I'd like to see a new type of resource added to the Stronghold: Treasure.
By treasure I mean anything classed as 'treasure'; Priceless Platinum Bowls, Jewelled Statuettes, Ancient Chronicles etc. I'm amazed that something like these haven't been included as something you can donate to the guild coffer already given how vital you'd think having mounds of piled up shiny stuff would be.
Right now treasure isn't useful for much more than getting cash - which a lot of players will have plenty of anyway - and generally it does nothing but take up space until you next sell it at a store. Adding it as something you can donate to your Stronghold would make it more worth a player's while keeping it around and it would become more useful compared to selling it for cash you're not exactly short on to begin with. After all, items which could be described as treasure (even if not classed as such) seem to be so vital to other factions like the Cult of the Dragon - particularly in WoD - so why not to guilds as well?
In addition, this statement "Right now treasure isn't useful for much more than getting cash" is not exactly correct but I am not going to explain more.
only better idea i would just see new vouchers, Astral Diamonds Vouchers.