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Astral Diamond Changes



  • fdsakhfduewhfiuffdsakhfduewhfiuf Member Posts: 604 Arc User
    goatshark said:

    New: 1. Automatically get 3,000 AD for each of the first two dungeons. 2. In addition, get 150 to 750 AD for each dungeon played (up to a maximum 7,200 AD per day from dungeons). Amount varies by time.

    Please clarify? What does "varies by time" mean? Time of day? Time you need to finish the dungeon?

    Also, you're actually putting a limit on the amount of AD one can earn buy running dungeons and skirmishes. Previously there was no limit. During dungeon delve and skirmish times you got the bonus AD every run. Now you will get it only twice no matter what.

    That's a huge nerf.

  • kemi1984kemi1984 Member Posts: 849 Arc User

    goatshark said:

    New: 1. Automatically get 3,000 AD for each of the first two dungeons. 2. In addition, get 150 to 750 AD for each dungeon played (up to a maximum 7,200 AD per day from dungeons). Amount varies by time.

    Please clarify? What does "varies by time" mean? Time of day? Time you need to finish the dungeon?

    Also, you're actually putting a limit on the amount of AD one can earn buy running dungeons and skirmishes. Previously there was no limit. During dungeon delve and skirmish times you got the bonus AD every run. Now you will get it only twice no matter what.

    That's a huge nerf.

    This exactly this. It's stated as a buff but in fact it is a nerf.
    The thing is they can't even do the simple math.
    They're just being stupid, nothing to say more.
    Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter
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    3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
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  • vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    you cant give ad for queing for pvp, afking will grow to insane numbers and ruin pvp. with old systém there was incentive to play and to on top of table to count 2 matches......
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  • flowcytoflowcyto Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    As a solo player that hasn't been playing for long, these change will gut much of my AD revenue moving forward. From my experience, solo content rarely (if ever) drops salvage-able stuff, and many Campaign boons sink AD as is (and quite a bit per character if ya plan on getting most/all boons). Rarely do good things drop from solo content to be used as a reliable source of AD via selling on the AH (and what refining things you do get, you usually have to keep to advance ur own characters). I don't (and never will) pvp, I don't do most random group content in a kick-happy community, and even then I can't run most dungeons w/o getting geared up. Through all of that, and the huge difficulty spike and grind for lvl 60-70 content, I still played this game heavily to improve my characters as much as I could- because I liked the core of the game. I also liked the long payoff to building something up like Leadership to finally make headway on getting even just one character to a decent iLvL.

    I am left mainly w/ Invoking atm, which is severely wanting for generating AD w/ the current pricing on respecs, transmutes, refining stones, wards, enchants, bags, mounts, keys, augment cubes, companion upgrades, etc (many of those you devs set; not 'the market'). And even then, Invoking itself is barely 'playing the game'. Same thing w/ gambling on VIP keys for items to sell- a monthly investment for potentially good AD gains, but is also doesn't require you to run any content whatsoever, and still takes a Zen purchase to maintain. I don't understand the standard where spending half a year getting Leadership maxed is gutted cause its not classed as 'playing the game' sufficiently, but logging in and out to invoke or to open a daily lockbox is just fine.

    Gaining a Leadership 'army' still takes a ton of buildup and inevitable Zen investment for the character slots; it would behoove you guys to compensate those who made that huge investment in another way. I understand that ur looking into solo content as well, but it makes me very uneasy that you aren't outlining anything on that front before going ahead w/ these sweeping changes.
    Post edited by flowcyto on
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    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
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  • blanndeblannde Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    you finally go a long way to fixing the things that were done with mod 6 and now this..... so unless you do dungeons, need a group, do skirmishes need a group or do pvp... the options for astral diamonds is limited - great thanks, and remove the bonus from being a vip... makes kind of glad I didnt buy zen for a flail snail as this is just sucks.... yeah I buy a lot of zen.... yeah I have not much time and plenty cash but this is kind of irritating as I now I would have to finance ad with zen for everything.. I think not... sorry but if this is the only way you can stop botters is to make it harder for the people who dont... kind of makes being a vip a waste of zen also... was a good idea while it lasted. Been playing since late last year, clocked over a 1000 hours in game.. but this roller coaster of ups and downs in this game as to gameplay is kind of getting tedious... oh yes I have 12 toons each earn their own AD, if they want anything flash I buy zen... real money stuff it.... and was just starting to be fun again....
  • luks707luks707 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    Right - I've had a look on preview.
    Positive - the 7,200 cap is on top of the one off rewards. So you get e.g. 6000 rAD for your first two dungeons and then a max of 7,200 on top of that. Still I'm not sure how this is really a radical increase. If someone farmed dungeons during dungeon hour they could easily get their daily dungeon (3k) plus 2 chest (6k) playing a dungeon twice (very much doable). Yes, now you can get that whenever but by being spread through the day it will be harder to find a party. So right now you have 9k rAD vs 6k in future.
    In short, while this approach has potential I think you need the rewards bigger. Maybe 4.5k for the first 3k for the second, 1.5k and then 750k. Frankly it is still below what you got with the weekly neverember quests. My suggestion as such would be to keep Rhix as a weekly quest giver, so that casual or weekend players can get a big bump on the weekend, but to make the daily rewards very solid also (as per above). That should keep enough rAD in the game through play.

