One common complaint from Pug parties in PVP is that PVP premade parties should go fight each other and leave them alone. Pugs, as well as Solo and Duo Qers get tired of fighting full end game Premade PVP parties and I completely understand as I often solo or Duo Q as well and it's frustrating to wait in Q just to see a full team on the other side.
Along these same lines, my guild finds In-house Premade vs Premade to be the most fun PVP available at the moment as we can dictate the rules of engagement (i.e. No Ambush rings, No broken Shadowclad, No Drains, No Bugs, etc.) and we wind up with a fun, fair match of equal gear vs. equal gear.
We would gladly do this all day long as our primary form of PVP or fight against other guilds who wanted the same format of PVP. All we need to do this is a Private or separate PVP Q for Premade vs. Premade.
This simple step alone would remove my guild full Premades from Qing for regular Domi most of the time. We would do inhouses or Premade against other guilds and Pugs could have more fun, balanced matches.
RIght now, when we try to get an inhouse going, we get two full rainbow match comped teams together (one of each class or the same comps as each other) and Q up. We tried this the other day for a solid 2 hours and got nothing but other pugs or partial premades (i.e. duo or trio Q) and never fought our own groups that we deliberately tried to organize and Q against. This is a direct indicator of how bad the Queue system for PVP is.
If I could make two suggestions to immediately improve PVP they would be:
1) Make a private Q for Premades vs. Premades that allow them to match up lobby style.
2) This would be even better. Allow 1 Queue for Solo or Duo Queue only and 1 for 3+ only. In this way Premades only fight Premades and Pugs only fight Pugs. Then the Queue system would only have to try and balance a Duo Q for Pug Queues and premades could manage their own matches. It's a win win.
Please consider these suggestions
@terramak @strumslinger If anyone agrees with these ideas (I know they're not entirely original but now is the best time to get them going considering the state of PVP and the already existing Queue system in place) feel free to comment or throw up a +1.
Thanks for your time.
On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

In the Past - both teams of 5 would hit 'queue' at the same time, and hope for a simultaneous pop. If both teams got pop, the match would be accepted by both teams and played. If only one team got pop, they could decline it and re-queue together.
Now - When both teams queue, if only 1 team gets pop, The 'decline' team has to drop its members from the queue group one at a time, one at a time, one at a time, one at a time, one at a time (5 times for 5 party members) This is time consuming and frustrating.
I'd like to +1 the idea of making a 10man 'private' queue group able to queue for PVP with a 5v5 of the queue group.
I understand if the devs don't want us to be able to 'farm' each other for rewards, but since there are no real rewards in PVP anyway, why not? Or just only allow rewards in the 'ranked' (public) queues.
The new queue system should be able to adapt to PVP tournaments, ranked leaderboards, etc. Sooo +1 to OP
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
Cryptic has unfortunately forced me into pvping to help build the Barracks for my guild -- why a Power boon is gated behind Conqueror's Shards, I do not know.
At least if I could queue solo against other unmatched people I would have a better chance of finding other bad players to play against.
A queue for solo and duo players and then a separate queue for 3/4/5 players would be great. Full support to this idea.
I think this is a nice hybrid that allows people to play with friends without completely unbalancing every match. If there are two BIS players in Q then the point should be that the Queue system should try and find two other BIS players to counterbalance them. This may not always happen but pugs at least will have a fighting chance.
If you leave the system as it is currently and come up against a Premade then there's literally no point coming down from the campfire. If you work with the hybrid system I propose then it at least gives you a good fighting chance, and if the Queue system is improved to find another duo Q to go against a duo Q then it's game on!
Overall though I'm glad we agree that Premades should get their own Q.
Thanks for your reply.
As a PVP guild this was a huge disappointment for us as we thought "thank gawd, finally we get our own Queue this mod" only to find that wasn't the case at all.
This is what I mean by "lobby" a private Queue that allows us to match groups so we can leave everyone else alone and either inhouse or premade other guilds.
Thanks for your reply.
So I still hope this is something that will make it into the game very soon.
