We believe this issue needs its own thread. The developers are currently aware and are actively working on a fix. In the meantime, here's a list of a few workarounds that other players have mentioned working for them.
Open options in the launcher at the top and type in -d3d9 or -d3d11Enable 0 into the Command Line. Close the launcher, open it again, then try launching the client.
Make sure to update all your graphics drivers.
In the launcher, click options at the top, click the Force Verify box and start the game in Safe Mode.
Once the loading screen has appeared, simply wait for a good 5 minutes without clicking anything.
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)! Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
I am running Win7 with a GTX970. I also get the hang on NW screen. I ALT+TAB and this gets me back to desktop and minimizes NW. I then click on the NW icon on the taskbar to open NW and it runs fine after that. Hope this helps!
safe mode , windows, and updateing drivers doesnt do a thing, delete - reinstall, does nothing, its not our drivers anyways there Strum, this is a fault on the devs end , nothing wrong with our files, and d3d9 etc also does nothing , something you guys did , messed up the game, please fix it, also , ***TAKE DOWN THE SERVERS UNTIL THE ISSUE IS FIXED!!!**** your reely going to keep a broken version of the game running for days ? its great that a handful of ppl are not having issues, however since ive dumped thousands of $$$ into the game over the last 3 yrs, id appreciate it if you dont let a few ppl gain an unfair advantage by getting ahead of the majority of players , that connot log in. reports from inside neverwinter say its a ghost town right now. DO SOMETHING<!!! THER IS NO FIX PLAYERS CAN USE!!! FIX NEVERWINTER PLEASE.!!!
Well, after much time spent on trying and trying again and again I could make this game work, but as an ordinary user and that as they could not enter them offer the solution that helped me. The first thing I did was close the launcher of "Arc" with the task manager. (I had it open and used it to start). Then I opened the game folder, not the launcher (My "D: \ Games \ Neverwinter_en") and clicked right on "Neverwinter.exe" opened "Properties" and click on "Support" and run in Service Pack 3 and "run this program as administrator". Finally run the game and put in options (before PLAY) SAFE MODE -d3d11Enable 0 into the command line. Then Save and start the game ... This part must be patient. The game will crash, but must wait without touching anything (I wait 20 minutes and the game appeared as if for the first time open). After adjusting, please go to "Options" (in the game) and ONLY change the resolution. APPLY and use ALT + TAB. Then open of window of the game and thats it!.
OK i tried capatbility on launcher said it worked on windows 7 " ihave 8.1 " but it put launcher on windows 7 i went to launcher got the loading screnn waited 3 mins or so and got in maybe this will help some of u good luck ps i havent checked graphics in game with 7 yet
thegreatmikeyMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 122Arc User
After typing the code into the command line, do we close it and launch it again, THEN do force verify and safe mode Or do we do it at the same time we typed in the command line code?
Here's how I fixed mine after all the steps above didn't work. I uninstalled my graphics card and the drivers from device manager, I then launched the game using the basic graphic driver that Microsoft auto installs. I launched the game, I then had to click on a graphic adjust thingy that is where it is getting hung up. Once you chose the graphic setting. Close Neverwinter go back to device manager, right click the generic driver and click update drivers, it should auto install the correct driver it finds on the internet when you do this. Hope this helps
thegreatmikeyMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 122Arc User
Here's how I fixed mine after all the steps above didn't work. I uninstalled my graphics card and the drivers from device manager, I then launched the game using the basic graphic driver that Microsoft auto installs. I launched the game, I then had to click on a graphic adjust thingy that is where it is getting hung up. Once you chose the graphic setting. Close Neverwinter go back to device manager, right click the generic driver and click update drivers, it should auto install the correct driver it finds on the internet when you do this. Hope this helps
Sorry Pickil11, but I am not doing that. A) I am on a laptop. I am bad at tech and don't have the tools or skills. C) Why should I have to jury-rig my computer to make one game work when I can play other games without doing that?
Right now I am going to try the two command line codes and force-verification safe mode thing. Again. Because they didn't work yesterday.
santralafaxMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,896Arc User
Safe mode works for me. I hope to see it fixed as the graphics are terrible this way.
Here's how I fixed mine after all the steps above didn't work. I uninstalled my graphics card and the drivers from device manager, I then launched the game using the basic graphic driver that Microsoft auto installs. I launched the game, I then had to click on a graphic adjust thingy that is where it is getting hung up. Once you chose the graphic setting. Close Neverwinter go back to device manager, right click the generic driver and click update drivers, it should auto install the correct driver it finds on the internet when you do this. Hope this helps
Sorry Pickil11, but I am not doing that. A) I am on a laptop. I am bad at tech and don't have the tools or skills. C) Why should I have to jury-rig my computer to make one game work when I can play other games without doing that?
Right now I am going to try the two command line codes and force-verification safe mode thing. Again. Because they didn't work yesterday.
