Well...to the vid from Raxy: You made it well. Some things for next solo try - mighty healstones? Bad.... - fails? Bad too ^^
For all the crybabies "your a GWF, its easy with it...you will see the nerf coming" and all the other HAMSTER. I dont think its a "GWF thing". Check this:
Well...to the vid from Raxy: You made it well. Some things for next solo try - mighty healstones? Bad.... - fails? Bad too ^^
For all the crybabies "your a GWF, its easy with it...you will see the nerf coming" and all the other HAMSTER. I dont think its a "GWF thing". Check this:
I mean you could say that if you completely ignore the fact it took the TR twice as long to finish the boss ...
I can see that the GWF made syndrith in something about 10 minutes (i realized the fails and theey are in my count) and the TR in 13 Minutes. Where is the fact excactly that the TR needs twice as long to finish the boss? Im just curious.
I mean you could say that if you completely ignore the fact it took the TR twice as long to finish the boss ...
I can see that the GWF made syndrith in something about 10 minutes (i realized the fails and theey are in my count) and the TR in 13 Minutes. Where is the fact excactly that the TR needs twice as long to finish the boss? Im just curious.
So GWF can be nerfed when they fix the unstoppable bug? Stop being obtuse. If the TR screwed up and wiped like the GWF did it would be a forty minute long video.
So GWF can be nerfed when they fix the unstoppable bug? Stop being obtuse. If the TR screwed up and wiped like the GWF did it would be a forty minute long video.
1. The TR made a fail at the beginning. Difference? TR got soulforge, GWF doesnt. 2. only for you i found this:
I think Lazalia is a very "decent" player ^^ ( you know im kidding. He is BIS and i think one of the best GWFs outta there). But watch the vid closely. Watch the time at syndrith. Do you see how fast lazalia is comparing to the TR? This TR is almost so fast as Lazalia, but IM obtus?? Where and why? In my opinion Raxy played this boss really well and Eliz ( TR) made a really impressive vid too. My point is: Stop complaining that only GWFs can do such things like temple. They are not the only one. Besides i never understood why someone making dungeons solo. For me its to much work to do^^
When someone can solo ECC with no bondings, no pots or buff foods, and normal 10k HP healing potions, and no Lostmauth set, I will be impressed. If they do that they can move on to solo Tiamat or EDemo which they are slightly less overgeared for. This whole nerf GWF train needs to stop. All classes can solo ETOS like in these videos.
Please post those solo ETOS videos for DC, TR, HR, CW, SW, GF
When someone can solo ECC with no bondings, no pots or buff foods, and normal 10k HP healing potions, and no Lostmauth set, I will be impressed. If they do that they can move on to solo Tiamat or EDemo which they are slightly less overgeared for. This whole nerf GWF train needs to stop. All classes can solo ETOS like in these videos.
Please post those solo ETOS videos for DC, TR, HR, CW, SW, GF
The TR one is posted right above.
And the rest ?
What allowed the TR to do it is LS, look at the ticks in the video, with enough time, yes, most classes will be able to do so (SH boon and stacking) in the same way as before mod6. Most can't now. GWF relays on tempHP and damage resistance instead (mechanic) and not stat stacking. Different things. Not arguing what is better or worse or should be nerfed.
So GWF can be nerfed when they fix the unstoppable bug? Stop being obtuse. If the TR screwed up and wiped like the GWF did it would be a forty minute long video.
1. The TR made a fail at the beginning. Difference? TR got soulforge, GWF doesnt. 2. only for you i found this:
I think Lazalia is a very "decent" player ^^ ( you know im kidding. He is BIS and i think one of the best GWFs outta there). But watch the vid closely. Watch the time at syndrith. Do you see how fast lazalia is comparing to the TR? This TR is almost so fast as Lazalia, but IM obtus?? Where and why? In my opinion Raxy played this boss really well and Eliz ( TR) made a really impressive vid too. My point is: Stop complaining that only GWFs can do such things like temple. They are not the only one. Besides i never understood why someone making dungeons solo. For me its to much work to do^^
Yes, you're being obtuse. OP finished the fight in six minutes when unstoppable didn't bug out. To prove your point you need a video of another class finishing the fight in six minutes.