    Negatives: I have looked up at professions. The way the changes have been implemented is extraordinarily poor. AD has simply been removed from tasks making them utterly pointless. So why battle elemental cultists for a day when you can get the same reward for a 4h quest? It just doesn't make any sense. I also opened some of each bag type and the RP is still unbound. All the tasks and rewards need to be reworked. Please do this properly. If not - please hire me as a consultant and I can.

    Scott and team - Assuming your intentions are good - you have to do better than this. Please take feedback into account before making these changes go live.
  • arabaturarabatur Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 778 Arc User
    A completely alt unfriendly change that will only alienate the diminishing playerbase further. I have only 8 toons, so to get the same level of AD/day per character(compared to Leadership) I would have to spend around 8-10 hours in game. And frankly this game is nowhere near as engaging to warrant that.

    I don't want to have Neverwinter as my second 'job', so unless the proposed AD rewards are further increased to make my time spent worthwhile, my time is going to spent doing something more beneficial.

    Guess I'll just stick to invoking until the AD gets removed from that to.
    Definitely not an Arc User.
  • blanndeblannde Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    oh and glad I decided to only buy 1 month vip... must have known the happy bubble would get busted again
  • luks707luks707 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    amvek said:

    Fourth change: BOE items need to be put back in the game and be rewarded from playing all aspects of the game.

    Fifth change: Players should be able to make AD by playing the game how they want. If a player wants to only PVP then they should be able to max out on PvP alone! If a player only likes to do dailies solo they should be able to max out AD on Doing daily/leveling quests. If some likes to only do Dungeons they should be able to max our running just dungeons. Telling players what content they have to play is foolish!

    I am not sure about the BoE suggestion, but it is worth looking at. Getting and selling special items (Horn of Lostmauth anyone) is a key thing and right now there are only 3 such items I'm aware of and only one I believe that's really being farmed (Horn).
    I totally agree with the second point re: players should be able to focus on the bit of the game they enjoy most. Some people hate PVP - that's ok. Some people only PVP - that should be ok too. Sure - make it easier for someone who is doing both to the max, but don't block the person who only does one. Don't have a daily cap, just lower returns.
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    So basically you are limiting my astral diamond production.

    If I wanted to only do skirmishes all day as fast as possible to make 100k astral a day, now I can only make 7k.

    Not cool..
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • fdsakhfduewhfiuffdsakhfduewhfiuf Member Posts: 604 Arc User
    goatshark said:

    Unfortunately, botters found a way around this fix. As we looked into the data, and as we analyzed what we could do to fix this exploit, we came to the conclusion that the way to stop the botters was to remove AD from the Leadership profession.

    Funny thing is that we told them that this would happen.

    Only a few weeks ago they said that their numbers are not showing an increase of in-game Leadership botting. Now all of a sudden it's the other way round?

    I don't know if I'm willing to believe what Cryptic keeps telling me.
  • feralplatypusferalplatypus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 36 Arc User
    Honestly, I'm appalled.

    I have 7 characters total. 6 of them have leadership maxed out. I actively play 3 of them. I've never been able to get anywhere near BIS and not because of the prices of items in the AH but because of the prices of items necessary for progress.

    Get rid of all AD sinks. Remove/highly reduce (and I do mean highly, like 75-80%) the prices of boons, respecs, stronghold donations, cubes, gmops, wards, even transmutes. And maybe, oh what a bold idea, let us again run dungeons for stuff we could sell and not just salvage?

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  • oberonnightseeroberonnightseer Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I guess my only comment is this:
    I'm exhausted trying to keep up with the "improvements". I'm now looking for a game that doesn't constantly move the goalposts down the field, disregarding players time and money developing a character and all to justify the dev's existence by "improving" the game.

    Any suggestions?
  • edited September 2015
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  • rhoriangelusrhoriangelus Member Posts: 703 Arc User

    Gold, profession resources, and 'loot items' are NOT WORTHWHILE. Straight up removing the AD without adding something actually WORTH something to players is a terrible move.

    Replace the AD with an equal amount of UNBOUND RP STONES. To do anything less is making Leadership go from the most useful profession, to, easily, the LEAST useful. It takes FOREVER to level up and now it's only going to give you gold and useless HAMSTER!

    Just removing the AD from Leadership and saying "we're increasing opportunities for you to make raw AD" is NOT GOING TO FIX ANYTHING. It needs a LOT MORE THAN THAT. GIVE US BACK MORE SOURCES OF UNBOUND ITEMS WE CAN SELL TO OTHER PLAYERS.
  • glykenglyken Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    goatshark said:

    Playing Skirmishes
    Old: If you picked up the daily quest, you got 3,000 AD for three skirmishes.
    New: 1. Automatically get 1,500 AD for each of the first two skirmishes. 2. In addition, get 50 to 500 AD for each skirmish played (up to a maximum 7,200 AD per day from skirmishes). Amount varies by time.

