50% more HP is 50% more time to do your thing. 500 power is what, 1% or so damage? 500 crit is maybe 1% extra crit rate, 200 AP gain is like 1% more AP. Seriously? Even if you add all those together how the hell is 1% damage, 1% crit and 1% AP gain suppose to be worth 50% more survivability? At the very least, the extra HP means you can force mobs to stand under your Rain of Arrows/any other persistent effect power longer or have a better chance surviving a melee approach. Hell 50% more HP means you can spam more normal attacks and that's STILL worth more than 1% more damage/crit rate/AP gain. At the very least it means you can drop a Constricting Arrow on mobs to set them up for combos/run away.
Are you really so intent on wallowing in your own ineptitude?
This guy is dying to imps. IMPS. He claims he cannot solo anything at all. Archers may be struggling, archers may need buffs, but that doesn't matter when you're running around with 45k HP in level 70 zones. Expect to die horribly constantly.
Your personal experience is obviously biased towards failing.
Frankly, I did try to sugarcoat that fact several posts ago. It's not really my fault you are stubborn enough to keep defending how you are setting yourself up for failure.
Post edited by tyrtallow on
You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
Instead of meowing out any complains I may have, I just tell the course I took and am taking, and still enjoying. Maybe someone reading this might get inspired. And then again I have to admit, I do have some trouble reading posts on the forums, who is it from when harsh critique is voiced. Is it a fastest maxer, a PvP genie, a PvE enthusiast, and so on. So.
Glad you like it. A lot of concerns here about lost paradise which in fact never existed in this game. Game mechanics was ruined already before mod 6.
Many complain there are no old dungeons now, but in period of mod 2 - 5 only Castle Never was one real dungeon, people farmed SP/PK/TOS/FH/Karr like event skirmish, T1 dungeons had little to no meaning at all.
In mod 5 when heralds/tiamat started dropping T1 and T2, no one wanted to do these T2 dungeons except PK (for armor/weapon enchantment stones).
New people asking for T1/T2 group had little choice but jump in PUG queue or be bootstrapped by powerful guild mates without experiencing much on their own, because one dps 16k could solo CN/T2 with ease unlike group of 5 10k.
This guy is dying to imps. IMPS. He claims he cannot solo anything at all. Archers may be struggling, archers may need buffs, but that doesn't matter when you're running around with 45k HP in level 70 zones. Expect to die horribly constantly.
Your personal experience is obviously biased towards failing.
Frankly, I did try to sugarcoat that fact several posts ago. It's not really my fault you are stubborn enough to keep defending how you are setting yourself up for failure.
I only recently started DR on my Archer so I haven't actually fought any Imp packs yet. I have died to Servitors though, who are also trash mobs. And I have 65k HP and an Epic War Dog tank companion. Archer struggles against packs of fast-moving mobs as our CC is too weak to keep them away and with the 50% HP boost our DPS can't burn them down fast enough.
Is the content impossible with an Archer? Definitely not. Is it enjoyable? Hmmm... Borderline. If I have a little luck or everything works perfectly then yes, but the slightest piece of bad luck or minor misjudgement and everything goes south real fast. Frankly, without a Greater Health stone I dropped from a lockbox 2 mods ago and never used I may not have even finished levelling this toon.
I'm continuing to tweak my build and playstyle but TBH I'm running out of options.
Nope not really having fun. With the xp changes and lack of real content other than fetch/kill x mob quests that have to be done over and over in boring zones, I do NOT look forward to leveling my alts. I have 2 alts at 64 and 66, an OP and DC, leveled both because that is what is needed in instances most at epic level. Will i finish leveling them and THEN spend the obnoxious amount of time gearing them so they don't get curb-stomped in epic dungeons, I doubt it. It was bad enough that it took forever for my OP and DC to kill things before the added HP, and with the added xp requirement to level ( I think this was an intended move to sell their outrageously overpriced xp boost ...$50...seriously?!?). Prices in the Zen store need to be toned down, If most of the items that people want at this point like campaign/xp boost/rp/etc cost as much as a new game, then why not buy a new game instead of spending money on a marginal boost in a broken game?
rubbertrixsMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 21Arc User
Playing, but not a lot of fun
just tried to do ELOL and failed my GE is 2387 my guild mates do not play as much as me, they have much lower GS but still above ELOL requirements. could not get passed scorpions. how are we supposed to progress if we can not get gear for guild mates that are lower GS?
Raise GS with better enchants and RP enhanced Artifacts.