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
I would think they could implement it like Demogorgon, with 10 players entering domination as one queue group, ensuring they will be in the same match. Organizing parties in a queue group was one of the future plans, which would allow the rainbow compositions.
I really think it should be possible, and would be an improvement for everyone. It's only a matter of when....
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Thanks for you reply.
I used to pvp several times per day, every day, for over a year. I haven't pvp'd in months. Premades, OP's, and the resulting solo exodus are why. If they implemented your general idea along with their planned OP nerfs, I'd be back pvping that night.
Something does need to be done, but it's going to be a massive job to fix this broken mess. There can't be any serious PvP element in the game when there's so little balance, no matching, and a gear gap equivalent to lvl 20 vs 60.
What I'm proposing would improve your odds as a pug of running into matches that are more fair, more balanced, etc. It would remove a significant number of full premades from pug Queues.
I don't think throwing our hands up in the air and just giving up on the state of the game is a viable solution to an already acknowledged issue. The devs have stated they are beginning to work on class balance, first from a PVE standpoint and then moving towards PVP. That said, a good way to make life tolerable in PVP is to force 5 mades into their own Q system. Even better, imho is to force any group of more than 2 into a "Premade" private Q to fight a Premade group.
In this manner you make regular pug PVP much more balanced and an interesting fight rather than a complete stomp in seconds.
Another possible solution, and this is one I think would be interesting, would be that you can trio Q and fight another trio Q. Matched 3 vs 3, 4 vs 4, or 5 vs 5 all as part of the "private" Queue system. This would still keep larger groups from Qing together and pug stomping.
Thanks for your reply.
You talk of "abusing the system" and again I say, how much less is it abused now then it would be then if that were the case? Right now I can get together a BIS team and go fight pugs all day to farm glory, farm boons, farm AD so... what's the difference? You mean you think that other lesser geared guilds could then do the same thing by Queuing against each other? I mean that would be terrible that lesser geared people would then have the opportunity to do the same thing?
What I'm getting at is Domi rewards are minimal. A little AD, a little glory, some advancement towards PVP boons. Right now in almost every match there is "node swapping" going on already where the winning team allows the losing team to get points for AD and such. There would be little difference in a premade Q.
Thanks for your reply.
Speculation as to what you see happening or not is irrelevant when offering potential solutions isn't it? When you say "get the Queue fixed" it's as though you think there's some other way it's supposed to be functioning but isn't WAI. While I did post in the bug section in hopes that's the case, it's not very likely, we were never promised our own separate PVP Q.
Lastly, the way you seem to discuss it, and I'm sure you'll correct me if I misunderstood, is that you think 10 people are just supposed to get together in a Queue group and Queue for Domi and then they some how get separated into teams? This doesn't make any sense either as the Queue may put 2 TRs on one team or 2 DCs or 2 GFs. Not only that but the Q system is only meant to accept people in a "Q group" who are going to be on the same team. What I mean is you can't Q as a 40 man group for Stroghold, you have to Q as two separate 20 man groups and the Q matches you. This means there is already an invisible Lobby taking place hidden behind the GUI. All I'm asking is that this "lobby" be made visible and apply to Private Q for premades.
This would make PVP much more enjoyable for everyone, pugs, solo Qers, Duo Qers, Full Premades, everybody benefits.
ScyLent PvE GF Main
S C Y L E N T PvE DC Alt
ScyLent Lux PvE OP Alt
I do fear having too many combination like 3v3, 4v4, trio Qs, etc. could really disconnect the player pools and bog down matchmaking. The more queuing options/configurations, the longer and harder it could be to get a match together, even if there are plenty of people on at the same time wanting to duke it out. Now if full player-controlled premade match coordination was implemented, sure, why not.
I've found myself in similar situations and I thought it was interesting and fun too, but I was thinking of the poor, random 1.5k greenie getting thrown into the meatgrinder and being a verbally abused liability/victim.
Having drastically different player potencies within a team is one of the main reasons I always liked pugging, as long as the power distribution between teams is somewhat balanced, which it rarely is. It makes it exciting not knowing from match to match if I'm gonna be the team powerhouse or if I'm gonna have to struggle to keep up.