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
I would really like to try 1 of the t2's on CW, but I don't think I am a good enough wizard. I will give it a go after 2x RP though, for the sake of having tried.
Gwf is not overpowered, devs, dont worry about class balance
Someone who is fully potted up and fully maxed out, with a maxed out pet soloing 2k IL content is not a way to judge class balance. I just wish the videos would stop, or next mod the gwf will not even be able to solo Dread Ring.lol
LMAO... this is not an impossible thing. I know GWFs, who are not 4.2k iL, who have dealt over 1 million damage with one shot. Not OP... get a clue. That is not even them using their dailies. Most GWFs that are in CA do not even touch their Dailies to do damage. They spam Unstoppable and their At-Wills. How is that not OP?
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
Do you really think a GWF is the only class who can deal over 1 mio with one shot? Srly? I try to find this pic from a SW who mad 16 mio in temple with 1 dailie. Or maybe you search for SW puppet ACT log when a puppet deals more than 3 mio dps.
CA? You DONT NEED any encounter/dailie for theese lowlevel mobs. And you think that is OP???? Well. I play a CW and the mobs are so fast down in CA with my at wills. I must be OP too ^^
What allowed the TR to do it is LS, look at the ticks in the video, with enough time, yes, most classes will be able to do so (SH boon and stacking) in the same way as before mod6. Most can't now. GWF relays on tempHP and damage resistance instead (mechanic) and not stat stacking. Different things. Not arguing what is better or worse or should be nerfed.
Wrong. What allows GWFs to do that is Lifesteal. High lifesteal. Lazalia himself explained how he needed to change his build to solo eCC and if you watch his video you notice how at 5k iLvL his temporary HPs do nothing to tank except buying him enough time to...lifesteal back to full HP. Without monster lifesteal a GWF cannot facetank and all it takes to understand that is just to watch Lazalia's video. If you watch the video of this thread, instead, you should notice that the dude replaced high lifesteal with...blue pack of stones of life= 100% HP healing.
It's not like GWFs do not need normalization, but it's a mix of tone downs and buffs. While you guys talk as if it was "the class" magically having the tools to do everything, which is wrong cause most of the stuff comes from crit build= gear, and more gear. You know nothing about the class and you do not even take the time to investigate why and how these guys pull out the stunt.
Also, for the 100th time:
temp HP and unstoppable give GWFs even LESS tools to survive than those of the TR or HR. What they do is BUY TIME to allow the GWF monster damage at full buffs, to fast kill the enemies before the GWF dies. When you advocate for a GWF (class-wide, lol) damage nerf, you are also advocating for a massive survivability nerf that adds up to the damage nerf, cause GWFs temp HP is linked to their damage buff tightly. So you would make them, at the same time, kill slower and die way faster. Result: a nerfed GWF would not pull-out the stunt anymore, cause sprint and unstoppable are not good survivability tools right now, but a TR-HR would, as you see in the video. Now imagine if the GWF in the video would deal half the damage and have half the temp HP. Would he even compare to the TR or HR, when it comes to mechanics? Also, HR players are asking for buffs right now. And you guys are asking for an indiscriminate GWF nerf with no idea of the overall consequences on the class.
Result: would end up like in module 4, when GWFs were overnerfed on every aspect while most classes were BUFFED to stronger levels at the same time, resulting in a very serious lack of balance. Also, solo videos of other classes have been posted. And these are not even top players. You need more proofs that soloing current content is more of a "overgearing the content by twice", issue?
There are lots of things to rebalance, and not on GWFs (swordmaster destroyer high iLvL) alone. But acting like this is the wrong way to give feedback.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
Point 1.. a BiS player is more like really lvl 90 doing lvl 73 content. This game doesnt have tiered difficulty, creating this imbalance.
