Yes, All BOC Items should become BOA; where applicable
This change will be alt-friendly. We have few arti-sets, normal artifacts... Its too much to upgrade. People want to play few classes not only main one. If you are playing only one this game become boring after few months. Ofc some items will stay BoC but it would be ok if I can move my elol set between my DPS characters. Or cw wepon set between my mages. Leveling takes time, after 60 its horrible grind and then after you get 70 you see tons of stuff to upgrade...
No, The majority of BOC items should not become BOA
it is alt friendly for long term player but its too cheap imo, having some achievments with one char and just transferring them to another, no but this game is all about money, so probably they will implement a transfer token
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited October 2015
Yes, All BOC Items should become BOA; where applicable
It used to be for the first few modules. I am a long term player, having been here since Alpha. After Dread Ring, the game became slowly less and less alt-friendly and now is anything but. If one wants to keep up with more than a few of characters, one must treat the game like a second or first job. I'd say it is only alt-friendly if you have one or two extra characters. Beyond that and the repeat grind of neverending begins. More account binding and less character binding will go a long way to resolve this.
It used to be for the first few modules. I am a long term player, having been here since Alpha. After Dread Ring, the game became slowly less and less alt-friendly and now is anything but. If one wants to keep up with more than a few of characters, one must treat the game like a second or first job. I'd say it is only alt-friendly if you have one or two extra characters. Beyond that and the repeat grind of neverending begins. More account binding and less character binding will go a long way to resolve this.
I understand the counter argument to this, (There needs to be a definent separation between someone who mains his/her class vs a fotm player) but to be very honest, the game is in a very dire need of players in general.
I'd gladly deal with more fotm players if it means a revival of the community.
It used to be for the first few modules. I am a long term player, having been here since Alpha. After Dread Ring, the game became slowly less and less alt-friendly and now is anything but. If one wants to keep up with more than a few of characters, one must treat the game like a second or first job. I'd say it is only alt-friendly if you have one or two extra characters. Beyond that and the repeat grind of neverending begins. More account binding and less character binding will go a long way to resolve this.
I understand the counter argument to this, (There needs to be a definent separation between someone who mains his/her class vs a fotm player) but to be very honest, the game is in a very dire need of players in general.
I'd gladly deal with more fotm players if it means a revival of the community.
Not sure I understand the rebuttal of "FOTM" here. In any case, none of my characters are FOTM characters. They're all made with a purpose and rarely change. The only times any of my characters, besides my main two, have been respeced is when they got free respec tokens and even then, they pretty much went back to how they were. My characters are all made with purpose and themes, not to be the best at any given moment.
It used to be for the first few modules. I am a long term player, having been here since Alpha. After Dread Ring, the game became slowly less and less alt-friendly and now is anything but. If one wants to keep up with more than a few of characters, one must treat the game like a second or first job. I'd say it is only alt-friendly if you have one or two extra characters. Beyond that and the repeat grind of neverending begins. More account binding and less character binding will go a long way to resolve this.
I understand the counter argument to this, (There needs to be a definent separation between someone who mains his/her class vs a fotm player) but to be very honest, the game is in a very dire need of players in general.
I'd gladly deal with more fotm players if it means a revival of the community.
Not sure I understand the rebuttal of "FOTM" here. In any case, none of my characters are FOTM characters. They're all made with a purpose and rarely change. The only times any of my characters, besides my main two, have been respeced is when they got free respec tokens and even then, they pretty much went back to how they were. My characters are all made with purpose and themes, not to be the best at any given moment.
I generally min/max all my toons for maximum PvP output, where they stand for usefulness in pvp as a class itself dosent mean anything to me, but regardless..
This implementation would definitely increase the amount of players in the community, and that's what this game needs the most.
No, The majority of BOC items should not become BOA
Some yes, all, no. I dont want to run my dungeons or fight with/ against 90% fotm players. Some form of commitment is needed. Maybe they could implement a token to unbind from C to A, for some price, so ppl dont swap at random, but in total, no.
