One of the many inconveniences of creating/editing a foundry is the extended load time it takes to "Play Map" or "Play Story" or "Play from Here".
A local editor should be made available. As in: the editor is completely independent of Cryptic servers. This would facilitate much faster load times while testing a Foundry quest, and we would be able to create quests during maintenance.
"Too easily exploitable". Sure, for people who have the skills (I do not). But I do know that computers are all 1's and 0's.
We would create a quest on our local computer and upload it to be published. What gets sent? 1's and 0's. A sort of table that says "This map with these sky settings, with this object at these coordinates (X, Y, Z), etc." The server assembles the quest and makes it available For Review.
I imagine this is pretty much how it currently works, but only their servers are hosting the editor.
Who knows... add this to the laundry list of "Wishes Never Granted".
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
Actually this was discussed with developers before. As far as I remember, this won't be possible not because of exploitation possibility, but because foundry is supposed to be updated regularly. This means by the time you are finished with your editor and want to upload, there will be compatibility issues because the online client has already updated to next build.
NW-DM9Pj62ZK 'Bear with Me'
NW-DOPPZAYKQ 'Retirement Plans'
NW-DKJMLS8OQ 'Sleepy in Cea Tull'
"Neverwinter comes with the Foundry, a dynamic toolset that provides you the game assets and a sandbox environment to create your own adventures. When your creation is complete, you can hook it up directly into the existing world for everyone in the community to play!"
If they advertise that, they must be committed to it. If they are not committed to it, they are lying to the customers. Plain and simple.
NWS-DOVA9JIJV - The Lost Seneschal
NW-DT3221YUY - The Wildcross Bride
Foundry Grand Master.