eToS and eGWD? eToS is the easiest dungeon since mod 6 and GWD is now "avoid red zones and get enough CC classes". This arpen fix made the dungeons almost like in mod 5. No challenge at all.
I can;t believe what I'm reading....just few days ago all that was heard it's RAGE that the game is too diff and about OHK's. Now...these few days after the fix! folks say we're in mod 5? o_O
Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based? 2). Yes. I am panzer! 3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen. 4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
instynctiveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,885Arc User
I find posts saying that things are "too easy" to be excessively rude. That's VERY condescending to those who DON'T find it "easy" or "too easy".
So your epeen is bigger than most. Congrats! Your folks must be so very proud.
I find myself echoing the sentiment from some others: if it's too easy, start stripping off armor. Be a REAL hero and run it naked, with a level 20 weapon. Are you really THAT HAMSTER? Want a real challenge? When you die, delete your character. That's hardcore right there. There's no consequence to character death in this game, so instead of SHIFT+2 and eating an injury kit, ESC -> Change Character -> Delete Character.
I find posts saying that things are "too easy" to be excessively rude. That's VERY condescending to those who DON'T find it "easy" or "too easy".
So your epeen is bigger than most. Congrats! Your folks must be so very proud.
I find myself echoing the sentiment from some others: if it's too easy, start stripping off armor. Be a REAL hero and run it naked, with a level 20 weapon. Are you really THAT HAMSTER? Want a real challenge? When you die, delete your character. That's hardcore right there. There's no consequence to character death in this game, so instead of SHIFT+2 and eating an injury kit, ESC -> Change Character -> Delete Character.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
+1, THIS.
I like run new eCC, end boss still unreachable, but can drop it in pit, then need test eGWD if can do. OFC, I need some "whales" or other broken class in party for end boss, but want run it once and forgot it then if not fun.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
I can;t believe what I'm reading....just few days ago all that was heard it's RAGE that the game is too diff and about OHK's. Now...these few days after the fix! folks say we're in mod 5? o_O
Different group of folks.
Did eToS and eGWD on a row this weekend. Finished the eToS smoothly without death or near death. Then, we took the whole party to go eGWD. Finished the eGWD after 2 wipes (my first time to be there). iLevel 2.6 GWF.
My friend who has got a full set of T1 gear in one night (as I talked about in different post) after the patch also finished eToS in the weekend without problem. He was never be there. In addition, he was also never in MC, VT and KR where he got 3 piece of T1 gears + enough seals (with some from Dragonflight) to buy the 4th. For him, the experience was easy (he was wearing BI gear) after he kind of stopped playing until Stronghold landed.
Post edited by plasticbat on
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I find posts saying that things are "too easy" to be excessively rude. That's VERY condescending to those who DON'T find it "easy" or "too easy".
So your epeen is bigger than most. Congrats! Your folks must be so very proud.
I find myself echoing the sentiment from some others: if it's too easy, start stripping off armor. Be a REAL hero and run it naked, with a level 20 weapon. Are you really THAT HAMSTER? Want a real challenge? When you die, delete your character. That's hardcore right there. There's no consequence to character death in this game, so instead of SHIFT+2 and eating an injury kit, ESC -> Change Character -> Delete Character.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
These kinds of posts are why I'm disappointed that PWE didn't implement upvoting when they switched to vanilla : |
> @instynctive said: > I find posts saying that things are "too easy" to be excessively rude. That's VERY condescending to those who DON'T find it "easy" or "too easy". > > So your epeen is bigger than most. Congrats! Your folks must be so very proud. > > I find myself echoing the sentiment from some others: if it's too easy, start stripping off armor. Be a REAL hero and run it naked, with a level 20 weapon. Are you really THAT HAMSTER? Want a real challenge? When you die, delete your character. That's hardcore right there. There's no consequence to character death in this game, so instead of SHIFT+2 and eating an injury kit, ESC -> Change Character -> Delete Character. > > Yeah, I didn't think so. > > Cheers!