Dont get me wrong, I play multiple chars, I have some surplus legendary/ mystic artefacts on one or two chars, I could need on another char, but to make all BoA would be too much.
Most "No" are ppl that is very low geared and have envy of the others.... Thats how world is...
It's not a "envy" thing it's a "fairness" thing. Having suffered through some things in my life (like 7 surgeries and 11 hospital stays in 2 yrs). Even though I had to suffer through them, I don't wish other people to suffer the same. I believe in a noble concept called "justice", that it is a far more valuable victory when the contestants start with parity.
How hollow is a victory when you handycap your opponent? Is it a "victory" if you drive a nail through a foot racers foot and then out pace them? People that have gear that they didn't "earn" on their character, are the sugar-in-the-tank-of-the-opponent type of winners, the non-champ/participants trophy "winners".
Your assumption is completely wrong because if one people focus on one character 'you' (newbie, not you... the people you are talking about) will not have a chance. If people switch their things on multiple characters they will play with toons not maxed with boons, etc. so at least 'you' (they) have a chance. You want to make people ditch alts and focus on one Robocop character. When you spend time leveling your character (boons, etc.) you take it from your Robocop, some things will not be switchable for obvious reasons like armor so you have to spend time for them taking the time out of the Robocop. You want to privilege the Robocop.
You misunderstand me as well. The items being all BtA is sort of a "income redistribution" plan. So bob got up at 5am. got washed and dressed for the day, had his breakfast, said goodbye to whomever (if so) he co-resides with and makes his way to work. He put's in a full day of hard work and makes his way back to home, perhaps side-tripping for groceries. Hopefully at the end of a week or two Bob get's a paycheck, not as much as he wanted I'm sure, but he makes do. On that check is a bunch of the government decided to take a large chunk of Bob's check to do what it thinks it needs to do.
Cut to Chuck: Chuck get's up about noonish...pads his way to the fridge, gets a beer, drinks it as he scratch's himself and shrugs. Bob's got this..why should I work? I think I'll go back to bed.... A week or so later a check comes from Chuck's good buddy "government". Bob is "underwriting" Chuck's livelyhood via "government". I'm sure Bob would like to sit around and have someone else pay his way like chuck is getting a free ride......
So character A has had all the advantages of a healthy upbringing and good education....and poor, poor character B needs welfare from character A to "survive". REALLY? So character A gives character B some "welfare" gear so he can "compete" against all those other character "Bx's" out there. It's not "fair" that character B earn his own way against all the Bx's out there...he just has to have A's help.
So let's follow that logic shall we? Then give all the Bx's the same "hand up" with the welfare so they too, can have it 'fair" as B has it. That would be fair wouldn't it? Maybe we need a character A tax for everyone else out there that don't have the gear they can welfare to their character B's.....that would be fair right? So let's make it all fair, take everyone's character A's gear and give it to someone else's character B via NW (government) taxing and making it fair.
Or better yet......let Bob work hard and keep what he made and spend it as he pleases and maybe be able to afford a vacation. And kick that lazy no good louse Chuck out of bed and let HIM work for a change....or not, and not, then let him starve, it was his choice.
Sounds fair to every single A character and "redistribute" it to make it even steven for every one else....what? Don't like that idea? Well then let the worker A keep his earnings and quite welfaring character Bs.