    My DC is soon to be L62. What skirmishes are available?

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  • edited September 2015
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  • rhoriangelusrhoriangelus Member Posts: 703 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    clonkyo1 said:

    What scares me the most is the fact that, each time DEVs or employees "read the data the collected" is the very same time that legit player base is hurt the most.

    If devs want to remove AD from leadership, then, they shall reduce the prices on EVERYTHING by a lot (95% at minimum) . Otherwise, as i stated: they will shut the server down before the year ends due only bots will be stay online.

    Another good point - AAAAAALLLL of those overpriced things that you NEED, that were designed as AD sinks, NEED THEIR PRICES LOWERED to compensate for the fact that removing ALL AD from Leadership while slightly buffing other sources is going to leave most players poor as dirt!

    Geez, especially new ones. Now is a HORRIBLE time to join the game.
  • cloudius1978cloudius1978 Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    Why do I have this sinking feeling that the price of many AD sinks will not be adjusted downwards correspondingly.

    They may do a limited time event in which WB prices are reduced by X% and then that's it (after all, that was their solution when they removed Leadership from Gateway... by giving us a limited time 2AD event).

    I got this feeling that, some point down the road, they will announce that they've reviewed the situation and indeed prices of GMOP is too high for the current AD economy and the average player... And so they'll remove it from WB and put GMOP as a Zen store item "at a discounted rate based on the zen-AD exchange then".

    Well I'm day dreaming in class... Let's hope I'm terribly wrong here.
  • edited September 2015
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  • rhoriangelusrhoriangelus Member Posts: 703 Arc User

    Why do I have this sinking feeling that the price of many AD sinks will not be adjusted downwards correspondingly.

    They may do a limited time event in which WB prices are reduced by X% and then that's it (after all, that was their solution when they removed Leadership from Gateway... by giving us a limited time 2AD event).

    I got this feeling that, some point down the road, they will announce that they've reviewed the situation and indeed prices of GMOP is too high for the current AD economy and the average player... And so they'll remove it from WB and put GMOP as a Zen store item "at a discounted rate based on the zen-AD exchange then".

    Well I'm day dreaming in class... Let's hope I'm terribly wrong here.

    Shhhh! Don't give them ideas >>
  • wentriswentris Member Posts: 542 Arc User
    Reducing price of GMOPs is wrong idea, but reducing amount of GMOPs needed to upgrade stuff is reasonable. However I guess they cant foresee how much exactly ADs will stop being generated with the removal from leadership, so they need to wait to evaluate new requirements.

    What worries me a bit with the removal of hourly dungeon events is it may be harder to find PuGs wanting to run dungeon - currently its almost not possible outside the event and relatively easy while it lasts. Now it should be slightly easier to find a party overall, but there will be no more concentration, where you can find a party easily - I think events should stay, but AD reward should be replaced with something else, that will make people want to keep going there - Im not sure what would that be - small chance for something good to drop - like 5% for GMOP on T1, 10% on T2?
  • umscheumsche Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 461 Arc User
    Just put the recycling benefits of purples to what they were before mod6, ie 8k for boots/arms, 6K for belts/jewelry and 10k for chest and it will all be fine.
  • grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    umsche said:

    Just put the recycling benefits of purples to what they were before mod6, ie 8k for boots/arms, 6K for belts/jewelry and 10k for chest and it will all be fine.

    this. if this happens just BRING BACK DUNGEON LOOT! the stuff that used to drop from every boss.
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
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  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Dollars to doughnuts, the AD prices of GMOPs, mounts, companions, and everything else in the Wondrous Bazaar will stay exactly the same. The message: spend real money for Zen if you want to progress at anything near the rate you are used to.

    As others have said, the current prices are structured around the ability to generate lots of AD per day based on the number of alts you have. These changes completely upend that dynamic.

    Mark my words, devs. If you keep these AD prices the same you have seen your last dollar from me.

    As for their stated new sources of AD:

    PvP: never going to happen. N-E-V-E-R. Don't think you can ever pressure me into PvP'ing. You cannot.

    Dungeons: I don't know about everyone else, but I'm sick to death of running the same dungeons over and over. If that's going to be one of only two sources of AD for me, cross it off.

    Skirmishes: see above: dungeons.

    I am SO glad I didn't buy any VIP packs. Someone is hell-bent on making the game as UN-fun as possible. I'm not investing any more into this game until some actual positive steps are taken to make it fun again.

    Apparently the devs HAVE LEARNED EXACTLY NOTHING from the Elemental Evil fiasco. Making people run the same boring EE quests over and over and over ad nauseam IS NOT FUN. Now they want to make us endure the same monotony x 1000 for AD.

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is the matter with you? Do you actually listen to your players? I don't think you do. I really don't.
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