I feel that you are stepping over acceptable boundaries, with new mounts, all the chaos in bags ppl will be "forced" to pay since the mount bonuses are too powerful, all the dungeon keys, various types of item binding, new invoking bags dropping too many types of items it wont be possible to fit anything in the few default bank slots. It is going in the direction of those asian mmos where you can play for free, but sticking a needle in your eyeball feels more pleasant than doing so.
Monetization is going in the direction of forcing stuff on ppl, yes you still CAN play without them but you cant PLAY without all that stuff. at the same time we havent gotten a decent addition to cosmetics stuff in market for ages. atm you focus on getting cash for things that are soft-requirement to play the game(at least at top level), instead of stuff ppl would like to pay for. there should be reasonable balance between grind and buy, atm its bad and getting worse.
new AD is generated mostly by leadership armies, other ways include boring lagfest HE grinds, while the only thing you get for running dungeons is 0.0000036% chance of dropping artifact, or you can buy ad directly from zax for real $ fast and easy. this really isnt healthy for economy
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