No, The majority of BOC items should not become BOA
in the sum character A and B are the same person in this game I think , if gear is transfered without any kind of tax it is too easy to switch classes every mod just take mod 5 how many TR´s growed like mushrooms in every corner, mod 6+7 paladins in case you give anyone the chance to just hop on this class and and transfer BIS equip you can see the effec in PVP and PVE for now I main warlock and do some PVP despite the problems you have to handle I am also someone who build this character on purpose and don´t want to hop on next broken class, just to abuse any kind of bug, but lots of player exactly do this to have an all time advantage contesting each other, PVP would not get better at all, its gonna get worse for sure concernig the variety of classes so next Dom its probably 4 OP + one TR against against each other? queing for PVE or lfg you wait for ages until a DC pops up in case the class would get nerfed (example)
the benefit: no more crying and nerfing threads in every class forum, because noone plays some classes actively any more , just waiting in the garage until a developer does any kind of involuntary programming error and the class becomes flavor of the month only threads like: "My Paladin is not paingiver No 1 please do someting for my utterly broken path" and make it more broken Or: "I can´t solo VT anymore, please fix it"
in the sum character A and B are the same person in this game I think , if gear is transfered without any kind of tax it is too easy to switch classes every mod just take mod 5 how many TR´s growed like mushrooms in every corner, mod 6+7 paladins in case you give anyone the chance to just hop on this class and and transfer BIS equip you can see the effec in PVP and PVE for now I main warlock and do some PVP despite the problems you have to handle I am also someone who build this character on purpose and don´t want to hop on next broken class, just to abuse any kind of bug, but lots of player exactly do this to have an all time advantage contesting each other, PVP would not get better at all, its gonna get worse for sure concernig the variety of classes so next Dom its probably 4 OP + one TR against against each other? queing for PVE or lfg you wait for ages until a DC pops up in case the class would get nerfed (example)
the benefit: no more crying and nerfing threads in every class forum, because noone plays some classes actively any more , just waiting in the garage until a developer does any kind of involuntary programming error and the class becomes flavor of the month only threads like: "My Paladin is not paingiver No 1 please do someting for my utterly broken path" and make it more broken Or: "I can´t solo VT anymore, please fix it"
What's more important, being a quote on quote "Loyal" class player that has all of 2 other people to play with.
or to revitalize the community with new players?
This change is an obvious step to rehabilitate the game.
So with the huge win for the majority of the population (I'm talking about the implementation of ALL guild vendored items being BOA) I come to the community today with a poll request to figure out this simple question, that IMO would improve QOL drastically, as well as keep players playing for a very long time
Should all BoC (Bound on Character Items) Become BoA (Bound on Account items)
The benefits of such a change would include a lot, but mainly this following implementation.
1 type of artifact, for all the toons on each account.
my personal account has multiple copies of the same artifact, and it's starting to feel very excessive.
Implementation of such a change like this would also allow the class specifc artifacts (that are currently black holes for ad) be used in other classes that would need them more then your current main toon.
this would encourage the player base to have multiple classes, and have far more to do in game with less cost to do it.
So vote on:
Yes, to make all Boc Items BoA
No, if you disagree
So.... 149 votes votes for yes. 89% of people support this as a good idea. Its not implemented WHY?!
in the sum character A and B are the same person in this game I think , if gear is transfered without any kind of tax it is too easy to switch classes every mod just take mod 5 how many TR´s growed like mushrooms in every corner, mod 6+7 paladins in case you give anyone the chance to just hop on this class and and transfer BIS equip you can see the effec in PVP and PVE for now I main warlock and do some PVP despite the problems you have to handle I am also someone who build this character on purpose and don´t want to hop on next broken class, just to abuse any kind of bug, but lots of player exactly do this to have an all time advantage contesting each other, PVP would not get better at all, its gonna get worse for sure concernig the variety of classes so next Dom its probably 4 OP + one TR against against each other? queing for PVE or lfg you wait for ages until a DC pops up in case the class would get nerfed (example)
the benefit: no more crying and nerfing threads in every class forum, because noone plays some classes actively any more , just waiting in the garage until a developer does any kind of involuntary programming error and the class becomes flavor of the month only threads like: "My Paladin is not paingiver No 1 please do someting for my utterly broken path" and make it more broken Or: "I can´t solo VT anymore, please fix it"
What's more important, being a quote on quote "Loyal" class player that has all of 2 other people to play with.
or to revitalize the community with new players?
This change is an obvious step to rehabilitate the game.
But that's just it...if gear..core gear is BtA it has the opposite effect of bringing in new people and revitalizing the game. With BtA core gear you have a 1% vs. 99% situation.
