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Trimetigus Council

Hey there!

So in the Nightmare portal event that is happening now, there’s an intro scene of pretty much all the magic users seen in CO discussing the issue with the Celestial hero, Seraph, but they call themselves the council. Did something happen to the Trimetigus Council during this time period that deal with these types of issues?

If not, I know they remain secret, but why not aid in on this magical corruption?


  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    To my knowledge, nothing has "happened" to the Trismegistus Council. I'm sure they'd be more than willing to consult and assist with a malevolent magical incursion of this magnitude. I suspect the CO devs just decided to create their own ad hoc "council" from magical characters players are already familiar with in the MMO, either because they aren't aware of the Trismegistus Council, they don't like them as a concept, or they thought PCs would connect better with magicians they've seen before.
  • kjames91kjames91 Posts: 187 Arc User
    Is it possible to be recruited as a council member?
  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    Do you mean CO's magician's council, or the Trismegistus Council? I can't speak to the former -- what you see in the MMO is all there is to know.

    As for the latter, this is from Champions Universe p. 124: "Unlike the Circle [of the Scarlet Moon], which tended to recruit more readily, the Council watched prospective members long and carefully to determine if they had the knowledge, wisdom, and moral fiber to belong. When someone was judged ready, and all members voted in favor of him, an offer of membership was extended. No one offered membership has ever refused it. When the group became too large for unanimous voting to work efficiently, a Leadership Board of five members was chosen to evaluate potential recruits."

    "Since 1938, the Council’s role has shifted away from direct activity and back into the shadows. Now there are superheroes, many of them with mystic powers, to fight the dangers that threaten the world. Though all too often naive, these beings can battle the forces of darkness in ways the Council’s members never could. The Council has become more of a body of watchers and advisers, aiding mystic superheroes in their struggles..."
  • kjames91kjames91 Posts: 187 Arc User
    *rolls eyes* What a bunch of bunches! Just sit back and let magic superheroes do the work. What on Earth!
  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    Council members are primarily scholars and researchers. While many of them have some skill with spell casting, in terms of raw combat power few of them come anywhere close to most superheroes. But they often detect occult threats before the superheroes do, and their knowledge and insights can make the difference in defeating supernatural evil. After all, you wouldn't expect a CIA data analyst to go out into the field on espionage or assassination missions.

    Of course the real meta-reason the Trismegistus Council was defined this way for the PnP game, was so they wouldn't take the spotlight from the player characters. If the Council could do what PCs can the latter would be redundant. But they can be just the excuse for a Game Master to provide baffled players with the identity or location of a threat, or the secret vulnerability they can use to defeat it.

  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    As Champions Universe points out, during certain eras such as the Pulp period in the early 20th Century, Trismegistus members were among the adventurers out and about fighting the forces of darkness. But with the rise of true superhumans post-1938 the Council was simply outgunned. I mean, if you had to send someone onto the front lines of battle, would you pick the guy with a revolver and flak vest, or the one with an assault rifle, grenades, and full body armor?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,915 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    You can actually visit them in CO. A decent chunk of the Vibora story involves them. They're one of the few Vibora factions that are actually helpful. I'd say the reason they aren't directly taking action is the same reason Ka isn't directly taking action. They're busy with Therakiel and that stuff. Here's a few things I was able to find. Not sure why their courtyard is that shape, is it their logo or something?

    Also, like Bulgarex said, they're not that powerful. There's an open mission that takes place inside their courtyard where heroes need to save them from the Trey Kings... not even named villains either...
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  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    Thank you for that helpful reference, markhawkman. You always bring the visual goods. :)

    No publication has provided an "official" logo for the Trismegistus Council, but that triangular one would be logical. Their name was adopted in part because the Council had three founders -- Lord Reginald MacKenzie of Scotland, Eustace Blackmun of Virginia, and Franziska von Hersbruck of what is today Germany -- and partly for association with Hermes Trismegistus ("thrice-great Hermes"), often considered the patron deity of magicians.
  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    Here's more about the Trismegistus Council, from Champions Universe p. 157:

    Although the Council remains united in its purpose to oppose the Circle of the Scarlet Moon and other forms and practitioners of black magic, it’s not necessarily united in other things. Its members — pedantic, didactic, opinionated, often touchy — tend to squabble more than is good for them, and a few actively hate each other. The Leadership Board long ago learned it was impossible to stop this bickering and infighting, but also that despite it, the Council members always seemed to pull together and put aside their differences when it’s truly necessary. Still, any superhero who receives the assistance and tutelage of the Trismegistus Council could easily find himself caught up in the organization’s internal politics.

    As of 2010, the Council has nearly three dozen members living all over the globe. Some of the more prominent include:

    Aloysius Abercrombie: Born in London in 1853, Aloysius Abercrombie, while not a practicing spellcaster of any significant power, seems somehow able to channel magical energies to keep himself from aging at the same rate as normal people. Despite being over 150 years old, he looks like he’s in his early 40s, and is quite fit. He’s also got quite “the nose,” as he puts it, for detecting magical energies, making him invaluable to the Council when it needs to find one of the Circle’s covens.

    Alicia Blackmun: Great-great-great-greatgrandaughter of one of the original three founders of the Council, Alicia Blackmun is a surprisingly powerful wizard for her years (though nowhere near as powerful as a superheroic mystic). The Council's representative in Millennium City, she’s good friends with Witchcraft of the Champions, and keeps her updated on Council gossip.

