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therealhassanb Arc User



  • HOLODECK Subspace Decompiler Skill: 84 Countermeasures Systems Skill: 84 TRIBBLE Control Expertise Skill: 100 after some testing ive seen a massive scaling increase for disable abilities. psw now disables for 10+ sec and the tholian tarantula web trait disables for up to 12 seconds. scramble sensors around 50 secs. just on…
  • since noone else is doing it i felt free to translate the current ruleset. rules: 1. ships a) all ships allowed, including t6/fleetships b) not allowed are all shiptraits obtained through leveling the mastery (e.g.: all hands on deck, supremacy...) c) not allowed are all T6 ship consoles as well as special ship abilities…
  • huh, i have nothing to do with the organisation of this league. i was just hinting to the OP that he may want to translate the rules if he wants english speaking ppl to join ;)
  • wow, that looks like vanilla pvp. idk if it can be fun this way. we tried sth similar and it was fun for a few matches but it lacks the complexity and variety of builds. effectively u could only play as a healer (OP), vaper(not effective) or dogfighter (which can be fun). our experience was that the heals were very…
  • the lack of participation in this sub forum is enough amusement for me...
  • lol, u guys wanna start a league in a long dead pvp system? without rules or anything? good luck with that. btw for the ones who didnt notice: pvp died the moment DR came out and cant be revived cause of cryptics general direction and business model. wake up guys its dead! sad but true... anyways, greetings to all former…
  • that is some very nice news. thanks for looking into this! cheers
  • you, of all the players out there, were abusing broken abilities to the most extend there was. now you cry hard because these abilities getting a bit more in line with previous balance? seriously you should just quit pvp in this game if you cant compete without these broken abilities anymore. and im very sure you cant,…
  • 1. this thread is mainly about the lack of a counter to this ability. i cant and i wont understand people who defend this power as it is. its utterly broken! 2. do you guys really wanna force ppl to run sci particle hax builds only? cause if one cant counter SB, an escort is rendered plain useless. how should it do dmg…
  • push... can anyone from dev side pls comment on this matter or is it of no concern?
  • probably the best solution these days with the current meta...
  • well, you are forgetting that it gets constantly reapplied. you can try and come to pvp with a non tank ship below 100 impulse. you cant catch up with the others. you cant kill anyone nor heal if u cant catch up. and in a scenario with 3 people spamming SB3 theres no way to counter it... you see one can clear a scramble…
  • regarding team play, lol: what would u do against 3 guys spamming SB3 with 100% uptime? nuke every 15 seconds? this skill is ridiculous in its current state and negates all team play efforts. try to make a kill while being affected by SB3... btw, current meta forces one to have at least 100 impulse speed or ure dead or…
  • 1. read my second post above. 2. do some more testing with it. 3. it is AOE. 4. try to escape with 50 impulse, lol and that on scort with p2w speed console equipped... (as i said evasive or APO get u to 60 impulse all with active epte ofc, yay) 5. so ure saying -100 acc and -50% dmg is totally fine to not be resistable and…
  • thats simply not true. my escort is at a standard impulse speed of 150. when i pop evasive or omega i should be able to escape nearly all situations. in fact, i am. but not vs supression barrage, it slows my ship to 50 impulse, 60 with evasive. i really dont have any problems with any other cc there is. but supression…
  • nope, it doesnt
  • dude, u really try to defend another ability which probably is flagged as no resistable? seriously, this needs to have a counter which is not SNB lol, regarding its 15s cd it should at least be cleansed with hazard emitters or omega. it is a major problem with new powers that one cant counter them. you know, before they…
  • so, would you or any other pver suffer from losing the bonus acc? i dont think so. removing acc bonus could be a very easy and efficient solution to fix the problems SS creates in pvp while staying in line with very basic game rules which had been there since forever: Crtd for pve Acc for pvp.
  • completely disagree, u dont understand game mechanics...
  • just remove the 40% acc bonus and the skill will be much more balanced for both pve/and pvp. you know, in pve u equip high crtd weaps cause you wont need the acc. in pvp you have to use high acc weaps to actually be able to hit your target. ergo this change wouldnt affect pve in any way and deals with the uber critd…
  • this is awesome news and very much appreciated! a lockout period is very important on disables to prevent chain-disables when multiple players come into play. and there still is the double tap issue as described here, http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1345231 which would be practically resolved when…
  • finally this is getting a fix. thanks bort, regards
  • thank you very much for this info, this is a serious issue here.
  • attack pattern omega can be activated while "held" and has also a given immunity against disable. maybe consider this one as a possible "free from disable" power.
  • these are some very welcome ajustments. i appreciate it very much that you are finally fixing this. thanks please consider giving aux to dampeners an immunity to the viral torpedo starship trait. since, from what u explained above, this seems to be a standard disable which should be resisted by it. same goes for evade…
  • dear borticus, i really really appreciate that u found your way into the pvp forums. personally i dont think that increasing hp would be a good idea. you can have 120k hull already in a properly built cruiser, which is more than enough imo. if u increase hp u would drag the players into a more dps based direction like we…
  • dude, i have a sci toon with max partgen it is massively OP without secondary deflector... iso cannon was enough power creep for sci + this new bonus exotic console, too
  • you guys should notice: T'lol deals 26877 (27906) Radiation Damage to you with Inhibiting Secondary Deflector. it is 28k PRE RESISTANCES so no debuffs involved!
  • its not only the crith bonus but all the masteries dont seem to be active. also the hull and shield scaling doesnt work on the manasa escort. please fix this asap