I would either say Conjecture A.. ADD tiered content. or B.. put a massive curve on upward stats.. to scale down pool.
It was a little foolish to allow 4k i level in the first place , but since its here. they might as well do either A or B to fix it some.
No need to say nerf toons, just put a heavier diminishing return in for now. This is what other games do and it was really silly not to either do one of the two things above.
I already voted for tiered content.. but b would at least put some semblance of normalcy in place until they could design that.
micky1p00Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,594Arc User
Wrong. What allows GWFs to do that is Lifesteal. High lifesteal. Lazalia himself explained how he needed to change his build to solo eCC and if you watch his video you notice how at 5k iLvL his temporary HPs do nothing to tank except buying him enough time to...lifesteal back to full HP. Without monster lifesteal a GWF cannot facetank and all it takes to understand that is just to watch Lazalia's video. If you watch the video of this thread, instead, you should notice that the dude replaced high lifesteal with...blue pack of stones of life= 100% HP healing.
It's not like GWFs do not need normalization, but it's a mix of tone downs and buffs. While you guys talk as if it was "the class" magically having the tools to do everything, which is wrong cause most of the stuff comes from crit build= gear, and more gear. You know nothing about the class and you do not even take the time to investigate why and how these guys pull out the stunt.
Also, for the 100th time:
temp HP and unstoppable give GWFs even LESS tools to survive than those of the TR or HR. What they do is BUY TIME to allow the GWF monster damage at full buffs, to fast kill the enemies before the GWF dies. When you advocate for a GWF (class-wide, lol) damage nerf, you are also advocating for a massive survivability nerf that adds up to the damage nerf, cause GWFs temp HP is linked to their damage buff tightly. So you would make them, at the same time, kill slower and die way faster. Result: a nerfed GWF would not pull-out the stunt anymore, cause sprint and unstoppable are not good survivability tools right now, but a TR-HR would, as you see in the video. Now imagine if the GWF in the video would deal half the damage and have half the temp HP. Would he even compare to the TR or HR, when it comes to mechanics? Also, HR players are asking for buffs right now. And you guys are asking for an indiscriminate GWF nerf with no idea of the overall consequences on the class.
Result: would end up like in module 4, when GWFs were overnerfed on every aspect while most classes were BUFFED to stronger levels at the same time, resulting in a very serious lack of balance. Also, solo videos of other classes have been posted. And these are not even top players. You need more proofs that soloing current content is more of a "overgearing the content by twice", issue?
There are lots of things to rebalance, and not on GWFs (swordmaster destroyer high iLvL) alone. But acting like this is the wrong way to give feedback.
1. Where in any thread, post or anything I've advocated for GWF nerf ?
Watch carefully for the temp HP up-time and the LS ticks. He had to respec for ecc, but could do it without said respec in ToS.
3. 5k ilevel ? It's a terminology for something ? Because you can't get 5k.....
4. The comparable encounter for TR is ITC, but itc recharge speed is only modified by recovery (int + stats and so on). Hence it's stat stacking based. Unstoppable is governed by mechanic (damage dealt / damage received). TR can't effectively maintain or stealth or itc and attack (those time are over, except maybe gloaming+ss). While in the video you can see he keeps extremely high uptime for unstoppable and said temp hp.
4b. In the videos look carefully how much LS ticks for the TR and how much for Lazalia, of course no one can do it (without stones of health) without a lot LS, that's how it was done before mod 6 and how it will be done more and more as people able to stack it. But the amount you can face-tank and how much you need to recover is different between the classes.
5. And if we talk balance and all that, lets say I want to run eToS under 5 min, what classes should I take ? - no bug abusing / or non available anymore gear. Assume you have already GF (ITF buff), DC debuff, CW MoF buff. 2 more slots for DPS.. And similarly, if we go all dps run at 4k ilvl and higher, who will top it? And who will have the lowest / highest risk dying). GWF may be not the best at everything, but I'm sure it will be among the first in the list each time. Balance is not only nerfing, but each class should have a 'vision' and the trade offs that come with that vision. GWF somewhat out-geared theirs, bring harder enemies (PvE) and the risk reward for meele dps class is back, but for now it's not there.