The "elite" will have BIS by virtue of a broken class having a advantage to initially getting the gear in the first place. People play the TR when they have a advantage or the OP, whatever, that class until some nerf, is over represented in the rankings. Then they get to "handoff" that gear to some other class without them even earning it.
They may not have spent 1 second in PvP, but by virtue of that welfare from their OP class, are instaBIS. How does it attract new players when they keep getting matched with instaBIS characters? If I kicked your feet from under you, then gave you a hand up, then kicked you feet from under you, then helped you up then kicked you feet from under many times are you going to fall for the "hand up" trick? That's what you are setting new player up long before they find out they didn't have a prayer against your "hand-upping-instaBIS-character" and rage quit? Or if not rage quit, then just forgo PvP altogether?
How long will your ques be if there is no new cannon fodder coming in for you to trip-hand-up anymore? Because if that's how it's going to be, instaBIS characters, you are going to run out of new victims in short order.
If only level 70 toons could get the Main's artifacts and mounts, I would be ok with the OPs suggestion. Otherwise it is just another death knell for PVP.
It certainly is not a deathknell
The arguement about low level pvp being ruined holds no water. You can be out of the level 10 bracket in under 30 minutes if you want to be, not to mention no one really cares about competitive low level gameplay; Anyhow, they could have the points of artifacts scale the same way mulhorand gear does.
I'm not sure what illusion the community is under, but FOTM players is definitely not our biggest concern atm, in fact we should welcome them in the hopes that it adds to our player base and stimulates growth for the future community.
Our only hope is that all these BIS guys get bored and move on to a new game. Let me know which one so I can avoid it like the plague.
Every time an expireced BiS player thats been here from the beginning leaves the game, the community suffers a drastic blow.
We lose tons of knowledge of bugs.
We lose a class expert that can help pave the way for new players with expirence and meta build creation
and we lose the heart of the community thats been keeping whats left of the player base around.
All changes need to be geared towards making the game fun to play again.
having the ability to viably play alts (with BoA Gear, since class balance isn't a thing, and Gear gap is to wide) is a change that will help all levels of game play and encourage players to continue to play.
Trust me, with the game titles that are coming out next quarter or within a years time. This games dev team needs to pull out all the stops.
Yes, All BOC Items should become BOA; where applicable
I'd be fine with any item you equipped becoming Bound to Character, as long as ALL the freaking RP stones from all sources become BtA. IE you use it you bought it, no returns, no selling it on once it hasn't got the new car smell. But for the love of all things holy/unholy/undecided allow us to earn enough RP within a modules lifecycle to allow us to refine our gear before it needs replacing without A) dropping hundreds of bucks , treating the "game" as a full time job, C) or using AD to buy botted RP
I'd be fine with any item you equipped becoming Bound to Character, as long as ALL the freaking RP stones from all sources become BtA. IE you use it you bought it, no returns, no selling it on once it hasn't got the new car smell. But for the love of all things holy/unholy/undecided allow us to earn enough RP within a modules lifecycle to allow us to refine our gear before it needs replacing without A) dropping hundreds of bucks , treating the "game" as a full time job, C) or using AD to buy botted RP
This still dosen't alleviate the fact that I have 5 Mythic DC sigils, Lol.
Yes, All BOC Items should become BOA; where applicable
Please ^^ this would be awesome. I get some many transmutable item's BoC that I can't use for my characters class, can't sell em, can't give them to my other toon :c whats a girl to do? *sells to item vendor for some copper*
Please ^^ this would be awesome. I get some many transmutable item's BoC that I can't use for my characters class, can't sell em, can't give them to my other toon :c whats a girl to do? *sells to item vendor for some copper*
Buy more Zen Fashion? lol.... At least those are BoA...
