I have been fortunate enough to play a couple of MMORPG's, as they are my favorite game to play, as well as many years of paper & dice RPG's. There has always been pros and cons to each game. With that said, here's my list of things I'd like to see changed/added.
- Make the choice of deity meaningful. The whole purpose of "holy" classes like clerics and paladins is supposed to be focusing on the deity you follow. This can apply to all classes on a lower level, but for those classes mentioned above, it is supposed to have an impact on play. If a cleric/pally follows Chauntea, they would have almost druid-like spells. In the case of Kelemvor, death-related, etc. Right now, regardless of deity chosen, every cleric is a cleric of Amaunator because all the spells are sun/light-based. This would effectively create different character classes per deity, as the playstyle would change to reflect the sphere of influence and the different spells gained therein. It could even allow for the playing of an "evil" cleric or anti-paladin. I would also like to see the cleric ability Turn Undead. That's been a cleric staple of D&D, and it's a shame to not include it in a D&D game.
- Fashion - I love the idea of a character not trumping around in armor all day. Adding the ability to make fashion items in tailoring, and maybe making dyes more prolific in alchemy would throw a bone to those who actually enjoy role-playing characters and not just mindlessly grinding. You could make more common items able to be crafted, and save deluxe items/packs for zen purchase and special events.
- Shou - The perfect opportunity to introduce a new land with an Asian flavor. This could also herald the addition of a monk class, and themed gear, companions, and mounts.
- XP gain adjustment - I really don't mind the slower pace of the 60-70 level grind (although only being able to have 4 vigilance quests at a time is annoying. Moar plz.). I'd like to see the 1-60 pace slowed down severely. Case in point, the seals you earn for gear. By the time you earn enough to get more than 3 pieces at most, you've surpassed the level for that gear. I have several characters with low-level seals just sitting there collecting dust because they are effectively useless. You can't get rid of them, you can't transfer them to lower level characters, and you can't use them to buy gear for said lower level characters. Either slow down the grind, or make the seals transferable. It's gotten even worse with the elimination of a lot of the lower level dungeons, which was the best place to get those seals.
So there you have it. I do welcome ~constructive~ criticism, opinions, thoughts, etc.
2.) Eh, I don't think people pay much attention to fashion items as is. Do note, however, that they DID add the Emperor's Shirt/Pants items to make shirt/pants not visible, as part of crafting.
3.) I don't expect any significant setting additions to the game unless WotC gives their explicit blessing. Since Mod 8 is Underdark, don't expect Shou (and the monk class) until mod 9 at earliest. Also, "Kara Tur" is typically the intro point for FR asian countries. Yes, Shou is more explicitly Japanese-y, but it's usually not the entry point for far east FR content.
4.) Pfft, leveling quickly from 1-60 is one of the game's strong suits!
But now, alts are simply a means to the end of a leadership/invocation army. Of course, invocation rewards are now pretty much trash*, and the gateway nerf means that it's harder to use an alt army for that purpose.
I actually don't much like the idea of people having alts for that purpose to begin with; a character should be its own reward, after all.