What is eCC/eTOs/eGWD? I thought its the highend in game. So what is highend? What is challenging ingame? it WAS blackdagger. it WAS eGWD. And do you really think that the players now can defeat blackdagger, if they didnt before arpen fix? ..even now 99% rnd grps still exploiting the hell out of eCC (skipping bosses/ pushing spikes). Maybe that is "HAMSTER"
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
edited August 2015
People still don't get it. OP tanks are OP. OP should not be better than the GF in every regard.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
Well, i like all dungs now .. before u could not find cleric anywhere and were loosing 5 mins in enclave ..."looking for HEALER for eCC" .. now , i DONT NEED CLERIC AT ALL .. finish all t1,t2 no problem without DC (DC r now waste of space) .. GOOD JOB DEVELOPERS , ty
took 5 of us over 1hr to finish Ecc legit last night our IL was 2.3 to 3 so the T2s are not close to a cake walk I died 4 times and others dies more the HR I run is 2.7 Il and has lathandars full set without it we would not have completed
Man they still one hit kill me... Btw i am 3.1 IL Rogue and when i hit the final bosses... Their HP bar laugh of me... And they said only regular mobs will be adjusted not bosses...
T2 dungeons are now way too easy. I tanked eTOS on my 2.4k IL OP without a healer and didn't use any potions or healstones. This group wasn't DPS heavy either. It did have 1 good GWF, but the rest were average DPS at best. I'm not saying this to brag, but that dungeons should be a challenge, and the fix went too far.
I call HAMSTER on this. Joined a ELOL today. While I have a 2.7k IS the PUG group I joined was around 1.9k to 2.3k and we failed. Could not defeat the end boss. If the IS listed is 1.6k then groups above 1.6k should do it.
Just because your running with a leet group doesnt mean that you have to have the dungeon made harder so that pugs cannot do it. It's posts like this that are part of the reason this game has such a low playerbase as it is.
The opinion of if your not BIS get out! Has to go. I make it a point to try and befriend a few newer, low IS scored players every week as possible recruits to our guild. And almost 100% of the people I talk to are usually gone within the month.
If the playerbase isnt growning, the game is dying. Leave things as they are.
romotheoneMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 729Arc User
Last night during the course of dd hour, a group of 3k players I run with completed MC, VT, eToS, and eLoL. With the vip I have keys coming out of my HAMSTER, I'll take all the free ad from salvage... My guess is cryptic doesn't want another ePK farm again, either they bump up the difficulty or they will...
they are in the right place, if you take a full fresh 70 group, they won't be able to do T2, without alot of struggles and challenge.
people saying its too easy are either OPs, or well geared. I find T2s easy now, but my toon is geared with perfect enchants, 5 epic pets etc.
They should just work faster and re-release castle never, and make that BiS hardmode dungeon. And make it so it doesn't drop a higher tier of gear, but something that is boe, so BiS can make AD and have something to do, and the rest won't complain that they can't get the gear.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited August 2015
Last 5 runs Ive done in etos, 2 were easy, no wipes, 2 were darn terrible.. but one of those had two new people and no tank (which I was quite perturbed with (not the no tank part, but new people setting up a t2 , they never ran before and didnt even think about getting one)) and 1 was a mix, got to boss , but lag was a issue.
I think the dds are middle in the way of what they were in mod 5 and what they were in mod 6. A mistake can still kill you (where in mod 5, a 18-20k anything could waltz around and solo most things).
I think the arp fix should've BEEN applied before they messed with anything else (damage, hp wise) that was the mistake, they should've fixed the bug and then re evaluated the dds.
frankly, even about 50% probably posting in this EXACT thread are cheating ECC anyways.. whatever discussion that has to be had about eCC can only be had AFTER its fixed that people cant cheat. Ive seen so many people say , or eCC its easy.. of course it is.. cheaters.
Im not going to comment on hardness or not, I would like to point out that ECC is still being cheated every day, dozens and dozens of cheating runs, and Im sick of it.
It needs to be fixed asap.
mamalion1234Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,415Arc User
People still don't get it. OP tanks are OP. OP should not be better than the GF in every regard.
Justice OP tank can replace a healer, and tank 20 at once. Can any GF do that!?
yes i did it before the armor penetration fix on gf 2.1k item level. MY team was 4k cw 3k cw and 3.5k hr we killed the last boss in gray wolf den. AND i used knight valor and healing myself with fighters recovery.
People still don't get it. OP tanks are OP. OP should not be better than the GF in every regard.