No, The majority of BOC items should not become BOA
I think its quite the other way 1000s of potentially interested player exist , remember last ncl They only take part for a single reason during ncl...get rewarded The Moment ncl stopped the queues were empty due to one reason, most if them can't enjoy PVP caused by imbalanced classes and matchmaking Playing in a PVE orientated guild I know what the mayority of not BiS equipped player think PVP is not made for BIS player they are a small monority and lots of them ruined PVP by exploiting, bug abusing and pug stomping all day I feel lots of BIS player are to selfcentered and blind to understand such an obvious causality Now creating more of BIS player will not solve anything Nobody that is mentally health and new to this game will invest in PVP being treated like this because he needs ages to build up his char The PVP community will not grow, it will just slowly die (imo PVP is dead already) In case you want fresh blood in PVP, and thats needed by sure, you have to close the gap Make PVP competetive again or die
30000 Zen for a class changing token to play the next broken class, lol
I am pretty sure that democracy is a good thing but not in every aspect, otherwise everybody would wear a gun in his pocket because he voted for...
but its too cheap imo, having some achievments with one char and just transferring them to another, no
but this game is all about money, so probably they will implement a transfer token
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
I understand the counter argument to this, (There needs to be a definent separation between someone who mains his/her class vs a fotm player) but to be very honest, the game is in a very dire need of players in general.
I'd gladly deal with more fotm players if it means a revival of the community.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
I generally min/max all my toons for maximum PvP output, where they stand for usefulness in pvp as a class itself dosent mean anything to me, but regardless..
This implementation would definitely increase the amount of players in the community, and that's what this game needs the most.
Dont get me wrong, I play multiple chars, I have some surplus legendary/ mystic artefacts on one or two chars, I could need on another char, but to make all BoA would be too much.
The items being all BtA is sort of a "income redistribution" plan.
So bob got up at 5am. got washed and dressed for the day, had his breakfast, said goodbye to whomever (if so) he co-resides with and makes his way to work. He put's in a full day of hard work and makes his way back to home, perhaps side-tripping for groceries. Hopefully at the end of a week or two Bob get's a paycheck, not as much as he wanted I'm sure, but he makes do. On that check is a bunch of the government decided to take a large chunk of Bob's check to do what it thinks it needs to do.
Cut to Chuck:
Chuck get's up about noonish...pads his way to the fridge, gets a beer, drinks it as he scratch's himself and shrugs. Bob's got this..why should I work? I think I'll go back to bed.... A week or so later a check comes from Chuck's good buddy "government". Bob is "underwriting" Chuck's livelyhood via "government". I'm sure Bob would like to sit around and have someone else pay his way like chuck is getting a free ride......
So character A has had all the advantages of a healthy upbringing and good education....and poor, poor character B needs welfare from character A to "survive". REALLY? So character A gives character B some "welfare" gear so he can "compete" against all those other character "Bx's" out there. It's not "fair" that character B earn his own way against all the Bx's out there...he just has to have A's help.
So let's follow that logic shall we? Then give all the Bx's the same "hand up" with the welfare so they too, can have it 'fair" as B has it. That would be fair wouldn't it? Maybe we need a character A tax for everyone else out there that don't have the gear they can welfare to their character B's.....that would be fair right? So let's make it all fair, take everyone's character A's gear and give it to someone else's character B via NW (government) taxing and making it fair.
Or better yet......let Bob work hard and keep what he made and spend it as he pleases and maybe be able to afford a vacation. And kick that lazy no good louse Chuck out of bed and let HIM work for a change....or not, and not, then let him starve, it was his choice.
Sounds fair to every single A character and "redistribute" it to make it even steven for every one else....what? Don't like that idea? Well then let the worker A keep his earnings and quite welfaring character Bs.
