I purchased the 'Ensorcelled Mulhorand Icon' to replace my 'Icon of the Divine Conduit' on my Ioun stone and it is not giving the proper stats. The Mulhorand Icon should have been a drastic improvement of about 150 power, 130 crit, and 150 recovery more yet all my stats go down when I swap it in. This is without any enchantments so it isn't just user error.
I believe this piece is giving incorrect stats.
Deja vu. You were told this yesterday. A display bug causes it to show the stats it would have if you equipped it.
Your companion is getting the correct stats for its level, which contradicts the title of this thread. You knew that, yesterday.
The proper title would be something like"Items equipped to companions compared to players equipped items". Saying that is not giving proper stats to the stone, is misleading. It is giving the stats that the companion has ranked. This is not the bug.
I know you are frustrated over the lost AD, but multiple threads and misleading information is not the way to go.