I have multiple characters affected by this bug. My account bank and fleet bank have the little black boxes too. Multiple characters @yoda5221979 Account bank Fleet Bank - Section 17 I couldn't possibly give you a list of missing items, it's at least a hundred things missing between all the different characters, not to…
It's not so much that he "left"... The Nagus as he was is no more, I think he may have lost the enthusiasm he once had. It's kinda like Jadzia Dax vs Ezri Dax... essentially the same entity, but nowhere near the same person.
The Nagus was always a pleasure. I had many discussions with him in the forums and a few in game, he was a fun player and a wise forumite.... he is deeply missed...
I've been here so long.... I can remember little starships flying inside ESD and characters floating around in space like they were Q... I can remember being able to pull up character information on the website too.... Wow... So long ago...
I couldn't agree more... I've been a lifer since open beta and I've seen this game change and grow in ways I couldn't have imagined. Nobody can be happy about everything that's changed over the years, but overall I feel that STO has become a truly great game.
You'll enjoy the Klingons a LOT more now.... They've actually got something to do besides one exploration mission after another. Rommies..... sneaky little pointy eared hobgoblins... Love em.... :D
A bit off topic... But my inner trekkie was screaming.. His name is currently Alexander Siddig, but when DS9 first came out he was Siddig El Fadil. Now, we return you to your regularly scheduled thread... :D
One thing that must be pointed out here my friend. You're a lifer correct? You've been gone from the game for quite a while.... You will have A LOT of Zen built up in your account. I see a C-Store shopping spree in your future.... :D
I respectfully disagree. To a new player a Mk 2 Rare ship weapon sounds pretty cool. I think it's a brilliant idea to give a little incentive to create a new account. Thereby attracting a few new players. :D