I think , if gear is transfered without any kind of tax it is too easy to switch classes every mod
just take mod 5 how many TR´s growed like mushrooms in every corner, mod 6+7 paladins
in case you give anyone the chance to just hop on this class and and transfer BIS equip you can see the effec in PVP and PVE
for now I main warlock and do some PVP despite the problems you have to handle
I am also someone who build this character on purpose and don´t want to hop on next broken class, just to abuse any kind of bug, but lots of player exactly do this to have an all time advantage contesting each other, PVP would not get better at all, its gonna get worse for sure concernig the variety of classes
so next Dom its probably 4 OP + one TR against against each other?
queing for PVE or lfg you wait for ages until a DC pops up in case the class would get nerfed (example)
the benefit: no more crying and nerfing threads in every class forum, because noone plays some classes actively any more , just waiting in the garage until a developer does any kind of involuntary programming error and the class becomes flavor of the month
only threads like: "My Paladin is not paingiver No 1 please do someting for my utterly broken path" and make it more broken
Or: "I can´t solo VT anymore, please fix it"
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
or to revitalize the community with new players?
This change is an obvious step to rehabilitate the game.
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack
So.... 149 votes votes for yes. 89% of people support this as a good idea. Its not implemented WHY?!
The "elite" will have BIS by virtue of a broken class having a advantage to initially getting the gear in the first place. People play the TR when they have a advantage or the OP, whatever, that class until some nerf, is over represented in the rankings. Then they get to "handoff" that gear to some other class without them even earning it.
They may not have spent 1 second in PvP, but by virtue of that welfare from their OP class, are instaBIS. How does it attract new players when they keep getting matched with instaBIS characters? If I kicked your feet from under you, then gave you a hand up, then kicked you feet from under you, then helped you up then kicked you feet from under many times are you going to fall for the "hand up" trick? That's what you are setting new player up long before they find out they didn't have a prayer against your "hand-upping-instaBIS-character" and rage quit? Or if not rage quit, then just forgo PvP altogether?
How long will your ques be if there is no new cannon fodder coming in for you to trip-hand-up anymore? Because if that's how it's going to be, instaBIS characters, you are going to run out of new victims in short order.
Get rid oft artifacts...
Get rid oft artifacts...
It certainly is not a deathknell
The arguement about low level pvp being ruined holds no water. You can be out of the level 10 bracket in under 30 minutes if you want to be, not to mention no one really cares about competitive low level gameplay; Anyhow, they could have the points of artifacts scale the same way mulhorand gear does.
I'm not sure what illusion the community is under, but FOTM players is definitely not our biggest concern atm, in fact we should welcome them in the hopes that it adds to our player base and stimulates growth for the future community.
Otherwise the downward slope will continue.
This change needs to be implemented.
Every time an expireced BiS player thats been here from the beginning leaves the game, the community suffers a drastic blow.
We lose tons of knowledge of bugs.
We lose a class expert that can help pave the way for new players with expirence and meta build creation
and we lose the heart of the community thats been keeping whats left of the player base around.
All changes need to be geared towards making the game fun to play again.
having the ability to viably play alts (with BoA Gear, since class balance isn't a thing, and Gear gap is to wide) is a change that will help all levels of game play and encourage players to continue to play.
Trust me, with the game titles that are coming out next quarter or within a years time. This games dev team needs to pull out all the stops.
But for the love of all things holy/unholy/undecided allow us to earn enough RP within a modules lifecycle to allow us to refine our gear before it needs replacing without A) dropping hundreds of bucks ,
1000s of potentially interested player exist , remember last ncl
They only take part for a single reason during ncl...get rewarded
The Moment ncl stopped the queues were empty due to one reason, most if them can't enjoy PVP caused by imbalanced classes and matchmaking
Playing in a PVE orientated guild I know what the mayority of not BiS equipped player think
PVP is not made for BIS player they are a small monority and lots of them ruined PVP by exploiting, bug abusing and pug stomping all day
I feel lots of BIS player are to selfcentered and blind to understand such an obvious causality
Now creating more of BIS player will not solve anything
Nobody that is mentally health and new to this game will invest in PVP being treated like this because he needs ages to build up his char
The PVP community will not grow, it will just slowly die (imo PVP is dead already)
In case you want fresh blood in PVP, and thats needed by sure, you have to close the gap
Make PVP competetive again or die