If they didn't work yesterday, they won't work today, there has been no patch. And yes, you should not have to a work around, but it happens regularly in almost all games, especially f2p titles. It should be fixed and I think it will be eventually, but work arounds are part of playing many if not most mmos.
the game should be shutdown and fix this, like what kilyiewilde said its unfair for us who cant play the game all we can do is sit and hope for a fix, those player who has no problem can grind stronghold while we cant,
I've done all that has been posted and still no luck with this issue .I have amd. And before the patch was applied for strongholds on the 11th I was able to log in with windows 10. Everything is up to date....Really discouraged with not being able to get in game.
the game should be shutdown and fix this, like what kilyiewilde said its unfair for us who cant play the game all we can do is sit and hope for a fix, those player who has no problem can grind stronghold while we cant,
sry but its just unfair
I don't think there are as many of you guys as you think. Even if there were, you don't turn some customers away from the store because the road is out and others can't get there.
the game should be shutdown and fix this, like what kilyiewilde said its unfair for us who cant play the game all we can do is sit and hope for a fix, those player who has no problem can grind stronghold while we cant,
sry but its just unfair
I don't think there are as many of you guys as you think. Even if there were, you don't turn some customers away from the store because the road is out and others can't get there.
Experiencing the same crash issue on my tower AND my laptop. My friend's computer with new high perfomance hardware is also crashing. Starting in safe mode seems to work for me.
So I get the loader up, I patch, I tell it play and ...... nothing. No crash, no nothing, it doesn't bring up the game AT ALL. It just closes the launcher and nothing. I have tried all of this, and it was running on windows 10 just two or three days ago when I decided to come back and try the game after being discouraged as a founder. Finally my account issues are fixed and oh well, you cant launch.
tried both of the advised methods, they didn't work! I use Windows 10 as well. it worked on the 9th before the patch, it should not be our job to fix their game client. i do not do well with modern programing, give me back my apple 2e computers that i do understand(lol)
IT all im getting is game client not responding what do i do
torontodaveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 992Arc User
Fresh Install. New windows 10 and New neverwinter install.
Alt-Tab bug still persists. Running fullscreen, can't return to game after alt-tab.
Screenshot is in page 4 or 5 of the other thread.
NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
Well, after much time spent on trying and trying again and again I could make this game work, but as an ordinary user and that as they could not enter them offer the solution that helped me.
The first thing I did was close the launcher of "Arc" with the task manager. (I had it open and used it to start).
Then I opened the game folder, not the launcher (My "D: \ Games \ Neverwinter_en") and clicked right on "Neverwinter.exe" opened "Properties" and click on "Support" and run in Service Pack 3 and "run this program as administrator".
Finally run the game and put in options (before PLAY) SAFE MODE
-d3d11Enable 0 into the command line.
Then Save and start the game ...
This part must be patient. The game will crash, but must wait without touching anything (I wait 20 minutes and the game appeared as if for the first time open).
After adjusting, please go to "Options" (in the game) and ONLY change the resolution.
APPLY and use ALT + TAB. Then open of window of the game and thats it!.
If you are getting a black screen after the neverwinter loading screen try this method. It worked for me
(Do this at your own risk)
1. Exit all Windows based programs.
2. Go to Start and type regedit in the Search box. In the results, double-click regedit.exe.
3. Browse to and then click "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers".
4. Click New in the Edit menu list. select DWORD (32-bit) value. Then type TdrDelay as the Name and click Enter. Double-click TdrDelay, add 8 (hexadecimal) for the Value data and click OK.
5. Restart your computer
After you restart your computer and have made the changes above
"Optional" Delete the Gameprefs.pref file from Program Files(X86)/Neverwinter_en/Neverwinter/Live/localdata).
1.Open Neverwinter and go to the options tab to select "safe mode"
2. In the command line space enter "-d3d9" (without quotations)
3. Save and hit play.
4. It will take a few minutes to load give it 5-10 minutes.
5. If successful and at the character select screen (Important) click options highlight "display" and adjust the resolution to your liking first. Then go to display mode select windowed maximized. Hit "OK"
6. Enter the game
hope this works for others
isaintify1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 414Arc User
the game should be shutdown and fix this, like what kilyiewilde said its unfair for us who cant play the game all we can do is sit and hope for a fix, those player who has no problem can grind stronghold while we cant,
sry but its just unfair
I don't think there are as many of you guys as you think. Even if there were, you don't turn some customers away from the store because the road is out and others can't get there.
i just got in!!!!! start launcher. options. type -d3d9 . save. hit play. while loading click away. hit "wait for program to respond". wait for milky white screen to go away. click some more. was in in about 3 min.
the game should be shutdown and fix this, like what kilyiewilde said its unfair for us who cant play the game all we can do is sit and hope for a fix, those player who has no problem can grind stronghold while we cant,
sry but its just unfair
I don't think there are as many of you guys as you think. Even if there were, you don't turn some customers away from the store because the road is out and others can't get there.