Justice OP tank can replace a healer, and tank 20 at once. Can any GF do that!?
yes i did it before the armor penetration fix on gf 2.1k item level. MY team was 4k cw 3k cw and 3.5k hr we killed the last boss in gray wolf den. AND i used knight valor and healing myself with fighters recovery. And to be honest i always prefered the guardian fighter (when i am playing other class) a paladin cannot replace into the fray which give damage for all adds around not like bane which is limited.
Also at the moment with that fix guardian fighter can take damage without blocking if : use lunging strike, bull charge, villain menace. The first two add 50% damage resistance for 3 sec and the daily add 20% damage resistance.
If you enter them with a way higher gs than u need, ofc they are easier. That is how it is supposed to be. If you join elol with a group of 1,6k, tell me again it was so easy. If you want to blame anything, blame them for not adding the old dungeons back. There should be at least 2 dungeons+ skirmish for 1,6k, 2k, 2,5, 3,0 and 3,5. All of them with proper loot, so that they are played, but this wont happen anytime soon, maybe even never. Even T2 are worthless for farming, after getting your seals what reason can there be to farm them? BOP is just a......
The end result of this thread was the Thread starter is complaining that they fixed a bug. They didn't adjust things and make changes, mobs and bosses were literally stacking armor penetration to the point where they were hitting for rediculous dmg and one-shotting people. Stacking meaning if 3 mobs hit you with say 50% AP you ended up with 3 attacks hitting you at 150% AP instead of 3 attacks at 50%. This was a horrible bug, and they fixed it end of story.
Paladins are supposed to survive a lot of dmg, that is our job. If you have a strong tank in really good gear it should be an easy run through a dungeon, especially if they are geared. Instead of crying for nerfs for Pally because he can actually do his job, how about we cry for buffs to the poor Guardian Fighters who have a much harder time...
Conduit of Time: 7 Chapter Campaign in progress (Currently Chapter 6 Released)
Search @Longshire for 12 Foundry Quests, all are story driven adventures
Story -- Medium/Heavy, Combat -- Light/Medium, Lore -- Medium/Heavy
I think this fix should happen before recent adjustments to mob hp/damage in dungeons. I have yet to test difficulty with GFs - if they find dungeons too easy as well - maybe some changes should be reverted, at least on T2s. If they find the difficulty appropriate - OPs should be nerfed.
Why should be OPs nerfed? Were there a real nerf to SWs? No. They are still doing very much dmg!
OMG, the weakest class in PvP and PvE and you think they need a nerf. SW's are always the bottom of the barrel, The reason you dont hear more complaints is that I think there are what? 5 left in the game who havent quit and moved on to either a different class or a different MMO altogether?
I remember when the SW came out and I made the choice to switch from a CW to SW. I spent alot of time and some money building up the character till it was way better geared then the CW, and as close to BIS as I was willing to make it at the time.
And then realizing that most other classes in Rank 5's with blue armor could out perform me in PvP. There I was in legendary gear, with as optimal a build as could be done. And I was getting 1 and 2 shotted by HR's, TR's, Clerics, etc.
Not because my skills were lacking, but because so many of the mechanics in my class just didnt work the way they were listed, or in some cases, at all.
But, by all means. SW's need a nerf. *Rollseyes*
romotheoneMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 729Arc User
I find posts saying that things are "too easy" to be excessively rude. That's VERY condescending to those who DON'T find it "easy" or "too easy".
So your epeen is bigger than most. Congrats! Your folks must be so very proud.
I find myself echoing the sentiment from some others: if it's too easy, start stripping off armor. Be a REAL hero and run it naked, with a level 20 weapon. Are you really THAT HAMSTER? Want a real challenge? When you die, delete your character. That's hardcore right there. There's no consequence to character death in this game, so instead of SHIFT+2 and eating an injury kit, ESC -> Change Character -> Delete Character.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
This ^^
I am finally enjoying my forays into dungeons again. I run mostly in guild groups with the occasional legit pug and the experience is no longer akin to running face first into an impenetrable brick wall over and over and over again. Stand still in that red and you will still die, ignore your job and things will still go awry but the fun has almost returned to NW...almost.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
I find posts saying that things are "too easy" to be excessively rude. That's VERY condescending to those who DON'T find it "easy" or "too easy".