...not really an option for a casual: The big boost comes once you're past the legendary threshold. And how exactly do you get the AD for the 5x gMoPs and other Marks? Yeh, sure, fling them a tenner for ZEN. But that's only the first artifact...
myles08807Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 410Arc User
Playing, but not a lot of fun
I keep myself busy via the Gateway with Leadership on my team of alts, but I've found it harder and harder to spend time grinding out xp or gear advancement on my main DC. The vast bulk of the satisfaction I gain from playing the game is derived from the professions I'm pursuing. I have hopes that Strongholds will prove interesting, but as I've said in other forums, I've outlived two guilds and am the only active player in my current one. Yeah, I have tons of storage space all to myself, but I doubt I'll be able to solo the heroic encounters required to even establish a guild in the Strongholds map. Honestly, the next few months will determine if I continue to be a Cryptic customer, what with the new Sword Coast PC game coming out with DM features...
As someone else stated in another thread, Strongholds look like just another artifact to level up... and if you take a look at the changes of the XP system, you might get an idea of the amount of grind probably required for getting and keeping up a Stronghold.
This game has been a wreck since mod 6 and I am willing to bet that mod 7 will just throw more salt on the wounds. Personally I did hit 70 and try to gear up but everything is impossibly hard with the rampant one shot kills and my DPS taking as long as the old tank class to kill trash because they have that much HP. I could happily support a rollback to mod 5, but would be happy just to have Lifesteal, regen, and potions changes reversed along with mobs having their attack and HP severely clipped down.
I expected to get some heated debate, but I was surprised that it was not as bad as I thought it might be. Also some very useful tips in going through the posts.
I think to sum up the general feeling, mod 6 made the grinding double or triple what it was, the rewards were halved, plus the difficulty level over the top unless you are geared (and specced) for how they (PWE/Devs) want you to play your toon. Many have mentioned the broken aspects (which are slowly being fixed), but the trend is clear - the heavy grind is here to stay. The question becomes will the rewards become commiserate with the pain? Can I play my character the way I want, or will I have to match the 'ideal' just to survive?
Strongholds will no doubt bring interesting changes, but the fundamental problem of 'enjoyable play' versus 'working at it' needs to be addressed. A large proportion are hanging out to see if the fun can be brought back. If the grind is enjoyable, and you don't have to be perfectly tuned ...
Might is not always right - the powerful sometimes forget that.
I guess that the heroic encounters in the Stronghold areas will be very difficult, and you will need a in every way maxed out character to have even the slightest chance.
I really doubt, that small guilds or average geared players will stand a chance in the new Stronghold content.
But don't worry, they probably allready have some expensive packs waiting for you in the ZEN store, and if you manage to survive an heroic encounter, you will also be rewarded with new coupons...
Decided to vote, even tho its not about "at this point". Crawling thru feedbacks, opinions and foundry suggestions and feedback could make my stand more clear.
A bit nosy NW-DKG7E99X6
"Hardcore" exploration journey and dungeon crawl. Read its description prior to trying it.
This game isn't fun anymore and I don't enjoy launching the game every day as I did pre mod 6
actually I logged in once in a week as lately
Basically, the main thing that should be understood is that there is a HARMFUL BIAS in the players' feedback:
seeing the state of things, the only voices that has been listened to are those of who had BiS equipment and were bored with the dungeons: result? more than half of the dungeons got removed and those remaining got their difficulty dramatically increased.
The same is happening right now in mod6, only that the bias has grown tenfold: a lot of the players who still stick with the game are people who exploited their way to their BiS equipment: you can't convince me that just after a few weeks from launch people already had mithyc artifacts, legendary artifact gear, rank 12 and transcendent enchantments altogether using legit means!
Why is this a problem? because they'll provide Biased Feedback and say that the game is fine or is starting to get easy while casual players will stale seeing no way out of the difficulty.
Let me explain my situation: I consider myself above a casual player, from the perspective of the level of passion I've put on this game:
I played a lot in mod 2 throughout mod 5 with my TR, I leveled each class and tried nearly every path with few exceptions, mostly PvE, so it's not that I know little of the game or that I've logged in just few times in a while.
With the TR I was able to get epic pvp equipment, which is the only obtainable epic equipment right now, and despite leveling a few of my artifact gear and enchantments I've seen that I can't get past 2.3k Total Item Level.
I have mainhand, offhand and belt artifact gear at purple (i couldn't upgrade to lvl 70 the neck because it's too expensive or has far too crazy requirements, like greater black ice cloak), rank 7/rank 8 enchantments [maybe a couple of rank 9], two basic enchants for weapon and armor, lvl 60 purple shirt and pants, and two lvl 70 blue rings
I already finished PvE content that can be Soloed, in new zones I struggled hard to remain alive, while I already finished campaigns in the previous mods...
