I get so tired of "paladins don't use prism" or something as such spam in EVERY large group setting. As a paladin, I would like to be able to use my daily abilities in any situation, but I can't because it causes everyone to lag and then there's even more griping. Why hasn't this been fixed? If it can't be fixed, change the ability - and do everyone a favor. There's got to be a better way.
prism were meant for 5 man dungeon/skirmish runs.
here is my idea, Prism would only works if paladin are in the group, and prism wont work if others are not in paladin's group, less lag which i could believe.
if paladin not in any group, and prism will fail.
Distribution of server/client communication must be limited, as already said with a cooldown or a limit in affected players.
fixing prism alone wont do it. any heal cast with oath of bonding active will do the exact same thing. take away or put a cooldown on oath of bonding and you destroy dev pali's
the real fix is to flag the heals from prism/oath as non reflectable. that stops the cascade.