
I would like to describe new problem in PvP which arrived with m10.
My GF has full def build, 70%def, 170k hp, top PvP equipment, 12 negation stone and 3.3il. So I think my character isn't so weak. But after m10 HR able to deal damage to me equal to 50% of my health in FEW SECONDS!!!! HOW?!? I am sure that there is bug in HR's damage because even when I block their DoT skills hits me on 1k (now lets remember how often their DoT triggers).
Crazy damage (very possible because of game bug) needs to be fixed. NOT nerfed to the ground but fixed.
Added August 23.
After getting some more experience in mod 10 PvP I found out that I made a mistake. Seems like the point was in my build and HR's damage is ok. I think I am need to apologize for this desinformation. You were right guys

I realized that I need some more time to study problem before writing about it here. So, thanks to all for your opinions
SO in case 80% dont work vs hr then is a bug.
Either way half of your HP gone in a few seconds is nothing new in PVP, even at max DR (this is why feytouched and negations is so important). Try having those insignia bonuses which can recover your HP on you, your HP may drop the first few seconds but it will easily get healed back for the remainder of the fight.
But i love it how people jump all over anything that makes HRs overpowered in any way. Paladins holding points solo 5 v 1....no problem. GWFs soloing dungeons....sweet. HR killed me in PVP....omg grab the torches and pitchforks.
Ah well. Carry on lol.
I think you know Kiberhunt
So no one hr can kill him, and he can kill most of them. Problems?
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
The GF class wasn't all that nerfed either, if you ask me my GF feels better than in Mod9. The big base damage is still there now with more movement speed, more deflect, more crit, jagged blades etc. So the balance is still an abstract far as im concerned. The 3 reworked classes got stronger overall, the rest of the classes are now lagging behind.
And last but not least the enchantments are seriously imbalanced as well. Lets look at Negation and Feytouched, that combo is way too good. That weapon enchant outperforms anything Ive seen. Maybe if you have 100% crit chance a Vorpal/Dread will work better but I sure as hell dont have that kinda crit chance on my OP or GF. Feytuched also works as a defensive enchant... Things like plaguefire fail to even register on the radar when compared. Cryptics needs to look at the enchants again. A single trans feytouched brings a massive power boost to a character, I know that for a fact because I have one and I send it to my lvl 68 GF and he became considerably stronger in the lower tier pvp. A trans plaguefire for exmaple is nowhere near as dramatic.
Anyway, before I end Id like to say something positive. Now that im back and despite all glaring imbalances the game overall feels better.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
If you like more variety, let it stay. It's not any more imbalanced than one rotation GFs, reduce your movement to zero TRs, blow you out of the map CWs, or immortal Dcs. And for the BIS crowd, HRs still struggle. I do anyway, at 3.8k. Admittedly, I do kinda suck though lol.
2. No, damage is not too low, but is now too high, and melee hr do not have cc, and any player can easy dodge him.
1v1 fight GF vs mHR is a long battle - sometimes 5-10+ min.
2day we have many melee hr on pvp, but i don't see any problems. They are very useless. Yes, you can't kill him solo (if you are not GF) but there is nothing OP.