The next step would be to acquire gear which is far too expensive on the AH or either obtain it in the epic dungeons
the problem is that epic dungeons aren't feasible: I either don't have enough damage or ArmPen, or I haven't got enough resistance to stay alive
If I don't enter a pug with some people using exploits (or with BiS gear almost surely obtained by means of exploit), I find myself always dodging because the other players get wiped and I'm left alone with all the aggro on my shoulders
PvP is worse because of these players who exploited... they have a transcendental negation enchantment and suddenly become a tank even if they should be dps (like TR,HR,CW etc...) or get other crazy combinations where they reflect damage while receiving none
With my O.P. the situation is even worse
I worked my ""rear"" off to obtain epic pvp equipment with glory, and now I'm in a worse situation than my TR
I'm stuck at 2.1k T.I.L. and can't do any... and I stress any... epic dungeon, not even valindra, because mobs (you read it, mobs) shot me
and I've chosen the oath of protection + bulwark
If a "tank" gets shot like that there's no point in playing...
I didn't even try pugging a single epic dungeon with my archer HR... i just got epic pvp gear after feeling my bile rise countless times and I stopped there because if my "tank" can't do anything... imagine what an aggro-drawing_glass-cannon-archer could accomplish.
I think the repetitive missions should be made a tad bit more fun they seem like no thought has been put into them with regards to making them interesting and fun maybe some missions where you have to work stuff out would be nice, not just bash bash bash ugggg. Some flying pvp missions would be awesome 2 air ships and group of 5 on each team has to either board the others or blow it out the sky ohhh yeah things like this would be a blast.
PvP still needs better matchmaking as some times you enter and all the decent players are bunched in 1 team and all the not so good players are in the other team making the match no fun at all, all you have to do is divide them better can't be that hard, maybe I'm wrong. And no more ready made teams that is sometimes a real joke and all you do is discourage people from joining pvp and from your own words with the new league for pvp your trying to get more to go to pvp, you know it makes sense, if you want ready made teams from guilds then give them a guild pvp Q and have a guild pvp league.
It's funny how so many people here assume that everyone who's ever managed to land legendaries/mythics/rank 10s+ did so by paying/exploiting their way to the top.
What's funnier is that people have been dropping hints pretty much everywhere in this thread about buying character slots to do stuff like generate leadership alts/do gateway gaming/have better chances of getting event rewards/increase the number of daily rewards you can get/ raise your overall rough AD per day limit/raise your inventory limit for stuff you plan to keep or re-sell/etc. Artifact upgrading shortcuts have even been alluded to.
And that's not all. From the posts, it seems even the people who are carrying our dedicated F2P playerbase are doing it too - using their cash to buy the stuff they want, then relying on in-game AD generation to buy the stuff they need.
The joke's on the people who think we just suddenly decided to show up in-game fully formed and in complete (pre)BiS gear, as if we didn't have to work out a plan/spend our time viciously trying to keep our buying impulses in check.
PvP has always been problematic. Completely ignoring the unfair matchmaking and the paladin, which is a new class and is OP by default(pardon the pun), the game still has perma-stealth TRs (the devs actually tried their damndest to get rid of those, 20+ pages worth of whining reversed that) and broken enchants (it was Soulforged, Bilethorn, etc. now it's Negation).
It doesn't help that PvP is still mostly about capturing/contesting points, so no. You can't just run away from an enemy you can't see/kill so you can fight them from a more favorable position.
The only way to really address all of these is for there to be a mod dedicated (at least in a large part) to PvP, which Strongholds is. It remains to be seen if it will address all these problems though.
Post edited by tyrtallow on
You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
You realize that I was talking about BiS gear. B. i. S.
Getting "decent" gear is incredibly easy in this game. The problem, apparently, is that the truly new players don't know how (like the poster above - getting to 70 and running starter content like KR should be the top priority, tackling WoD reliably should come AFTER you are in non-starter level 70 gear) and whiners just want more. More more more. It doesn't help that whiners are sucking the morale out of new players with their stupid zone chat propaganda.
Seriously, the game gives you the best main/off-hand hand you can possibly get once you reach 70. It only takes you around 40k RP to get your artifact weapon to blue - which you should have if you expect to solo 70 content easier - and around 550k to get to purple, which you should have if you want to progress from T1s to T2s. During x2 RP it's half that amount. With just three characters total and one main who can do even the barest of level 70 content - like Kessell's - you should easily be able to max out all their rough AD total by doing that (rough ad, salvage - alts must be 60 so that's a priority, sellables) and Rhix dailies, for a total of roughly 70k AD per day gained. Even before they reach 60 you can run low level skirmishes on skirmish hour on your alts for an AD boost. 7 days of ~70k AD gain per day later you have close to 500k AD. Congrats you just got your lesser Soulforged /end PvE armor enchantment problems. A few days later congrats, you got your first lesser weapon enchant. Hopefully it was a debuff enchant. This is not even counting all the goodies you could have found and sold while doing dungeons/events/stuff like the dragon heralds/earnings from leadership (and the gains from those will be significant). 14 days worth of gaming later congrats, you should have saved enough to get all your artifacts/artifact gear to blue/purple and upgrade your enchants to rank 7-8, and possibly bought more character slots. When the next x2 comes you can sell RP in preparation for x2 that comes AFTER that one, as well as read the forums/wiki about artifact upgrading shortcuts, and when that happens you might just see your very first legendaries.