So your epeen is bigger than most. Congrats! Your folks must be so very proud.
I find myself echoing the sentiment from some others: if it's too easy, start stripping off armor. Be a REAL hero and run it naked, with a level 20 weapon. Are you really THAT HAMSTER? Want a real challenge? When you die, delete your character. That's hardcore right there. There's no consequence to character death in this game, so instead of SHIFT+2 and eating an injury kit, ESC -> Change Character -> Delete Character.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
This ^^
I am finally enjoying my forays into dungeons again. I run mostly in guild groups with the occasional legit pug and the experience is no longer akin to running face first into an impenetrable brick wall over and over and over again. Stand still in that red and you will still die, ignore your job and things will still go awry but the fun has almost returned to NW...almost.
I really think we need to "consider the source" when it comes to people claiming that dungeons are too easy. Today I ran my DC through a number of T2 runs (I don't remember how many, 5 or 6). In all but one, we had a gung-ho PvP-geared TR who would run ahead of the group and then get angry that the DC couldn't keep him alive when he was alone fighting the next group before anyone else in the party had even finished looting the last one. I've come to the conclusion that PvP players have vastly different expectations toward dungeons and the party's role in them than PvE players. I wound up getting so frustrated that after one TR ragequit I told another party member, "it's just as well, if he had run ahead all alone one more time I wasn't going to save him."
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
crypticnotionMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 45Arc User
I think you should have modes going into the dungeons......normal which most people can do, Hard for the hard cases so they can feel bad, and for the very FEW who think they are god incarnate INSANE. then they could all be happy and the people who don't have a mile deep pocket book could still play and enjoy the game and the ego maniacs could die all they want and you just tell them when they complain if you can't handle it choose the easy mode...:) Stop making the masses pay for what the few want.
OMG, the weakest class in PvP and PvE and you think they need a nerf. SW's are always the bottom of the barrel, The reason you dont hear more complaints is that I think there are what? 5 left in the game who havent quit and moved on to either a different class or a different MMO altogether?
I remember when the SW came out and I made the choice to switch from a CW to SW. I spent alot of time and some money building up the character till it was way better geared then the CW, and as close to BIS as I was willing to make it at the time.
And then realizing that most other classes in Rank 5's with blue armor could out perform me in PvP. There I was in legendary gear, with as optimal a build as could be done. And I was getting 1 and 2 shotted by HR's, TR's, Clerics, etc.
Not because my skills were lacking, but because so many of the mechanics in my class just didnt work the way they were listed, or in some cases, at all.
But, by all means. SW's need a nerf. *Rollseyes*
Roll all you want! It still does! In pve. In pvp it may need some buff.
stock and stone I can master, but there's a Wizard to manage here!
This arpen fix made the dungeons almost like in mod 5. No challenge at all.
A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
2). Yes. I am panzer!
3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
So your epeen is bigger than most. Congrats! Your folks must be so very proud.
I find myself echoing the sentiment from some others: if it's too easy, start stripping off armor. Be a REAL hero and run it naked, with a level 20 weapon. Are you really THAT HAMSTER? Want a real challenge? When you die, delete your character. That's hardcore right there. There's no consequence to character death in this game, so instead of SHIFT+2 and eating an injury kit, ESC -> Change Character -> Delete Character.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
I like run new eCC, end boss still unreachable, but can drop it in pit, then need test eGWD if can do. OFC, I need some "whales" or other broken class in party for end boss, but want run it once and forgot it then if not fun.
Did eToS and eGWD on a row this weekend.
Finished the eToS smoothly without death or near death.
Then, we took the whole party to go eGWD.
Finished the eGWD after 2 wipes (my first time to be there).
iLevel 2.6 GWF.
My friend who has got a full set of T1 gear in one night (as I talked about in different post) after the patch also finished eToS in the weekend without problem. He was never be there. In addition, he was also never in MC, VT and KR where he got 3 piece of T1 gears + enough seals (with some from Dragonflight) to buy the 4th. For him, the experience was easy (he was wearing BI gear) after he kind of stopped playing until Stronghold landed.
> I find posts saying that things are "too easy" to be excessively rude. That's VERY condescending to those who DON'T find it "easy" or "too easy".
> So your epeen is bigger than most. Congrats! Your folks must be so very proud.