No Charononus, I don't think you know how many of us there are. All 18 people I usually play with cannot access the game. While I don't think a shutdown is a particularly a good idea...they are hemorrhaging money right now and we all know that they cannot afford to do that.
it does work but I had to do it a few times the safe mode under options and type in -d3d9 and relogged back in again only in safe mode for now..good luck all
So many problems with the new module AGAIN...
but new companions, lockboxes, VIP stuff, etc. is soooo important... seriously what´s wrong with you people? All this things are irrelvant if the game itself got messed up after mod6...
Apart from that i was lucky to get an impression of Strongholds for serveral hours yesterday and i have to say:
It´s the same tedious, boring stuff as the rest of the endgame content.
Even if we max out our stronghold - let´s say after 2 years - what gives? it´s irrelevant for the rest od the PvE environment or at least highly neglectable.
Maybe it´s better for PvP, but there´s still the class balance issue, so... we all know thet PvP in NW is ridiculous.
So forget your modules wich are just time stealers, areas are bad copies of already known areas (elemenatl evil maps are a joke - 90% copies of existing and some former dungeons and realms...) - well the list is endless since mod6
The gameplay isn´t fun or interesting anymore. Lovelss and buggy new contnet won´t cover up the fact the NW got much worse and that you´re on best way to completely messing up the game.
The first thing I did was close the launcher of "Arc" with the task manager. (I had it open and used it to start).
Then I opened the game folder, not the launcher (My "D: \ Games \ Neverwinter_en") and clicked right on "Neverwinter.exe" opened "Properties" and click on "Support" and run in Service Pack 3 and "run this program as administrator".
Finally run the game and put in options (before PLAY) SAFE MODE
-d3d11Enable 0 into the command line.
Then Save and start the game ...
This part must be patient. The game will crash, but must wait without touching anything (I wait 20 minutes and the game appeared as if for the first time open).
After adjusting, please go to "Options" (in the game) and ONLY change the resolution.
APPLY and use ALT + TAB. Then open of window of the game and thats it!.
I hope you have helped, if works spread it!!!
for reference to the mod 4 problems
Sorry Pickil11, but I am not doing that. A) I am on a laptop.
Right now I am going to try the two command line codes and force-verification safe mode thing. Again. Because they didn't work yesterday.
sry but its just unfair
I don't think there are as many of you guys as you think. Even if there were, you don't turn some customers away from the store because the road is out and others can't get there.
sry mate, but all we do is patch and were stuck
Alt-Tab bug still persists. Running fullscreen, can't return to game after alt-tab.
Screenshot is in page 4 or 5 of the other thread.
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
This worked perfectly for me! Thank you so much!
(Do this at your own risk)
1. Exit all Windows based programs.
2. Go to Start and type regedit in the Search box. In the results, double-click regedit.exe.
3. Browse to and then click "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers".
4. Click New in the Edit menu list. select DWORD (32-bit) value. Then type TdrDelay as the Name and click Enter. Double-click TdrDelay, add 8 (hexadecimal) for the Value data and click OK.
5. Restart your computer
This will increase the gpu's processing time
After you restart your computer and have made the changes above
"Optional" Delete the Gameprefs.pref file from Program Files(X86)/Neverwinter_en/Neverwinter/Live/localdata).
1.Open Neverwinter and go to the options tab to select "safe mode"
2. In the command line space enter "-d3d9" (without quotations)
3. Save and hit play.
4. It will take a few minutes to load give it 5-10 minutes.
5. If successful and at the character select screen (Important) click options highlight "display" and adjust the resolution to your liking first. Then go to display mode select windowed maximized. Hit "OK"
6. Enter the game
hope this works for others
No Charononus, I don't think you know how many of us there are. All 18 people I usually play with cannot access the game. While I don't think a shutdown is a particularly a good idea...they are hemorrhaging money right now and we all know that they cannot afford to do that.
but new companions, lockboxes, VIP stuff, etc. is soooo important... seriously what´s wrong with you people? All this things are irrelvant if the game itself got messed up after mod6...
Apart from that i was lucky to get an impression of Strongholds for serveral hours yesterday and i have to say:
It´s the same tedious, boring stuff as the rest of the endgame content.
Even if we max out our stronghold - let´s say after 2 years - what gives? it´s irrelevant for the rest od the PvE environment or at least highly neglectable.
Maybe it´s better for PvP, but there´s still the class balance issue, so... we all know thet PvP in NW is ridiculous.
So forget your modules wich are just time stealers, areas are bad copies of already known areas (elemenatl evil maps are a joke - 90% copies of existing and some former dungeons and realms...) - well the list is endless since mod6
The gameplay isn´t fun or interesting anymore. Lovelss and buggy new contnet won´t cover up the fact the NW got much worse and that you´re on best way to completely messing up the game.