Is this game still a grind fest and daily fest.

So I already work a job and I didn't want to pick up a second one being PWI. With that said did they make it easier to level the hundreds of things they have you level up.


  • attackerv
    attackerv Posts: 295 Arc User
    GRIND is for F2P ppl. if u charge enough, u can save tons of time.

    if u got a six-figure job, welcome fund pwi to help server keep running.

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  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    Yes, but now you level up three times.
    Plus more daily quest jobs than you can shake a stick at.

    The game is based in China, and they love the grind fest over there. Ours isn't much different.
    Unless you drop cash, or loads of free time, you are pretty much doomed at succeeding at anything other than the basic PvE content.
    That's not even counting the enormously bloated economy that is completely broken by the player base.

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  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,811 Community Moderator
    Yes, but now you level up three times.
    Plus more daily quest jobs than you can shake a stick at.

    The game is based in China, and they love the grind fest over there. Ours isn't much different.
    Unless you drop cash, or loads of free time, you are pretty much doomed at succeeding at anything other than the basic PvE content.
    That's not even counting the enormously bloated economy that is completely broken by the player base.


    But yer... Kinda true.

    I Will say one thing I don't have time to do everything so i keep select days for the different parts of this game. That way rather than do everything every day I don't get board...

    You can become a PvP hard core player but you either need Time or money / Time and a little bit of money.​​
  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    Yes it is a grind fest and a daily fest game that stoped being fun long time ago. Sometimes I question myself why I dont uninstall since all I do now is : log in-check in-log out.

  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee

    I think it all just depends on what you are playing for. Personally, I find that I get enjoyment from playing with friends or in a faction and I'm not in any huge gear rush. So I'm defiantly a more laid back kind of player - back in the day, I used to TW pretty heavily, so I was the opposite of this!

    With my full time job that is well, this (haha!), I spend alot of my time now on alts to re familiarize myself with other classes I never mained before, hopping into servers to just sort of watch the games general going-ons etc. I sometimes get asked "Doesn't this kill the game and it's enjoyment for you when you have to work on it every day?" and I'd have to honestly say, no not really! I like coming into the forums or in-game to listen to what people like and what they don't like and I always take a pulse to see what needs fixing. I don't always get around to every single thing, but I'm always drafting new ways to address some of these issues, even if I don't always comment on them.

    But for the real nitty gritty of it - always keep a beat on the events being run and always keep your eye on the Arc Codes thread. I'll usually put codes there that give quality of life items, free homestead items, Event Gold, Dreamchaser packs etc. For in-game events, I'll always try and run events that ease daily grind such as Wraith Hunters and Twilight Survivor (For War Avatar and Blood respectively). And for out of game events, I'll be working in items that have some supply issues or have desirability. Yes the grind is definitely there, but depending on who you run with, this could or could not be an issue for you.

    And as always, I'm always open to suggestions on things! Hope this helps!
  • eternalghost
    eternalghost Posts: 154 Arc User

    I think it all just depends on what you are playing for. Personally, I find that I get enjoyment from playing with friends or in a faction and I'm not in any huge gear rush. So I'm defiantly a more laid back kind of player - back in the day, I used to TW pretty heavily, so I was the opposite of this!

    With my full time job that is well, this (haha!), I spend alot of my time now on alts to re familiarize myself with other classes I never mained before, hopping into servers to just sort of watch the games general going-ons etc. I sometimes get asked "Doesn't this kill the game and it's enjoyment for you when you have to work on it every day?" and I'd have to honestly say, no not really! I like coming into the forums or in-game to listen to what people like and what they don't like and I always take a pulse to see what needs fixing. I don't always get around to every single thing, but I'm always drafting new ways to address some of these issues, even if I don't always comment on them.

    But for the real nitty gritty of it - always keep a beat on the events being run and always keep your eye on the Arc Codes thread. I'll usually put codes there that give quality of life items, free homestead items, Event Gold, Dreamchaser packs etc. For in-game events, I'll always try and run events that ease daily grind such as Wraith Hunters and Twilight Survivor (For War Avatar and Blood respectively). And for out of game events, I'll be working in items that have some supply issues or have desirability. Yes the grind is definitely there, but depending on who you run with, this could or could not be an issue for you.

    And as always, I'm always open to suggestions on things! Hope this helps!

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