high prophet set just don't do it for me btw. I had it equipped, I do better with my current build.. pvp; easily 15+ kills. CN; top damage delt, damage received, most kills, most heals, least deaths. Tiamat; top 5 every time. So, I'd have to say I'm quite fine with my bulid. Ask anyonewho has played with, or unfortunately against me. Lol. Or watch my twitch (bmean) around 10pm est.
I'm not here to pick out what I believe is "best" for each person, but rather learn and help others. That's the purpose of the fourms anyway.
The one thing people are not talking about dropping in T2s are greater marks. I have seen power drop in pk, spider, spell, and last night frozen. Potency I have seen in all and chests. Add in with all of the new artifact items, using drake seals to buy gear to refine is another bonus.
Yes, the amount of ad you used to make was higher. Now just salvage with your alts and transfer the ad to your main.
The one thing people are not talking about dropping in T2s are greater marks. I have seen power drop in pk, spider, spell, and last night frozen. Potency I have seen in all and chests. Add in with all of the new artifact items, using drake seals to buy gear to refine is another bonus.
Yes, the amount of ad you used to make was higher. Now just salvage with your alts and transfer the ad to your main.
Really? Maybe I should start running dungeons again. I've stopped because, well to me the drops was below me, and I wouldn't make much ad sell what I did get. But if the greater marks have increased then that's a good thing I believe. The prices of such has been to high, so hopefully if what your saying is true, then the pricesshould drop.
The one thing people are not talking about dropping in T2s are greater marks. I have seen power drop in pk, spider, spell, and last night frozen. Potency I have seen in all and chests. Add in with all of the new artifact items, using drake seals to buy gear to refine is another bonus.
Yes, the amount of ad you used to make was higher. Now just salvage with your alts and transfer the ad to your main.
Really? Maybe I should start running dungeons again. I've stopped because, well to me the drops was below me, and I wouldn't make much ad sell what I did get. But if the greater marks have increased then that's a good thing I believe. The prices of such has been to high, so hopefully if what your saying is true, then the pricesshould drop.
The frequency on powers have not increased to my knowledge, but they do drop and are on the loot table.
My regular group does not run PK often because of the game crashes, plus frozen heart can be just as fast.
> @bmean said: > agent00spliff wrote: » > > *Claims he's specced right as a dps cleric > > *Doesn't wear HP set > > LOLx1000 > > > > > high prophet set just don't do it for me btw. I had it equipped, I do better with my current build.. pvp; easily 15+ kills. CN; top damage delt, damage received, most kills, most heals, least deaths. Tiamat; top 5 every time. So, I'd have to say I'm quite fine with my bulid. Ask anyonewho has played with, or unfortunately against me. Lol. Or watch my twitch (bmean) around 10pm est. > I'm not here to pick out what I believe is "best" for each person, but rather learn and help others. That's the purpose of the fourms anyway.
high prophet isn't for dps. it's for debuffs and giving your teammates extra lifesteal
-snip -why did PC players not warn us about this -snip-
They did, it just probably wasn't broadcasted as much as it should have been. It wasn't on a main post or done as a PSA, just remember seeing it somewhere in one of the Tiamat prep threads I believe. Just saying, don't hate on them too much - besides, they probably wanted to try and cash in on the confusion as is their right. No insider trading laws in this game lol.
Even though i can agree about T2 gear dropping in Tiamat, i don't necessarily agree with the reasoning why. it's a valid point, but i personally can't agree. you say you and your guild don't/never Loot & Boot. that's great and i thank you guys for not being jerks, but i was a victim of L&B-ing for quite a long time. i did keep trying to grind for my T2 set (i had to grind again for a different set of arms and boots, since i'm a Trapper HR).
the gs thing isn't an issue at all, but this topic has been talked down almost nonstop even since the Tiamat Raid was first launched on NWPC, so i wont delve into it. all i know is, it's better now, since all i hear about with Mod6 is even more grinding than before.... if someone hasn't grinded enough in the game yet, they'll get theirs soon enough (my Archery HR on NWPC was left at lv61 when i stopped playing on PC and focused instead on Xbox, so i wouldn't really know)
this topic you're making isn't bad, your heart is in the right place. but i wouldn't say it's messing up the economy. something bigger needs to be done to mess that up
I am happy with all the changes! It's a blessing to know the direction the game is heading in! I am just sorry I wasted my time in this game and as of Tiamat I can't stomach to play the game much anymore!
