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Captain America: Civil War is now the top grossing movie of 2016

valoreahvaloreah Member Posts: 11,726 Arc User
The film has surpassed Disney’s own Zootopia ($974.2 million) to become the top grossing movie of 2016 so far.

Not to mention it's also getting excellent reviews. 90% on Rotten Tomatoes is impressive.

Have to say I very much enjoyed this film. Disney/Marvel did not disappoint, and I very much enjoyed the introduction of Black Panther and Spider-Man. I'm really excited to see where they go with their individual films. Overall a great film.

WB/DC should rethink what they're doing with the DCU IMO.
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    hawku001xhawku001x Member Posts: 10,764 Arc User
    Loved it. I want to hit the theatres again at some point to watch it twice. And Disney is finally getting the money they desperately need. :p
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    samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    Ugh... DC is stumbling like a drunk frat boy. The funny thing is they have for the most part better recognizable and more popular characters to the general public but even that can't save them.
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    equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,279 Arc User
    samt1996 wrote: »
    Ugh... DC is stumbling like a drunk frat boy. The funny thing is they have for the most part better recognizable and more popular characters to the general public but even that can't save them.

    I think it's because they insist on being 'dreary' (or 'gritty as some people like to call it).

    Marvel strikes the right balance of 'funny' and 'serious' in a way that's both believable (despite being based upon comic book characters) and entertaining.

    DC however is caught up in the 'gritty' reboot culture that started in early/mid 2000 with things such as BSG ect.

    People want to be entertained by a film, they don't want to feel like they are going through a bout of depression (well not if they are going to see a comic book film anyway...)

    As for the next instalment suicide squad, it looks like they have gone in the complete opposite direction, Joker looks like a moron, and it looks like they are now overcompensating for the previous 'grit' factor by going aiming straight for 'over the top stupid'.

    Not sure why DC is finding it so hard to get into the middleground.
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    mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    DC however is caught up in the 'gritty' reboot culture that started in early/mid 2000 with things such as BSG ect.

    I think there is a place for gritty and "dark" themes. But it can't be everywhere. I think for BSG it was a really good fit - having your entire civilization nuked by genocidal robots is not exactly the topic of fun casino excursion.
    Batman has been done campy, but I think the "darker" interpretation suits him better. But Superman to me is definitely a shining beacon of hope type character. He should be on the more ... positive side.

    In the end, it will always require some sense of balance between extremes, and DC has not done a good job so far.

    And i think they are trying too hard to get where Marvel is after several years of movie continuity. If I understand things correctly Marvel only started their movie continuity because what they had done (Iron Man particularly, I believe) had worked so well that they could use it as a spring board.

    DC had Nolan's Batman movies, but decided to abandon that continuity and start anew. I am not sure that Batman would have been the ideal fit for a new movie continuity, but... Not using it also means that you start from a new beginning and have to start establishing your setting.
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,181 Community Moderator
    DC needs to get away from the grim/dark.

    As for Captain America being the top earner of the year... its still early. We got some potential blockbusters coming out still with Ghostbusters, Independence Day, Star Trek... hell... even WarCraft and Star Wars: Rogue One!
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
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    angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    I can understand it. The movie was quite enjoyable and I like the MCU pretty much without big exceptions, very entertaining and well made movies and shows (Agents of Shield had a very bumpy start, though). Of course there are weaknesses in all of them as well, but that's natural and they hardly outweigh the enjoyment I get out of them.

    The DC movies on the other hoof... Burton Batman and Nolan Batman are amongst my all time favourites, great movies. The new stuff however I'm not really interested in, although I would have liked a decent Wonderwoman movie, but they really don't lure me into the cinema.​​
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    seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited May 2016

    And i think they are trying too hard to get where Marvel is after several years of movie continuity.

    Marvel took a bunch of years to build up the MCU with the general course planned very early while DC continued to reimagine the same characters all over the palce in all kinds of mediums and forms with absolutely no connection to each other.

    The DCCU would have probably started better if they also would have taken their time to actually plan it out instead of just shoving as much plot points & charcaters as possible in a gritty little box and call it day.

    Will be interesting how the DCCU will progress but what I'm really exited about is the next couple entries on the Marvel side. "Phase 3" started out great so far.

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