Keep in mind, this question will have no bearing on what actually happens, but for the sole purpose of gathering information, I'd like to know..
Would the commmunity Prefer:
A ) A module of New Content
B ) A module devoted strictly to Bug Fixes, and Class Balance; No new content added
C ) 50/ 50
Module 8 Dev Resource Allocation 91 votes
A module of New Content; Small Bug Fixes, Minor Class Balance
A module devoted strictly to Bug Fixes, and Class Balance; No new content added
50/50 on Both options; Half new content(Tia-mat Expansion) Moderate Bug Fix and Class Balance.
Bug fixes keep older players playing. Old players already spent their money and are unlikely to spend more.
The answer will be obvious, depending on who you ask. Devs/PWE/Cryptic will say new content. Existing players will say bug fixes. Guess who wins.
IMO (I'm no game maker expert)
It'd be more lucrative to fix everything in 1 module ,
Add minor content (say re-launch of old dungeons) + new PvP maps for dom and / or game type variety
advertise as a game relaunch and rake in sales from new / old members and pave the way for future growth
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
You forget the best option though.. DOESNT matter, as barely anyone will be here to play it.
I'd appreciate it if you kept the thread constructive!
But feel free to vote on your stance
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
But bottom line is (Black Desert is coming out VERY soon now) if they dont change now regardless of it being too late or not. It's game over.
On the other side, new content isn't really fun to play if half of the stuff is broken. I'm not sure what the reason behind delays on fixing the top game breaking bugs is. Like Pally broken powers and Elven battle and stuff like that. I don't understand why these bugs don't get any attention at all for months.
The main problem here is not enough devs to cover what needs to be covered. Maybe the best thing would be to release mod8 and then make sure you have the old dungeons ready for release (shouldn't take much time) and release those 3 months after mod8. And do some bug fixing after mod8 release.
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
Well what I'm hoping for is 1 "Maintenance module" every 5 modules perhaps? I understand the necessity of new content, but the "to-do" list on bug fixes is getting higher and higher.
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
You seem to really, really understimate the size of the to-do bug list... I could right a bug log the size of a PH.D thesis paper with all the bugs that need addressing...
Not to mention the QA team dosen't actually play the game and are more often then not stumped when trying to replicate bugs.
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
Bottom line is,
The dev team has been doing VERY well recently, we just need to step up another notch.
For your question,new mod brings new money,new blood and new avenues to pay for older players to keep game running.Most of real players already found some sort of workaround from bugs(other class,other paragon path,other skill,other profession etc.) or accepted them as part of the gameplay.Answer is pretty clear from this side of the window
Things that don't make sense.
Every single time the player goes "Hrmm. That doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't it be like 'this' instead?".. They add up.
I remember my first playthrough, I said it all the time. There were lots of things I would have streamlined. I had an active guild, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, so I figured the endgame payoff would be worth Neverwinter's .. idiosyncrasies.
Now that I'm jaded all I see are the faults. =(
A few examples;
- Double Invoke (we're entering month 3? of this bug?) When you click a button and nothing happens. How many other games would allow a (seemingly?) small bug used by EVERY PLAYER, EVERY DAY to continue this long?
- Allowing the exploits to survive for so long/go unpunished. (Gem crafting without marks, Resonators, Bots, Goldspam in PE, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc)
- ECC. The ECC door has been broken since day 1. If it was so easy to turn off all the other dungeons, turn this one off too.
- Crafting. Never made sense. Hope the masterwork is a better attempt.
- Achievements are nonexistant. Some titles for some things, but largely unimplemented. Why bother to explore a world if you can't get something to show-off your travels.
- Collection points? ..Also ill-thought out. Ties into ^achievements and the largely wasted (J)ournal screen
- Rewards/Satisfaction for playing.. This is NW's current crisis. Why login? .. To do the same things I've always done for less reward? .. That's the definition of mundane. Hopefully the Underdark comes with a solution to the AD woes. =/
- The Foundry - NW's best asset, lies ignored in an old garage, waiting for an antique dealer to find it.
^^ All of this permeates a players experience... All of this needs to be fixed before NW has any kind of 'real' retention of players (other than D&D fans)
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
That's how it's done logically, get your foundation in first, test it until it good. Then you add the next layer of fill, make sure it too is tamped down and good. Then you add the paving surface that everyone is going to be traveling for yrs (if you got the foundation right).THEN you add the signs, stripping and the exits. When all else is done, and your roadway to the future is well established, THEN you allow the road side adverts and neon flash in to tell you ALL about the newest CONTENTcasino, the new RESAURANTclass, the improved FUELING STATIONfeat tree or the MOTELfeature add.
So WHERE is the argument against getting actual rewards for doing dungeon runs?
I mean a 1% drop chance at a artifact isnt exactly going to make anyone rich, with a few lucky rng HAMSTER getting it thats all.