Congrats, the world is your oyster.
Now, was that really so hard?
It took me a about a month to get my main character in WoW to max level (while leveling two other alts just for fun) and several weeks before he was in competent gear for PUG raids (not even Pre-BiS gear), for roughly the same effort. Progress in this game, unfair? Surely you jest.
The more difficult T2s can be hell, definitely, which is funny because that's a BiS players' concern (too much effort for comparatively smaller rewards compared to T1s).
There is absolutely no reason new players should be worrying themselves about those.
PvP overall is screwed even from a BiS gamer's perspective, so it's not something a newbie should lose sleep about either.
And if you get tired, take a vacation. No monthly sub, no pressure. Read your journal (the lore section is very interesting). Do/make a foundry. Buy yourself a cool-looking mount/fashion/dyes. Re-visit older game areas and observe things you were just too busy to notice before.
Enjoy the game for being the beautiful thing that it is.
Leadership should NOT be the main concern of anyone with only 10 alts. You could do a Rhix daily and earn what, 4k rough AD just like that? That's faster, better returns than doing leadership. If you want faster progress, get a group. There are dedicated grouping guilds/grouping channels like nw_legit_community that exist for just that need.
There are many of us players in-game who are only too happy to help out newbies who just need a little guidance, but pretty much the only thing you need to figure out how the game works is common sense. The problem is that whiners tend to be a lot more vocal in chat. When your chat window is being filled with "The game is P2W!" "Everyone in legendaries/mythics is a whale/exploiter!" "Cryptic devs -insert fail/horrible programming skills comparison here-" ALL THE F---ING TIME it's a wonder new players can even hear themselves think.
Bottomline, if at any point new players are miserable with their progress it's only because they need guidance/they listen to whiners too much. The game has issues, being new player-unfriendly isn't one of them.
Unless you count the community, that is.
Post edited by tyrtallow on
You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
i have not seen any fresh purple marks since end of april, i have way too many rank 7's and no purple potency marks, i am slowly rebuilt my AD supply, and decided to add 3 more alts for AD farm, wont make any newer alt since the devs made level lot slower and less fun.
i am at the point where i need 20-30 GMoPs to upgrade them, and sick of seeing item score not going anywhere, and not many doing Seal runs to get elite tier 1 and tier 2's.
devs broke too many.
by the way, just my opinion, devs should had shut down NW and research all the codes made by previous teams, these new guys replaced old team, they have no clue or what other did, and repair some of the codes they think it was new, but instead it broke vast amount of older codes, in order to restore the game as it should be, and then relaunch it.
way too much and becoming so bloated with flaws.
With just three characters total and one main who can do even the barest of level 70 content - like Kessell's - you should easily be able to max out all their rough AD total by doing that (rough ad, salvage - alts must be 60 so that's a priority, sellables) and Rhix dailies, for a total of roughly 70k AD per day gained.
You basically just told everyone to play six hours a day
Hitting the 61-70 leveling stretch with ilvl 1700 was hell. My Archery HR was always a bit fragile, but the sheer number of trash one-shots was enough to make me walk away from the game for a week. She's finally up to just a tad under 2K ilvl, so life is a bit better... but still not that great. I can fairly easily solo the daily area lairs again, doing a fair bit of aoes and kiting.
But overall, I just feel like too many things in the game aren't working they way they're meant to, and some things (like the HUGE spike in how long it takes to level/fill the overflow xp bar at cap are just punishing with no real reward. Sure, fun little events and all this talk of strongholds distracts us, but I just want abilities that do what the tooltips say more than any of that. Sadly, I think we'll just get more distractions and less fixes.
It's funny how so many people here assume that everyone who's ever managed to land legendaries/mythics/rank 10s+ did so by paying/exploiting their way to the top.
Not everyone does but a lot of people do ( Just search EOA botting on youtube idiot left his twitch stream open)
The other way is leadership farms and tons of people automate them using scrips for the gateway as it has no anti cheat protection.
Other wise manage your leadership farm manually or play the AH, no point running dungeons with a 0.5% chance to drop a item you can sell.
The best way to make money in this game is by not playing the game content.
despite what some people continues to say, contesting other players' points of view (even though completely unasked ... they just appear as feeling a little defensive [skeletons in the closet?] )
there's no way the AD gain per day is somewhat near to what it was in mod5 when you could run a few epic dungeons, during dungeon delves event (thus, without the need for a key), get some decent gear and salvage it or sell on AH
days are made of 24 hours, not 48... and not everyone can spend half of their days switching alts and grinding (which isn't even fun because that grind isn't rewarded at the moment)
the amount of RP needed to get to legendary is insane, not nearly close to the amount of RP a normal player would gain by playing or either by trying to earn on the AH (you know, not everyone is the wolf of wall street)
But for me, that's WORK, not play.
