Anyone else finding that the healadin is being treated by the masses as a red headed step child? I heal like crazy 20-40mill easily in t2, and I have no problem with lostmauth yet lately, I've been getting kicked constantly cause I'm not a bubble paladin. What the hell?
Oh and I do pretty well on the damage charts too by the way because every potential heal I dish out ticks damage on any enemy nearby the ally that was receiving the heal regardless of whether or not they needed the heal or not.
But seriously? Elol is simple, my item level is close to 2500, and I've been running it since my item level was 1600.
I get invited to a party and they are like and you will bubble and in like ohhhh I can shield of faith but I don't have a bubble... Infinite heals though. And their response is... If they run double bubble no one takes damage to need heals... I'm like whuuuuut
So here is what we have in mod 6, brotection Paladins who get one shotted often due to either an arm pen glitch at the start of battle or they say "it's ring man they are glitched." And im like nah bro you let your enemy get combat advantage against you (dear tanks, keep the mobs Infront of you and this doesn't happen!) ohhhh and no one ever really stacks recovery... :$ I dunno why not... More skill spamming and faster ap gain? Sign me up!
Then we have clerics that kind of sort of heal but mostly only for the purpose of granting ap...
People love the double bubble duo right now because it is becoming a well known setup.
Just wait until everyone learns about how insanely broken a properly built devo op is.
I have really come to loath prot pallies though. I have not met one that has any actual tanking skill (as proven by your combat advantage statement lol). I prefer a GF over a prot OP any day of the week. Prot OP think "tanking" means having a pocket haste cleric to keep divine protector up and spam binding oath.
Skip to the end to see scoreboard
Currently I pass up to 5.7K power to the team. The healadin can increase the power as well and the combined effect is GREAT!! Have you ever seen a GWF with 30K power? Here it is (I'm the cleric in this video, with a GF and a healadin):
I believe that the main issue is a simple lack of knowledge.
Oltreverso guild leader
Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
It is also important to realise that shield of faith is unmitigatable DR, which means that even when the DR bug existed on PC, it did not affect shield of faith. A players arp doesn't effect the defense bonus provided by shield of faith in PVP and neither does the arp of monsters, meaning the damage it reduces, it will always reduce.
With the right set up my heals dish out as much damage as a hunter Rangers roots dots. >.>
SoonerGM - HR Trapper
Haven - Righteous Cleric
Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
Clerics suck at healing, spec your cleric as righteous and provide buffs and debuffs, you can never, under any circumstances, compete with a properly specced devo pally for healing. Plus, a devo pally can tank, heal + dps in eCC and run without a tank, I have done eGWD with no tank with devo pally and yes, the group is not immortal, but at the same time, the group did far more damage and guess what, they didn't need to be.
I've given up on pugs they are filled with idiots that think Paladins should only bubble and clerics should only heal. People that now run with me Coke primarily from my guild which has steadily been growing despite the shrinking community of neverwinter due to better games coming out such as fallout 4, this is a console after all.
Many people are impressed with my build and have opted to respec into what I run. Some really love it due to the high survivability with it. You're either full health or dead there is no in between. There is no immortality that I provide but I come close, and the damage as a collective is higher. Some love the build and stick with it, others have tried to adapt some of the build into the bubble spec of paladin - a hybrid, which in my opinion is better than what most bubble Paladins are running on the Xbox, and more akin to what many Paladins are running on pc.
My guild has become a bastion of odd specced characters that are incredibly viable and either perform comparable to the meta or are better than the meta. I have a variety of tanky/healing haste clerics which are sufficient, as well as dps clerics. We have spell storm control wizards and master of flame control wizards (the mof used to be ss and feel like they see higher damage with mof since the ss nerf), I open my guild to anyone and help them out provided they actually work for themselves as well.
I'm sad to say we have about a full page worth of Paladins, all running the same awesome hybrid spec and about 3 or 4 running a proper Devo build. Due to the amount of Paladins some people have decided they would like to be more unique and roll an extra class. They were given ensorcelled gear to help them on their endeavor, and they are assured a breeze of a time getting geared up when they are done leveling.
I have tried both Devo and prot spec and prefer the Devo spec for my play style cause I find I don't even have to try very hard to be awesome with it. This allows me to lead my guild and run dungeons at the same time with great efficiency. So far my fastest run of etos is 12 minutes. Many of us only run ecc if we have the quest for it only, and we don't bother with egwd cause it's a long boring battle.
None of this was done with a pug however because pugs suck and are filled with idiots who are too closed minded to think of the possibilities that would make all content easier.
A boring healing cleric is sufficient at healing but all anyone really wants from a healing cleric is the gift of haste. I honestly find dungeons easier with a righteous cleric, and righteous clerics actually like their characters more where as a haste cleric are usually complaining how hard it is to do their dailies and how they are bored. The class as a whole outside of the righteous spec has a high burnout factor which is why I no longer keep my cleric as a main or alternate. I instead alt on a control wizard.
I'm also going to say that boatman was an excellent healadin and tankadin. He used his judgement wisely and performed great feats in the game and didn't always have the high item level that you'd think you'd need to perform it.
Other healadins I have notice are rude about their powers, and cause too much lag, lock ups, etc. it makes Tiamat nearly impossible.
When I had created this topic there was practically no healadins. however when word got out about how overpowered and fun they were many people jumped on the healadin band wagon, and abused the power, then. I don't want healadins to be nerfed at all, but, the way I see other people use them I kind of think it must be done.