IIRC, every TV show uniform has always been given away for free. I think only movie uniforms and off-the-wall variants have been either C-Store or Lobi Store, or those few in the Dilithium Store.
On Reddit, Kael said that's a typo, it'll have the Vizier trait, and the enhanced MW Slipstream drive. No one asked about the torpedo, but I imagine that'll be in there too. Yes, Jette chimed in on a Reddit thread: If you buy the Legendary Bundle, you get the Agonized Subatomic Disintegrator to drop into your inventory,…
On Reddit, Kael said that's a typo, it'll have the Vizier trait, and the enhanced MW Slipstream drive. No one asked about the torpedo, but I imagine that'll be in there too.
I killed the Tholian captain today and got the endeavor. You were likely unfortunate enough to not do enough damage to him to make the system count it?
I could see it being a choice. I could see perhaps the Federation taking note of how Airiam's body was essentially hijacked by AI and put procedures like that on hold. Perhaps some people have drug allergies preventing some miracle drugs, like Kirk being allergic to Retinax 5, hence needing reading glasses for fine print.…
Epic moaning from the usual suspects I note, along with the predictable doom-saying. It must be awful to devote one's life to looking for things to complain about.
This is news that definitely excites me, and I doubt I'm the only one who saw this coming since we saw the faction-agnostic nature of the latest Romulan Temporal Warbird that was just released. I know most people playing games like this have a ton of alts, but I don't roll that way personally. I play a Fed, but I…
As a corollary to this, since we see the transporter room, main engineering, and lots of deck corridors on the Disco missions where you're on both the Discovery and Buran, it would be nice if there is any free time on the schedule for the environment artists to cobble those together for a complete Discovery-era interior to…
Well, Lockbox/Lobi/Promo ship account unlocks or the means to move them around the characters on an account as a 10th Anniversary gift to players sure would be nice if any devs are currently listening :)
I was going to mention this. If he was sitting there for a solid 10 minutes cloaked, this is literally the only thing it could be. I use it on my Tarantula.
+2. Spec-wise, the Europa is noticeably the only Discovery-era ship that is frankly, not good. It's basically the T6 Resolute/Excelsior of its era. Why fly a Europa when you could fly a Buran? This ship definitely needs something. I hope Jette continues her balance tweaks, she seems to be the dev we've all been waiting for…
I think an oddly overlooked part of this bundle is that Fed humans can fly a C-Store canon-looking ship with a battle cloak the requires no console tax. I must say I think anyone who bought just one ship and didn't choose the warbird chose poorly.
^^^ This. Exactly what I've done with me new main/co-main character. Time-consuming and tedious, but by the time you're high enough in the reputation to get the gear you want, you'll have enough elite marks.
As well they should: After all, Romulans are merely Emo-degenerate Vulcans, and Klingons are merely space-hoodrats who can't decide whether they're wannabe-Vikings or wannabe-Samurai weeaboos.
I can only concur with the general consensus of the other respondents of this thread: Literally any T6 ship that you prefer for whatever reason is more than enough to curb-stomp Player-versus-environment content in this game. If you like the Galaxy or Galaxy-X, rock it with pride sir.