I like playing several chars, but I want to PLAY them, not use them as farm animals, and I'm deeply disturbed that this game tries to shoehorn me not only into a very limited number of chars to play, but also into one single char setup and equipment set per class.
Not to mention how frustrating it is - if you take a year or longer to develop a char - that cryptic not only adds new stuff but also trashes the setup you strife for every few month or even earlier.
is one of the fun-precluding reasons right now... this should be Dungeons and Dragons, not a Business Simulation Game! I don't like to login and be constrained full-time to play the merchant on the AH just to improve my character past 2.4k , because it takes hundreds of thousands of AD to reach legendaries, mythics, rank 12 and transcendents
i`ve got nothing against pay to play games, if a game is good i`ll happily pay to help develop my character. as i have done with neverwinter and many other games. i`ve invested a fair few $$$ in this game over the last year or so and with the last update the goal posts were moved further away yet again so more investment was needed to give your characters a fair chance of survival. it seems we are paying more to repeat the same content.
I paused for a year and came back recently. I was devastated to see what happened to the game, especially to the foundry. I'm playing, but I don't have fun anymore. The only fun I get is when roleplaying with a few friends. Dungeongs are just horror. Everything seems so full of bugs and when I read in all the forums, be it german or english, that all those bugs were reportet in beta-stage, but NOT fixed, I just get angry and heavily doubt the competence of the devs and the whole company.
When I look at the foundry my anger increases even more. The foundry is neglected and ignored in a way that just has to be by intention. If you want to get rid off the foundry, just take it out of the game, but don't let it be the way it is and thus let it be a fraud. OR, what would be better: FIX IT FINALLY!
Except its not.
There may have been a lot of people who exploited their way to the top, but just many (likely more) did not. If a lot more people used the major exploits we'd have a LOT more rollbacks.
Anyway I know many of the non-exploiters haunt custom channels like Legit and give folks free AD-generating/saving tips all the time. Obviously groups of those who used exploits could likely be found in guilds.
You basically just told everyone to play six hours a day
False. Assuming you don't spend your time whining or just standing still in PE.
But for me, that's WORK, not play.
I like playing several chars, but I want to PLAY them, not use them as farm animals, and I'm deeply disturbed that this game tries to shoehorn me not only into a very limited number of chars to play, but also into one single char setup and equipment set per class.
Who says anything about farm animals? The point is that you should be pooling most of your resources into at least one character, especially if you're a casual. You should have a plan.
As I pointed out, actually playing your altcan actually be more lucrative, at least until you need to start gearing them for level 70 dungeons/skirmishes.
People who have too many alts can simply no longer afford to play them so they do leadership. And when you have a LOT of alts, leadership gives you the best rewards for the least effort.
No one is forcing you into one character setup. I'm not sure why you even brought that up, because if how powerful capstones are atm.
If you've been here since beta as you claim, you know we have limited gear atm because they've decided to move away from set items. In the future perhaps we'll have more sets with different stats, but in case you don't remember even though we had a LOT of sets from mods 1-5 most people only ever wore one. Like High Vizier for CWs.
So what was the point of having so many character sets?
Not to mention how frustrating it is - if you take a year or longer to develop a char - that cryptic not only adds new stuff but also trashes the setup you strife for every few month or even earlier.
I don't know about you, but I got my artifact weapon main hand in mod 3. Before that I was using the same weapon from beta to mod 3. When mod 6 hit I simply waited for x2 RP and dropped my old artifact weapon into my new one, keeping 80% of the RP. So basically I'm still using 80% of the RP I invested in my stuff since mod 3. When mod 7 happens, I will simply do so again. If preview is to be trusted, then I still get to keep a significant portion of the time/money I invested into my gear. As a player in legendaries I actually lose large chunk of what I invested compared to people in blues/purples, but losing 20% is definitely a lot better than losing it all.
Post edited by tyrtallow on
You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
Are you really so intent on wallowing in your own ineptitude?
This guy is dying to imps. IMPS. He claims he cannot solo anything at all. Archers may be struggling, archers may need buffs, but that doesn't matter when you're running around with 45k HP in level 70 zones. Expect to die horribly constantly.
Your personal experience is obviously biased towards failing.
Frankly, I did try to sugarcoat that fact several posts ago. It's not really my fault you are stubborn enough to keep defending how you are setting yourself up for failure.
Many complain there are no old dungeons now, but in period of mod 2 - 5 only Castle Never was one real dungeon, people farmed SP/PK/TOS/FH/Karr like event skirmish, T1 dungeons had little to no meaning at all.
