Please Put the game back the way it was. Bring back its quality, and challenging gameplay.

jdub85 Posts: 3 Arc User
This game has taken a nose dive into the ground. I miss how it used to be, the game in too many ways has gotten too easy. On the West Side of Arch used to be pretty chalenging, having to avoid the agressive mobs, made it fun and intresting developing stradigies to complete your quests without dieing. Keep the new rases and turtorial, but put the gameplay back to where it was, right now the only drops worth picking up are the coin drops, the DQ items are worthless, please bring back the value of them so players can make some ingame money. I noticed that the weapon tokens only give Mirage Celestial stones, making the Weapon Tokens not worth going through. Please put the game back the way it used to be. The mobs need to tougher, the drops more vauble, or useful, bring back the Supply Chest that opened every 5th lvl and gave players nice things, more useful than what comes of the chest now. This game is dieing, and needs a helping hand. I dont like seeing all the disfunctioning gameplay, and empty feilds that used to be filled with players helping each other out.


  • jdub85
    jdub85 Posts: 3 Arc User
    Please Bring back the Old Perfect World.
  • catgirldesu
    catgirldesu Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    Early game content should not be made harder because it will negatively affect new players. Keep in mind that new players will not have the knowledge of a veteran player starting a new character. I agree that they should make drops more valuable for PWI, though, since PWI doesn't suffer from China's heavy botting. They should also give low level players better ways of making coins.

    I don't think PvE is too easy, especially when you look at newer regions like the Western Steppes that bring a lot of challenge to anyone that isn't wearing endgame gear. You have to keep in mind that PvE needs to remain accessible to players of all gear levels, as long as they have the appropriate gear for their level range that is. We already had problems back when they changed Seat of Torment and Abaddon. They made the instances harder and some players had trouble finishing their cultivation quests back then.

  • jacobsrevenge
    jacobsrevenge Posts: 61 Arc User
    i dnt have any problem doing any quest or drops/coins when i started playing this game since june 2016... i enjoy the stories of questlines, making friends to finish dungeon and cultivation. i dnt think new players having trouble calling for some help and things that only old players can understand.. i read many threads here like 8years ago the game is dying. yet its standing still.
  • implode
    implode Posts: 83 Arc User
    IMO the problem is the amount of dailies we had. In 2008 the only dailies we had were cube and WQ (which everybody hated, so many didn't do) and crazy stone. So everyone had endless free time on their hands and spent it in the most part helping others out. So it was a really nice community.

    Then we got BHs, then primal dailies, homestead dailies, daily instances like FSP, UP, DH. Especially for anyone who plays more than one char, its a struggle just to get it all done within a day (still never been in DH for that reason). So nobody has any time to help anybody else out. So now WC is full of people crying for help but everyone's too busy, and so they get ignored and that probably contributes to new people giving up because they can't get help.
  • orangeitis
    orangeitis Posts: 183 Arc User
    It's funny. People that plead these same points tend to not know why the game deviated the way it did in the first place.

    How about instead, we try to find a way for the game to work instead of going back to an easily-exploitable version?
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,811 Community Moderator
    I personally think the Gear Gap is not helping this.

    You have players with R9S3 and then to the lower end...

    Your never have strong mobs. Not unless they have a mechanic that locks the damage to target.

    May be to late, Ive been saying for years now bring back the BH caves Make them Lv set or the mobs defined damage to the player its hitting.

    We will see...​​
  • tolots
    tolots Posts: 103 Arc User
    You cant turn back time , why not try to get rb2 and try a D-up / Jdh in your G16+7 set and than tell me again that mobs are easy.

    This only serve as example , i dont know your level and gear tough :)
  • jdub85
    jdub85 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    What i liked about the game around Arch, is it insisted on the players to work together to accomplish stuff, which was kool as Arch is the first place the races all come together, thats what i like about MMOs. thats the problem with Guild Wars 2, you really dont need a squad or guild for most of the game, kind of amusing coming from a game titled Guild Wars. bring back the agressive mobs and the value for drops, right now the only thing worth picking up are the coin drops.
  • jacobsrevenge
    jacobsrevenge Posts: 61 Arc User
    u like the things that doesnt exist anymore.. why dont u just move on and find other things that makes u feel better?
  • aetje
    aetje Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    implode wrote: »
    IMO the problem is the amount of dailies we had. In 2008 the only dailies we had were cube and WQ (which everybody hated, so many didn't do) and crazy stone. So everyone had endless free time on their hands and spent it in the most part helping others out. So it was a really nice community.

    Then we got BHs, then primal dailies, homestead dailies, daily instances like FSP, UP, DH. Especially for anyone who plays more than one char, its a struggle just to get it all done within a day (still never been in DH for that reason). So nobody has any time to help anybody else out. So now WC is full of people crying for help but everyone's too busy, and so they get ignored and that probably contributes to new people giving up because they can't get help.

    This. So much busywork that folk don't spend time being in a community. Just farm-farm-daily-daily-rinse-repeat. I often find myself -wanting- to help that noobie needing BH69 or a random worldboss for culti, but at the same time thinking "if I help him/her out for half an hour I won't get my homestead quest done - and I kinda need G17 to keep up with the rest that already has it."

    To fix? Bump up the active points so you can autocomplete a bunch, and remove more of the primal dailies once specific boundaries are reached. And add the Neverfall dailies (Magiers and the farm one) to the active point system. When people don't spend 50% of their time ingame chasing dailies to get to TS10, they'll either do more PVP or group PVE. Both of which are good since PVP burns consumables which is income for PWE, and group PVE builds/maintains the community.
  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    You can always go and play -removed- if you want challenge and harder enemies.

    Edit. Please do not mention other games. Thanks.

  • emanuelly#5715
    emanuelly#5715 Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    I'm against the DQ prices, because of many bots, this would put an end to the game economy, making gears prices inviable for new players in future. I'm even in favor of removing JoJ and increase the amount of coins acquired in low level missions.

    They could create a mentorship system where you adopt a noob and help him stay strong by earning prizes for both. Could also be created a system of request of instances, where you apply and the system generates a random squad, just like in Forsaken World.
  • orangeitis
    orangeitis Posts: 183 Arc User
    I'm against the DQ prices, because of many bots, this would put an end to the game economy, making gears prices inviable for new players in future. I'm even in favor of removing JoJ and increase the amount of coins acquired in low level missions.

    They could create a mentorship system where you adopt a noob and help him stay strong by earning prizes for both. Could also be created a system of request of instances, where you apply and the system generates a random squad, just like in Forsaken World.
