I feel like the game is fairly well balance until you hit level 60, then it breaks down going beyond 60 as the newest enemies in the newest areas to you are level 71. Basically a lot of repetitive quest just to get to level 70 and feel like the break down should still follow the same as your quest strategy going to level 60. It is a little tedious and you are forcing people into guilds and groups to get task accomplish. Not necessary a bad thing but it discourages those who may prefer solo play through. The good new is I can play the game again after waiting a few weeks to go by since stronghold was updated as many people could not even get to the log in or character select screen. I just would like to see more of the same balance going up those last ten levels. Even if you go to raise the max level again and keep with the quest repeats is fine, just make it more continuing step up areas for people to be in, instead of this bam, instant killed for just trying that will happen.
Otherwise the game is still a good deal of fun to be apart of. A little more massive game play would be nice for those who need variety. Feel free to loosen up on allowing folks to have crystals for refining and let people have non money/zen ways to buy bags. Only pet peeve in the game is that bag storage nonsense. It can be in platinum for purchase but the pay to play or pay to be able to not be inconvenience is a little bit nonsense.