In mod 5 when heralds/tiamat started dropping T1 and T2, no one wanted to do these T2 dungeons except PK (for armor/weapon enchantment stones).
New people asking for T1/T2 group had little choice but jump in PUG queue or be bootstrapped by powerful guild mates without experiencing much on their own, because one dps 16k could solo CN/T2 with ease unlike group of 5 10k.
— (The unwritten rule)
Is the content impossible with an Archer? Definitely not. Is it enjoyable? Hmmm... Borderline. If I have a little luck or everything works perfectly then yes, but the slightest piece of bad luck or minor misjudgement and everything goes south real fast. Frankly, without a Greater Health stone I dropped from a lockbox 2 mods ago and never used I may not have even finished levelling this toon.
I'm continuing to tweak my build and playstyle but TBH I'm running out of options.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
...not really an option for a casual: The big boost comes once you're past the legendary threshold. And how exactly do you get the AD for the 5x gMoPs and other Marks? Yeh, sure, fling them a tenner for ZEN. But that's only the first artifact...
"Feeding the Beast"
says it all.
I think to sum up the general feeling, mod 6 made the grinding double or triple what it was, the rewards were halved, plus the difficulty level over the top unless you are geared (and specced) for how they (PWE/Devs) want you to play your toon. Many have mentioned the broken aspects (which are slowly being fixed), but the trend is clear - the heavy grind is here to stay. The question becomes will the rewards become commiserate with the pain? Can I play my character the way I want, or will I have to match the 'ideal' just to survive?
Strongholds will no doubt bring interesting changes, but the fundamental problem of 'enjoyable play' versus 'working at it' needs to be addressed. A large proportion are hanging out to see if the fun can be brought back. If the grind is enjoyable, and you don't have to be perfectly tuned ...
Might is not always right - the powerful sometimes forget that.
The Small BandI really doubt, that small guilds or average geared players will stand a chance in the new Stronghold content.
But don't worry, they probably allready have some expensive packs waiting for you in the ZEN store, and if you manage to survive an heroic encounter, you will also be rewarded with new coupons...
actually I logged in once in a week as lately
Basically, the main thing that should be understood is that there is a HARMFUL BIAS in the players' feedback:
seeing the state of things, the only voices that has been listened to are those of who had BiS equipment and were bored with the dungeons: result? more than half of the dungeons got removed and those remaining got their difficulty dramatically increased.
The same is happening right now in mod6, only that the bias has grown tenfold: a lot of the players who still stick with the game are people who exploited their way to their BiS equipment: you can't convince me that just after a few weeks from launch people already had mithyc artifacts, legendary artifact gear, rank 12 and transcendent enchantments altogether using legit means!
Why is this a problem? because they'll provide Biased Feedback and say that the game is fine or is starting to get easy while casual players will stale seeing no way out of the difficulty.
Let me explain my situation: I consider myself above a casual player, from the perspective of the level of passion I've put on this game:
I played a lot in mod 2 throughout mod 5 with my TR, I leveled each class and tried nearly every path with few exceptions, mostly PvE, so it's not that I know little of the game or that I've logged in just few times in a while.
With the TR I was able to get epic pvp equipment, which is the only obtainable epic equipment right now, and despite leveling a few of my artifact gear and enchantments I've seen that I can't get past 2.3k Total Item Level.
I have mainhand, offhand and belt artifact gear at purple (i couldn't upgrade to lvl 70 the neck because it's too expensive or has far too crazy requirements, like greater black ice cloak), rank 7/rank 8 enchantments [maybe a couple of rank 9], two basic enchants for weapon and armor, lvl 60 purple shirt and pants, and two lvl 70 blue rings
I already finished PvE content that can be Soloed, in new zones I struggled hard to remain alive, while I already finished campaigns in the previous mods...
The next step would be to acquire gear which is far too expensive on the AH or either obtain it in the epic dungeons
the problem is that epic dungeons aren't feasible: I either don't have enough damage or ArmPen, or I haven't got enough resistance to stay alive
If I don't enter a pug with some people using exploits (or with BiS gear almost surely obtained by means of exploit), I find myself always dodging because the other players get wiped and I'm left alone with all the aggro on my shoulders
PvP is worse because of these players who exploited... they have a transcendental negation enchantment and suddenly become a tank even if they should be dps (like TR,HR,CW etc...) or get other crazy combinations where they reflect damage while receiving none
With my O.P. the situation is even worse
I worked my ""rear"" off to obtain epic pvp equipment with glory, and now I'm in a worse situation than my TR
I'm stuck at 2.1k T.I.L. and can't do any... and I stress any... epic dungeon, not even valindra, because mobs (you read it, mobs) shot me
and I've chosen the oath of protection + bulwark
If a "tank" gets shot like that there's no point in playing...
