need to review first. A lot of that comes from player feedback – the PVP and PVE forums. We also have tons of fans of the games that are pretty hardcore class advocates, not even only for themselves but for other classes as well. We’re looking at Paladin, Scourge, Warlock, and potentially Cleric as the ones we’ll be doing class reviews for really soon.--------
So basically, while the Devs looked at Classes, there will be no Class Balances/Changes for Mod 8. We'll be waiting a bit longer for any
Scourge Warlock loving...
Tabatha@rotters // Scourge Warlock // Co Leader // Civil Anarchy
We are looking for non elitist guilds to join our alliance.
Between EE and mod 9.... 3 modules to fix 2 classes!?
Going to be a pain to have to rebuild both the SW and the DC when DC is in a good spot.
But no rework doesn't mean no balancing is done in small steps and some things even do not appear in any patch note
F.e. BoVA vanished beging cc'ed in mod 5 and 6 AS I remember
Atm it doesn't stop every time being proned or cc'd
They do little adjustements I think, feels like they improved casting speed of HS in the past, but in the sum things are adressed to far too slow
(And the double prone still stays , exclusivly in laggy parts of the game like SH-PVP...)
Fury may need some minor tweaks as well as Damnation (Increase of hit points and damage mitigation from soul puppet, damage/curse bug of puppet for major strike damage and the like).
Fury, honestly should have a combination of dots and straight up crazy burst.
Damnation should have a huge boost in Survivability/Pet control/management and small dots for damage assist "That puppet should be straight up destroying things as a tank minion and surviving".
Temptation: Should be high survivability due to life steal/Dot heals/Group buffs with high utility benefits
Not to mention a teleport/shield or something DnD like that makes them more viable in PvP, since now no matter what type of uber build you are, it's better to take any other class (Warlocks have to be baby sitted when fighting equally geared individuals in premades).
Warlocks need help.
Also, not that I am biased, due to this class being one that I play and main (I have a Rogue and GWF I play to.), and currently I have not ran into the same issues with my Rogue or GWF (Could be because of the two bugged enchants ingame, T. Feytouch and Negation).
I don't know though, at this point I'm not really liking what I see with the new mod changes and I keep hearing "Maybe" from developers and changes, I may just take a break and come back during mod 9 or 10 (At that point stuff will be looked at as being fixed, hopefully.).
Having played all the classes, there's no doubt in my mind that SW is considerably weaker, and that's not even taking into consideration all the bugs.
Try temptation in PvP and come back and tell me how it's not worthless, not that I want to argue about it but man.
- So much depends on having a soul puppet, especially for damnation, but they're instantly dead in most fights when solo. They should be much more resilient.
- Lots of spells require DoTs and casting times, and at higher levels most trash mobs can interrupt you all the time, wasting the spell and again making soloing far harder.
- No dodge, and shadow walk doesn't give immunity to most stuff that other classes have available constantly. Add in very low HP and poor armour, and it's ludicrously unbalanced. In PVP it makes it a joke, as you can be perma stunned and killed over and over by any half competent player.
- As you are constantly having to move from attacks with shadow walk because of the above problems, running out of stamina all the time is a given.
Overall the class is extremely squishy but doesn't have anything to balance that. Most classes have a killer feature, I suppose SW's main feature is being HAMSTER.