    Orlando Rodriguez: A wealthy Spanish dilettante, with homes in Spain, Portugal, Mexico, and Brazil, Orlando Rodriguez speaks 22 languages fluently and can read a dozen more with some effort. He also has some military experience, which the Council has found useful from time to time. A member of the Leadership Board, Rodriguez agitates for the Council to take a more proactive role in opposing the Circle of the Scarlet Moon.

    Makalani Rogers: A native of Kenya, Makalani was raised with the superstitions of his Kenyan mother and scholasticism of his American father, an anthropologist. He’s an expert on African tribal magic and religion, and can cast a few ritual spells as needed.

    Alajos Veszprem: A scholar living in Budapest, Veszprem lives the life of an ascetic, devoting his every waking minute to research, writing, and teaching. Irrascible, temperamental, opinionated, prone to shouting, and a notorious misogynist, Veszprem and Blackmun loathe each other.

    Akako Yamimori: Renowned around the world as a folklorist and storyteller, Akako Yamimori is also an expert on Oriental mysticism and demonology. Whenever the Council detects Circle activities in Asia, she’s the first person it calls on to investigate.
  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    The Trismegistus Council would make good patrons for mystical superheroes, or even a whole superteam. For example, after Bethany "Witchcraft" Duquesne left the Circle of the Scarlet Moon, she was found by the Council who took her in and trained her for several years.

    The unofficial headquarters of the Trismegistus Council is Mackenzie House in the Scottish Highlands, the ancestral mansion of Lord Reginald Mackenzie, who bequeathed it to the Council after his death. Protected by potent warding spells, with a well-stocked occult library, any Council member is welcome to stay at the mansion as long as he/she likes.
    Post edited by bulgarex on
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,915 Arc User
    Also we can talk to Alicia Blackmun. She hangs out just east of the Champions HQ building.
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  • kjames91kjames91 Posts: 187 Arc User
    Thank y’all for the info. Very informative.
  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    bulgarex wrote: »
    The unofficial headquarters of the Circle of the Scarlet Moon Trismegistus Council is Mackenzie House in the Scottish Highlands, the ancestral mansion of Lord Reginald Mackenzie, who bequeathed it to the Council after his death. Protected by potent warding spells, with a well-stocked occult library, any Council member is welcome to stay at the mansion as long as he/she likes.

    My apologies for the obvious brain fart. :s
  • mordray001mordray001 Posts: 218 Arc User
    lol, considering how accurate the rest of your info is I doubt too many would feel bad that you just showed yourself to be human.

    That said I'm impressed that the organization has only roughly 36 members and none are really on the same level as even the most modest of the mystical supers, yet are in many ways likely vital to the well being of the world.
  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    The Trismegistus Council is an example of a "support" organization for superhero games, like UNTIL or the Goodman Institute. They do a lot of the unglamorous but essential grunt-work that sets up the heroes to swoop in and save the day.

    It's rather traditional in fiction, as far back as the writings of H.P. Lovecraft, for defenders against supernatural evil to be small bands of scholars and investigators, for whom books are often more useful and powerful than guns. That's still true in the Champions Universe for the likes of the Council, UNTIL's Project Hermes, the Wizards of PRIMUS, or Bureau 19 in Japan. But in the comic-book era some wizards are pumped up to be like other superheroes, just with their own distinctive trappings.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,915 Arc User
    Yeah, they have considerable powers. But often esoteric things like knowing how to fortify a building against demonic invasion.
    My characters
  • mordray001mordray001 Posts: 218 Arc User
    Yep, it's nice to see more support and pen beats sword types in fiction. Not nearly enough that aren't some sort of Mary/Gary Sue type.
  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    Support types can be quite distinctive in a supers universe, and even more so for the magical subculture. The Champions Universe has some intriguing examples of the latter. Here are a few of my favorites, from the Champions book The Mystic World:

    Lieutenant Mark Gentry, Deceased: This police lieutenant died when his partner accidentally shot him in the line of duty. His partner didn’t admit his mistake, and blamed the shooting on the escaped perp. Gentry now provides investigative services for mystics who can perceive him in return for favors to the city’s less mobile ghosts, such as passing messages to loved ones and protection against astral predators.

    The Paper Lady: Most people think the Paper Lady is just a mad old woman who lives in an abandoned building, surrounded by stacks of old newspapers. Actually, she’s a genius loci ["spirit of a place"], and the building is a minor mystic site drawing power from Babylon. The Paper Lady’s body is made of yellowed, wadded-up newspapers. She can animate and control all paper around her. She also has a flawless memory for everything ever published in her city’s newspapers.

    Nyssa Tarchaniotes claims that in life, she was an oracle at Delphi — and although Apollo withdrew his gift of prophecy when a vampire raped her into undeath, Hecate replaced it. Nyssa still has a high reputation as a seer. Only a true sorcerer can track her down and penetrate the illusions that cloak her dwelling. In addition to cash, Nyssa charges each client a pint of his blood. She uses a bit of the blood to seal a contract binding the client never to harm her, and to defend her from harm on one occasion. Nyssa sees her visions in the rest of the blood, which she drinks at the end of the session. Many potent mystics are said to owe Nyssa favors and bear her geas.
    Rumor says Nyssa avoids killing the mortals she feeds upon so heroic mystics won’t decide she is too evil to consult. But she does not discriminate in her clients: good, evil, or neutral mystics may all seek her help. The vampire-seer never issues false advice, though at times she cannot answer a question to her client’s satisfaction — and her prophecies are sometimes Delphically ambiguous.
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