I didn't even try pugging a single epic dungeon with my archer HR... i just got epic pvp gear after feeling my bile rise countless times and I stopped there because if my "tank" can't do anything... imagine what an aggro-drawing_glass-cannon-archer could accomplish.
PvP still needs better matchmaking as some times you enter and all the decent players are bunched in 1 team and all the not so good players are in the other team making the match no fun at all, all you have to do is divide them better can't be that hard, maybe I'm wrong. And no more ready made teams that is sometimes a real joke and all you do is discourage people from joining pvp and from your own words with the new league for pvp your trying to get more to go to pvp, you know it makes sense, if you want ready made teams from guilds then give them a guild pvp Q and have a guild pvp league.
What's funnier is that people have been dropping hints pretty much everywhere in this thread about buying character slots to do stuff like generate leadership alts/do gateway gaming/have better chances of getting event rewards/increase the number of daily rewards you can get/ raise your overall rough AD per day limit/raise your inventory limit for stuff you plan to keep or re-sell/etc. Artifact upgrading shortcuts have even been alluded to.
And that's not all. From the posts, it seems even the people who are carrying our dedicated F2P playerbase are doing it too - using their cash to buy the stuff they want, then relying on in-game AD generation to buy the stuff they need.
The joke's on the people who think we just suddenly decided to show up in-game fully formed and in complete (pre)BiS gear, as if we didn't have to work out a plan/spend our time viciously trying to keep our buying impulses in check.
PvP has always been problematic. Completely ignoring the unfair matchmaking and the paladin, which is a new class and is OP by default(pardon the pun), the game still has perma-stealth TRs (the devs actually tried their damndest to get rid of those, 20+ pages worth of whining reversed that) and broken enchants (it was Soulforged, Bilethorn, etc. now it's Negation).
It doesn't help that PvP is still mostly about capturing/contesting points, so no. You can't just run away from an enemy you can't see/kill so you can fight them from a more favorable position.
The only way to really address all of these is for there to be a mod dedicated (at least in a large part) to PvP, which Strongholds is. It remains to be seen if it will address all these problems though.
Getting "decent" gear is incredibly easy in this game. The problem, apparently, is that the truly new players don't know how (like the poster above - getting to 70 and running starter content like KR should be the top priority, tackling WoD reliably should come AFTER you are in non-starter level 70 gear) and whiners just want more. More more more. It doesn't help that whiners are sucking the morale out of new players with their stupid zone chat propaganda.
Seriously, the game gives you the best main/off-hand hand you can possibly get once you reach 70. It only takes you around 40k RP to get your artifact weapon to blue - which you should have if you expect to solo 70 content easier - and around 550k to get to purple, which you should have if you want to progress from T1s to T2s. During x2 RP it's half that amount. With just three characters total and one main who can do even the barest of level 70 content - like Kessell's - you should easily be able to max out all their rough AD total by doing that (rough ad, salvage - alts must be 60 so that's a priority, sellables) and Rhix dailies, for a total of roughly 70k AD per day gained. Even before they reach 60 you can run low level skirmishes on skirmish hour on your alts for an AD boost. 7 days of ~70k AD gain per day later you have close to 500k AD. Congrats you just got your lesser Soulforged /end PvE armor enchantment problems. A few days later congrats, you got your first lesser weapon enchant. Hopefully it was a debuff enchant. This is not even counting all the goodies you could have found and sold while doing dungeons/events/stuff like the dragon heralds/earnings from leadership (and the gains from those will be significant). 14 days worth of gaming later congrats, you should have saved enough to get all your artifacts/artifact gear to blue/purple and upgrade your enchants to rank 7-8, and possibly bought more character slots. When the next x2 comes you can sell RP in preparation for x2 that comes AFTER that one, as well as read the forums/wiki about artifact upgrading shortcuts, and when that happens you might just see your very first legendaries.
Congrats, the world is your oyster.
Now, was that really so hard?
It took me a about a month to get my main character in WoW to max level (while leveling two other alts just for fun) and several weeks before he was in competent gear for PUG raids (not even Pre-BiS gear), for roughly the same effort. Progress in this game, unfair? Surely you jest.
The more difficult T2s can be hell, definitely, which is funny because that's a BiS players' concern (too much effort for comparatively smaller rewards compared to T1s).
There is absolutely no reason new players should be worrying themselves about those.
PvP overall is screwed even from a BiS gamer's perspective, so it's not something a newbie should lose sleep about either.
And if you get tired, take a vacation. No monthly sub, no pressure. Read your journal (the lore section is very interesting). Do/make a foundry. Buy yourself a cool-looking mount/fashion/dyes. Re-visit older game areas and observe things you were just too busy to notice before.
Enjoy the game for being the beautiful thing that it is.
Leadership should NOT be the main concern of anyone with only 10 alts. You could do a Rhix daily and earn what, 4k rough AD just like that? That's faster, better returns than doing leadership. If you want faster progress, get a group. There are dedicated grouping guilds/grouping channels like nw_legit_community that exist for just that need.