6. GWF scales extremely well with gear and shines more as you throw gear at it, other classes do not scale as well, and they should. I think it's an error for stats to not have diminished returns, it accelerates power creep and allows things like 100% crit chance. But at the same time classes should benefit from stats in terms of synergy, GWF benefit greatly, but for example exe TR not at all, stack crit, press tab, and all that crit is wasted, stack recovery, and you still have to wait for stealth 8sec rotations or you will get lower dps by not activating SoD and getting stealth bonuses. For a lot of classes many of the changes are to heavy handed and will not scale as well as others.
Not everyone is Lazalia, and not everything should be nerfed, jumping at shadows doesn't promote any balance. But also denying the benefits of the basic class mechanics and concept and what it allows them to do wont bring any balance - and i'm not saying those should be changed... There are other things to look for first and how they interact, with said mechanics...like elol set for example.
Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
My Guide
You made it well. Some things for next solo try
- mighty healstones? Bad....
- fails? Bad too ^^
For all the crybabies "your a GWF, its easy with it...you will see the nerf coming" and all the other HAMSTER. I dont think its a "GWF thing". Check this:
So TRs should be nerf too? It seems they are way to OP too. And if a CW does eToS solo they must nerf them also. Nerf everything! Seems nice.
2. only for you i found this:
I think Lazalia is a very "decent" player ^^ ( you know im kidding. He is BIS and i think one of the best GWFs outta there). But watch the vid closely. Watch the time at syndrith. Do you see how fast lazalia is comparing to the TR? This TR is almost so fast as Lazalia, but IM obtus?? Where and why? In my opinion Raxy played this boss really well and Eliz ( TR) made a really impressive vid too. My point is:
Stop complaining that only GWFs can do such things like temple. They are not the only one. Besides i never understood why someone making dungeons solo. For me its to much work to do^^
What allowed the TR to do it is LS, look at the ticks in the video, with enough time, yes, most classes will be able to do so (SH boon and stacking) in the same way as before mod6.
Most can't now.
GWF relays on tempHP and damage resistance instead (mechanic) and not stat stacking.
Different things. Not arguing what is better or worse or should be nerfed.
LMAO... this is not an impossible thing. I know GWFs, who are not 4.2k iL, who have dealt over 1 million damage with one shot. Not OP... get a clue. That is not even them using their dailies. Most GWFs that are in CA do not even touch their Dailies to do damage. They spam Unstoppable and their At-Wills. How is that not OP?
CA? You DONT NEED any encounter/dailie for theese lowlevel mobs. And you think that is OP???? Well. I play a CW and the mobs are so fast down in CA with my at wills. I must be OP too ^^
What allows GWFs to do that is Lifesteal. High lifesteal.
Lazalia himself explained how he needed to change his build to solo eCC and if you watch his video you notice how at 5k iLvL his temporary HPs do nothing to tank except buying him enough time to...lifesteal back to full HP.
Without monster lifesteal a GWF cannot facetank and all it takes to understand that is just to watch Lazalia's video.
If you watch the video of this thread, instead, you should notice that the dude replaced high lifesteal with...blue pack of stones of life= 100% HP healing.
It's not like GWFs do not need normalization, but it's a mix of tone downs and buffs.
While you guys talk as if it was "the class" magically having the tools to do everything, which is wrong cause most of the stuff comes from crit build= gear, and more gear.
You know nothing about the class and you do not even take the time to investigate why and how these guys pull out the stunt.