> I find myself echoing the sentiment from some others: if it's too easy, start stripping off armor. Be a REAL hero and run it naked, with a level 20 weapon. Are you really THAT HAMSTER? Want a real challenge? When you die, delete your character. That's hardcore right there. There's no consequence to character death in this game, so instead of SHIFT+2 and eating an injury kit, ESC -> Change Character -> Delete Character.
> Yeah, I didn't think so.
> Cheers!
What is eCC/eTOs/eGWD? I thought its the highend in game. So what is highend?
What is challenging ingame? it WAS blackdagger. it WAS eGWD. And do you really think that the players now can defeat blackdagger, if they didnt before arpen fix? ..even now 99% rnd grps still exploiting the hell out of eCC (skipping bosses/ pushing spikes). Maybe that is "HAMSTER"
Just because your running with a leet group doesnt mean that you have to have the dungeon made harder so that pugs cannot do it. It's posts like this that are part of the reason this game has such a low playerbase as it is.
The opinion of if your not BIS get out! Has to go. I make it a point to try and befriend a few newer, low IS scored players every week as possible recruits to our guild. And almost 100% of the people I talk to are usually gone within the month.
If the playerbase isnt growning, the game is dying. Leave things as they are.
people saying its too easy are either OPs, or well geared. I find T2s easy now, but my toon is geared with perfect enchants, 5 epic pets etc.
They should just work faster and re-release castle never, and make that BiS hardmode dungeon. And make it so it doesn't drop a higher tier of gear, but something that is boe, so BiS can make AD and have something to do, and the rest won't complain that they can't get the gear.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
I think the dds are middle in the way of what they were in mod 5 and what they were in mod 6. A mistake can still kill you (where in mod 5, a 18-20k anything could waltz around and solo most things).
I think the arp fix should've BEEN applied before they messed with anything else (damage, hp wise) that was the mistake, they should've fixed the bug and then re evaluated the dds.
frankly, even about 50% probably posting in this EXACT thread are cheating ECC anyways.. whatever discussion that has to be had about eCC can only be had AFTER its fixed that people cant cheat. Ive seen so many people say , or eCC its easy.. of course it is.. cheaters.
Im not going to comment on hardness or not, I would like to point out that ECC is still being cheated every day, dozens and dozens of cheating runs, and Im sick of it.
It needs to be fixed asap.
yes i did it before the armor penetration fix on gf 2.1k item level. MY team was 4k cw 3k cw and 3.5k hr we killed the last boss in gray wolf den. AND i used knight valor and healing myself with fighters recovery.
If you want to blame anything, blame them for not adding the old dungeons back. There should be at least 2 dungeons+ skirmish for 1,6k, 2k, 2,5, 3,0 and 3,5. All of them with proper loot, so that they are played, but this wont happen anytime soon, maybe even never. Even T2 are worthless for farming, after getting your seals what reason can there be to farm them? BOP is just a......
Paladins are supposed to survive a lot of dmg, that is our job. If you have a strong tank in really good gear it should be an easy run through a dungeon, especially if they are geared. Instead of crying for nerfs for Pally because he can actually do his job, how about we cry for buffs to the poor Guardian Fighters who have a much harder time...
Search @Longshire for 12 Foundry Quests, all are story driven adventures
Story -- Medium/Heavy, Combat -- Light/Medium, Lore -- Medium/Heavy
I remember when the SW came out and I made the choice to switch from a CW to SW. I spent alot of time and some money building up the character till it was way better geared then the CW, and as close to BIS as I was willing to make it at the time.
And then realizing that most other classes in Rank 5's with blue armor could out perform me in PvP. There I was in legendary gear, with as optimal a build as could be done. And I was getting 1 and 2 shotted by HR's, TR's, Clerics, etc.
Not because my skills were lacking, but because so many of the mechanics in my class just didnt work the way they were listed, or in some cases, at all.
But, by all means. SW's need a nerf. *Rollseyes*
I am finally enjoying my forays into dungeons again. I run mostly in guild groups with the occasional legit pug and the experience is no longer akin to running face first into an impenetrable brick wall over and over and over again. Stand still in that red and you will still die, ignore your job and things will still go awry but the fun has almost returned to NW...almost.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
In pvp it may need some buff.