There are many of us players in-game who are only too happy to help out newbies who just need a little guidance, but pretty much the only thing you need to figure out how the game works is common sense. The problem is that whiners tend to be a lot more vocal in chat. When your chat window is being filled with "The game is P2W!" "Everyone in legendaries/mythics is a whale/exploiter!" "Cryptic devs -insert fail/horrible programming skills comparison here-" ALL THE F---ING TIME it's a wonder new players can even hear themselves think.
Bottomline, if at any point new players are miserable with their progress it's only because they need guidance/they listen to whiners too much. The game has issues, being new player-unfriendly isn't one of them.
Unless you count the community, that is.
i am at the point where i need 20-30 GMoPs to upgrade them, and sick of seeing item score not going anywhere, and not many doing Seal runs to get elite tier 1 and tier 2's.
devs broke too many.
by the way, just my opinion, devs should had shut down NW and research all the codes made by previous teams, these new guys replaced old team, they have no clue or what other did, and repair some of the codes they think it was new, but instead it broke vast amount of older codes, in order to restore the game as it should be, and then relaunch it.
way too much and becoming so bloated with flaws.
You basically just told everyone to play six hours a day
But overall, I just feel like too many things in the game aren't working they way they're meant to, and some things (like the HUGE spike in how long it takes to level/fill the overflow xp bar at cap are just punishing with no real reward. Sure, fun little events and all this talk of strongholds distracts us, but I just want abilities that do what the tooltips say more than any of that. Sadly, I think we'll just get more distractions and less fixes.
Not everyone does but a lot of people do ( Just search EOA botting on youtube idiot left his twitch stream open)
The other way is leadership farms and tons of people automate them using scrips for the gateway as it has no anti cheat protection.
Other wise manage your leadership farm manually or play the AH, no point running dungeons with a 0.5% chance to drop a item you can sell.
The best way to make money in this game is by not playing the game content.
there's no way the AD gain per day is somewhat near to what it was in mod5 when you could run a few epic dungeons, during dungeon delves event (thus, without the need for a key), get some decent gear and salvage it or sell on AH
days are made of 24 hours, not 48... and not everyone can spend half of their days switching alts and grinding (which isn't even fun because that grind isn't rewarded at the moment)
the amount of RP needed to get to legendary is insane, not nearly close to the amount of RP a normal player would gain by playing or either by trying to earn on the AH (you know, not everyone is the wolf of wall street)
infact this is one of the fun-precluding reasons right now... this should be Dungeons and Dragons, not a Business Simulation Game! I don't like to login and be constrained full-time to play the merchant on the AH just to improve my character past 2.4k , because it takes hundreds of thousands of AD to reach legendaries, mythics, rank 12 and transcendents
When I look at the foundry my anger increases even more. The foundry is neglected and ignored in a way that just has to be by intention. If you want to get rid off the foundry, just take it out of the game, but don't let it be the way it is and thus let it be a fraud. OR, what would be better: FIX IT FINALLY!
There may have been a lot of people who exploited their way to the top, but just many (likely more) did not. If a lot more people used the major exploits we'd have a LOT more rollbacks.
Anyway I know many of the non-exploiters haunt custom channels like Legit and give folks free AD-generating/saving tips all the time. Obviously groups of those who used exploits could likely be found in guilds. False. Assuming you don't spend your time whining or just standing still in PE. Who says anything about farm animals? The point is that you should be pooling most of your resources into at least one character, especially if you're a casual. You should have a plan.
As I pointed out, actually playing your altcan actually be more lucrative, at least until you need to start gearing them for level 70 dungeons/skirmishes.
People who have too many alts can simply no longer afford to play them so they do leadership. And when you have a LOT of alts, leadership gives you the best rewards for the least effort.
No one is forcing you into one character setup. I'm not sure why you even brought that up, because if how powerful capstones are atm.
If you've been here since beta as you claim, you know we have limited gear atm because they've decided to move away from set items. In the future perhaps we'll have more sets with different stats, but in case you don't remember even though we had a LOT of sets from mods 1-5 most people only ever wore one. Like High Vizier for CWs.
So what was the point of having so many character sets?
I don't know about you, but I got my artifact weapon main hand in mod 3. Before that I was using the same weapon from beta to mod 3. When mod 6 hit I simply waited for x2 RP and dropped my old artifact weapon into my new one, keeping 80% of the RP. So basically I'm still using 80% of the RP I invested in my stuff since mod 3. When mod 7 happens, I will simply do so again. If preview is to be trusted, then I still get to keep a significant portion of the time/money I invested into my gear. As a player in legendaries I actually lose large chunk of what I invested compared to people in blues/purples, but losing 20% is definitely a lot better than losing it all.