Also, for the 100th time:
temp HP and unstoppable give GWFs even LESS tools to survive than those of the TR or HR. What they do is BUY TIME to allow the GWF monster damage at full buffs, to fast kill the enemies before the GWF dies. When you advocate for a GWF (class-wide, lol) damage nerf, you are also advocating for a massive survivability nerf that adds up to the damage nerf, cause GWFs temp HP is linked to their damage buff tightly. So you would make them, at the same time, kill slower and die way faster. Result: a nerfed GWF would not pull-out the stunt anymore, cause sprint and unstoppable are not good survivability tools right now, but a TR-HR would, as you see in the video. Now imagine if the GWF in the video would deal half the damage and have half the temp HP. Would he even compare to the TR or HR, when it comes to mechanics? Also, HR players are asking for buffs right now. And you guys are asking for an indiscriminate GWF nerf with no idea of the overall consequences on the class.
Result: would end up like in module 4, when GWFs were overnerfed on every aspect while most classes were BUFFED to stronger levels at the same time, resulting in a very serious lack of balance.
Also, solo videos of other classes have been posted. And these are not even top players. You need more proofs that soloing current content is more of a "overgearing the content by twice", issue?
There are lots of things to rebalance, and not on GWFs (swordmaster destroyer high iLvL) alone. But acting like this is the wrong way to give feedback.
This game doesnt have tiered difficulty, creating this imbalance.
I would either say Conjecture A.. ADD tiered content. or B.. put a massive curve on upward stats.. to scale down pool.
It was a little foolish to allow 4k i level in the first place , but since its here. they might as well do either A or B to fix it some.
No need to say nerf toons, just put a heavier diminishing return in for now. This is what other games do and it was really silly not to either do one of the two things above.
I already voted for tiered content.. but b would at least put some semblance of normalcy in place until they could design that.
2. Lets compare apples to apples - ToS to Tos: Here is the video:
Watch carefully for the temp HP up-time and the LS ticks. He had to respec for ecc, but could do it without said respec in ToS.
3. 5k ilevel ? It's a terminology for something ? Because you can't get 5k.....
4. The comparable encounter for TR is ITC, but itc recharge speed is only modified by recovery (int + stats and so on). Hence it's stat stacking based. Unstoppable is governed by mechanic (damage dealt / damage received).
TR can't effectively maintain or stealth or itc and attack (those time are over, except maybe gloaming+ss).
While in the video you can see he keeps extremely high uptime for unstoppable and said temp hp.
4b. In the videos look carefully how much LS ticks for the TR and how much for Lazalia, of course no one can do it (without stones of health) without a lot LS, that's how it was done before mod 6 and how it will be done more and more as people able to stack it. But the amount you can face-tank and how much you need to recover is different between the classes.
5. And if we talk balance and all that, lets say I want to run eToS under 5 min, what classes should I take ? - no bug abusing / or non available anymore gear.
Assume you have already GF (ITF buff), DC debuff, CW MoF buff. 2 more slots for DPS..
And similarly, if we go all dps run at 4k ilvl and higher, who will top it? And who will have the lowest / highest risk dying).
GWF may be not the best at everything, but I'm sure it will be among the first in the list each time.
Balance is not only nerfing, but each class should have a 'vision' and the trade offs that come with that vision.
GWF somewhat out-geared theirs, bring harder enemies (PvE) and the risk reward for meele dps class is back, but for now it's not there.
6. GWF scales extremely well with gear and shines more as you throw gear at it, other classes do not scale as well, and they should. I think it's an error for stats to not have diminished returns, it accelerates power creep and allows things like 100% crit chance. But at the same time classes should benefit from stats in terms of synergy, GWF benefit greatly, but for example exe TR not at all, stack crit, press tab, and all that crit is wasted, stack recovery, and you still have to wait for stealth 8sec rotations or you will get lower dps by not activating SoD and getting stealth bonuses. For a lot of classes many of the changes are to heavy handed and will not scale as well as others.
Not everyone is Lazalia, and not everything should be nerfed, jumping at shadows doesn't promote any balance.
But also denying the benefits of the basic class mechanics and concept and what it allows them to do wont bring any balance - and i'm not saying those should be changed... There are other things to look for first and how they interact, with said mechanics...like elol set for example.