Personally, I think Tiamat is fun and the rewards are awesome. It seems appropriate that the capstone encounter of a new module that provides end-ish game content drops new T2 loot. The fact it's like 50/50 whether your team actually beats Tiamat for the 30 minute investment makes running dungeons pretty appealing when you get multiple losses back to back. If anyone is upset about people being able to get something better now in less time than what they previously had to do, you need to focus on what you're now able to do (which is awesome comparatively) rather than comparing your progress over time to others. That's just a manifestation of jealousy, which isn't really fun for anyone. And remember that we play this game for fun and recreation.
That being said, I do agree there should probably be a couple extra hoops to jump through before being able to tackle Tiamat as end-ish game content. Instead of a gear score, I would simply set it so that you can't queue for Tiamat until you reach the campaign task to defeat her and have made an artifact main hand weapon. That makes the SoT/LoL good stepping stone pre-reqs for collecting the dragon gem/bone.
My personal gripe is that the Tiamat encounter should let pre-made groups queue up for her together. My g/f and I play this game because it's something we can play cooperatively together. It sucks when we end up in separate instances, one winning and the other losing.
It's a bloody game. Stuff gets devalued all the time in MMOs. It's not a labor union. Length of time you've been in doesn't mean anything, nor should it. If you are not having fun and view it like work, you don't get the point anyway. If you had fun, who cares what other folks can legally get.
high prophet set just don't do it for me btw. I had it equipped, I do better with my current build.. pvp; easily 15+ kills. CN; top damage delt, damage received, most kills, most heals, least deaths. Tiamat; top 5 every time. So, I'd have to say I'm quite fine with my bulid. Ask anyonewho has played with, or unfortunately against me. Lol. Or watch my twitch (bmean) around 10pm est.
I'm not here to pick out what I believe is "best" for each person, but rather learn and help others. That's the purpose of the fourms anyway.
Yes, the amount of ad you used to make was higher. Now just salvage with your alts and transfer the ad to your main.
> ^ There is nothing fun about Mod 6 unless you think driving away most of the playerbase with ridiculous changes is fun.
The only reason I've heard the playerbase being driven away on mod is because the dungeons/quests were too hard and the grind was too much.
I actually welcome that change, because dungeons right now are too easy.
I just wish they would release more t2 dungeons for mod 6 faster.
The frequency on powers have not increased to my knowledge, but they do drop and are on the loot table.
My regular group does not run PK often because of the game crashes, plus frozen heart can be just as fast.
> agent00spliff wrote: »
> *Claims he's specced right as a dps cleric
> *Doesn't wear HP set
> LOLx1000
> high prophet set just don't do it for me btw. I had it equipped, I do better with my current build.. pvp; easily 15+ kills. CN; top damage delt, damage received, most kills, most heals, least deaths. Tiamat; top 5 every time. So, I'd have to say I'm quite fine with my bulid. Ask anyonewho has played with, or unfortunately against me. Lol. Or watch my twitch (bmean) around 10pm est.
> I'm not here to pick out what I believe is "best" for each person, but rather learn and help others. That's the purpose of the fourms anyway.
high prophet isn't for dps. it's for debuffs and giving your teammates extra lifesteal
They did, it just probably wasn't broadcasted as much as it should have been. It wasn't on a main post or done as a PSA, just remember seeing it somewhere in one of the Tiamat prep threads I believe. Just saying, don't hate on them too much - besides, they probably wanted to try and cash in on the confusion as is their right. No insider trading laws in this game lol.
the gs thing isn't an issue at all, but this topic has been talked down almost nonstop even since the Tiamat Raid was first launched on NWPC, so i wont delve into it. all i know is, it's better now, since all i hear about with Mod6 is even more grinding than before.... if someone hasn't grinded enough in the game yet, they'll get theirs soon enough (my Archery HR on NWPC was left at lv61 when i stopped playing on PC and focused instead on Xbox, so i wouldn't really know)
this topic you're making isn't bad, your heart is in the right place. but i wouldn't say it's messing up the economy. something bigger needs to be done to mess that up
That being said, I do agree there should probably be a couple extra hoops to jump through before being able to tackle Tiamat as end-ish game content. Instead of a gear score, I would simply set it so that you can't queue for Tiamat until you reach the campaign task to defeat her and have made an artifact main hand weapon. That makes the SoT/LoL good stepping stone pre-reqs for collecting the dragon gem/bone.
My personal gripe is that the Tiamat encounter should let pre-made groups queue up for her together. My g/f and I play this game because it's something we can play cooperatively together. It sucks when we end up in separate instances, one winning and the other losing.