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vagius Arc User



  • more Timegating and paywalls make Cryptic money. They seem to have recently discovered this with DR, and I can pretty much guarantee it's only going to get worse from here.
  • The alternative is to buy zen and sell it on the exchange for dilithium - This is actually the method Cryptic would prefer you use, and the reason for the cap in the first place. The entire f2p business model these days is designed around making the game in question boring and grindy unless you pay in. This is why the…
  • +1 to this whole thread. It's very telling that this is probably the most civil thread these forums have seen in a long time. Good job OP! As for myself, I got one character to level 59 and gave up as I just wasn't having fun grinding between missions - although I haven't played much since the last anniversary event…
  • I always played my alts as my mains at various times. With DR the way it is I can no longer do this. combined with the bugs, this is a dealbreaker for me. not complaining, but not playing the game either. This game is more fun these days when you don't log in.
  • Dil is not really the issue, as like you mention, there are other (and better) places to grind that. BNPs/salvaged tech are not available in normal though (and tech is only guaranteed on elite). When it boils down to it, the "dps elite" will be playing elite either way, advanced will be for the ~15k dps'ing middle of the…
  • I'm entirely certain that what the DPS crowd would like to see is Borg that use actual tactics, like redistributing shields or using tac team, using attack patterns, healing, using teamwork etc. This would actually pose a real challenge vs making things take longer by giving them more hp. I don't think this will ever…
  • no prob! :) I'm wondering now though, if they originally intended to have them 70% of what they are now, but knew there would be a backlash to ANY increase in difficulty. Now they look like the heroes for going back and doubling* NPC HP vs tripling* it *numbers obtained from somewhere between my stomach and my chair
  • look at that, someone just posted this in 10k CombatLogReader—Infected Space[7:45]— Dmg(DPS) — 20,421,818(47,492) 12,315,266(28,977) 8,820,060(20,322) 8,502,686(20,053) 6,839,153(16,721) names removed since I wasn't in that game, but that's not all scims, and thats not ALL level 60's with mk xiv gear and t6 ships, which is…
  • perhaps I should have put <sarcasm></sarcasm> around that. thought you'd get it when I started the next post with "in all seriousnessness" I don't have a parser, I mainly play with fleeties in kerrat (with a healboat -giant epeen!) or pestf these days, and I could care less what my dps is as long as my targets die somewhat…
  • In all seriousness though. complain about the rewards, fine, but not the difficulty. I can get on board with that. 480 for advanced is lame. in a few weeks when more peoples gear is up to snuff it will be alot easier
  • I found it to be similar. the enemies had no new skills, and no new tactics - they added a few more spheres and gave everything more shields and hull. I've only pugged ISA so far (I usually run with fleeties), with a level 50 in a non upgraded fleet dhelan and while it took much longer and I actually died a couple times,…
  • ok sure, but you didn't post the part where it outlined that there are differences. Thanks for the link though, I find the new way they've been doing the news to be quite annoying, so I haven't been reading it as much
  • you have the right idea. fixed it in one spot for you though. In your case here Reyan, as you mentioned, sci's aren't intended to be DPS machines. You say you are no use in advanced, but I'd argue that you can be more useful now in advanced than you were in the old elites. You might just need to figure out what debuffs…
  • it boils down to this: if you are average or poor at the game, play normal mode. this was balanced for you. if you have gear and you have advanced your skill to a level beyond the average, play advanced. this was balanced for you if you are an elitist jerkwad who wants to wave his or her epeen at everyone, play elite.…
  • In skilled hands, a freshly level 50 non-rom sci captain can do 10k with non rep gear with no issue. this is what normal STF's are for. Once you have a bit of half decent gear (ie full mkxii rep/fleet/VR+ - basically what was endgame gear on monday), try your hand at advanced for more challenge - it's harder than the…
  • Haven't played much since DR launched due to work, but I pugged Infected space advanced in my non upgraded fleet dhelan with lowly purple mk xii gear. It took longer than usual, but I didn't find it any harder really. It's just shooting more things for a longer period of time. We succeeded with about 4 minutes left on the…
  • I wouldn't fix that build for pvp. I'd go in a such a completely different direction as to make what I would do with it irrelevant to this discussion. It would probably have a2s though, because why wouldn't you hit a2s every 15s with full aux if you didn't have a2b? for PvE though, I'd probably use 2xfaw1 or one copy of…
  • that's a horrible build by the way, not sure if that was your intention. I wouldn't even know where to begin fixing that....