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straenge Arc User



  • Hell, I would be happy to simply see more actual Klingons. I am probably one of the very few who doesn't like being surrounded perpetually by half-naked Orions...
  • I wouldn't mind seeing a line of Mercenary/Neutral line of ships but implementing them.. would be tricky. Lockboxes aren't all that bad for final tier ships but I would prefer a bit more like a faction. To me, as far as factions go, there is only one way Mercenary could work. It would be similar to COH's Rogue/Vigilante..…
  • Personally, I agree with everything that is said but.. I also would like a bit more of a variety/bonus to each faction as far as certain types of ships/roles that would be both a bit underwhelming to most but at the same time balanciing and work fine for those of us who don't min/max. I would personally like to see a…
  • I suppose I am dating myself a bit on this but I have to admit, during those moments of epic battles, I have a tendency to play this rather oldschool piece of glory.
  • Pre-Season 9, I had the same issue with Antiproton cannons. For some reason, they changed the details in them so that you had to raise Visual Fx quality I believe? before they could be seen. After Season 9, I noticed that it spread across other power types though not all. I am not sure of the reasonings behind it.. but it…
  • I actually agree with this but for a different reason. It's less Maco vs Omega for me as much as it is Close/Range. To me, the Omega should be more variable close quarters specialist stats and the Maco should be Range specialist oriented. Both viisually and playstyle oriented, they just seem the opposite of each other to…
  • I will be honest. I was very "loyal" to only one game and that was COH. Though I prefer it more along the lines of invested. After what occurred with COH, I don't think I will ever be that invested into a game. STO I picked up not because I am that big of a fan of trek but because I was bored and SWTOR was both…
  • I think they all need a slight speed bump, some more than others but I would also recommend a possible accuracy penalty when attempting to fire at torpedos. That would both increase torpedo hits while still giving the ability to counter them. As for the present, I have been playing with alternative builds on my tal shiar…
  • I tend to create characters based on possible future RP/backstory creation. I tend to be semi-serious so when I created my first Romulan, it was Federation based. He was found by a Vulcan scientist and raised on earth after being unable to locate any family. He still didn't feel like he fit in and went back to Romulan…
  • I boycott NCsoft on general principle anyway and refuse to have anything to do with them again but sounds pretty much like they are going out of their way to make it painfully fun to grind your way from your wallet out their doors.
  • Personally, I hate doing any mission on New Romulus itself. The whole map lags me to hell and I find iit annoying so I refuse to do epohh tagging. Same goes for Dyson Battlezone. I do it sometimes, with gritting teeth but I try to ignore it and even got to T5 without doing it more than once. I dislike group/teamed ground…
  • Personally, I would be happy with 1 free skill respec at 50 and lower the cost from 500 to 200 zen. I honestly was shocked to see the cost considering it costs twice as much as a name change. Even if skill respecs aren't free completely, just 1 free respec per character and a lower price would go a long way.
  • I really think people are under-estimating this ship as a whole. I have this ship now on my Romulan Tactical and think I will be keeping this as my main ship for a long time. No it isn't a scimitar (and personally, I refuse to own one) but it's essentially a C-store 9 console ship for veritable pennys. It only has 3k less…
  • Thank you. I just did a double check on that and while everything else was the same, it was set on "Auto" rather than my normal DX 9ex. But also, on this computer, DX11 has never been optional, only 9 or 9ex. Still, I switched it and did a restart but no change at all.
  • Say what you all will but I love the idea of more variety/alien looking ships. However, like others have stated I do agree it is a bit more of a power creep. The hulls at least need to be adjusted to lower levels as well if you are going to have that high of a hull + Hull regen. That is a bit overkill, or rather…
  • I thought maybe it was just myself (I only started on Tribble a day ago) but I have noticed a lighting difference as well but perhaps not in the same way as others. My computer is very old and barely plays decent enough to actually see the visuals (I get 5-10 fps in Dyson or New Romulus typically) but in certain areas like…
  • I apologize if I am just repeating what another has stated but didn't read every page. Normally, I stay away from testing unless I am doing early Alpha/Beta but decided to see a few upcoming things on Tribble in the last couple of days so I thought I would give a somewhat newbie perspective on the Traits as I have only…
  • You know, with my playstyle which is.. simplistic in a way, granted, I had a hard time finding a Romulan ship I really liked. The first time I used a D'Deridex, I hated/loathed it. I stuck with cruisers in my time here so I am used to slow with a bit of go but I hated that ship. The mogai really was the closest thing to…
  • I am getting the same issue and I don't think it is just pre-patching. I let it run it's course and fully patched but it continues to keep wanting to redo it. Hopefully it will get resolved next Thursday.
  • Not sure what you are referring to but that is just basic zooming in and out, at least for myself. What I am referring to is the default camera placement center for your ship. Some ships, mainly Romulan, are much lower than others. I tried the camdist command but just didn't really do much, at least for myself. I guess…
  • I have this thing where I need for movies to make sense, even if it isn't part of the plot itself so I came up with two things. First, it's possible the planets magnetosphere didn't allow ship to planet transportation from orbit and due to no cloaking ability and needing to stay out of the indigenous populace way, they…
  • Also, now I am not sure if this is related but I was able to semi-fix the issue myself by creating and resaving costumes and renaming them all completely something different so each had a very individual name. Once I did this, I had no further issues other than the "extra" costumes that show. Because of this type of fix,…
  • I think in the fundamentals of the Prime Directive is, essentially.. the same as a Preservation directive. To study the universe from a distance without interfering with the natural order of things, for good or for ill. Now.. in canon, that has been greatly subjective and "interpretative" by various captains as well as…
  • And they shouldn't, I completely agree. But the fact is.. it doesn't drain enough still and on NPC's at all. I can see why it shouldn't just shut down a ship completely unless you are stacked for it but you should be able to at least shut down a ship temporarily or more than just a weak % of subsystem power.. That's the…
  • The thing I feel needs to be tweaked overall is how certain Sci abilities basically have little to no effect while others greatly effect either NPC's or players. Obviously depends on skills but let's look at energy siphon. Other than boosting your own energy which is always good, there should be some effect but typically,…
  • It's funny though that on my KDF ships or even larger Fed ships, I don't see the issue nearly as much as I do with Romulan ships. It's almost like all the ships camera sits 2-3 points higher and causes the ship to look like it's almost too low. I know part of the issue is the Romulan Singularity window but I moved that to…
  • Thank you very much, Cliff! And yes, the command line works for myself, at least. Finally, I can play longer than an hour without having to restart.
  • A few months ago during the ship sale, I struggled with the same question. I couldn't afford a full oddy pack but I still wanted one, especially since it was on sale. I came close to picking up the excelsior and even the regent but I decided to forgo the set and picked up the single Tactical Oddy. I had/have alot of fun in…
  • I also use my oddy's aquarius often but I haven't noticed a difference really. It has always done actually decently in a firefight and can even take a few big hits. The problem I have and continue to have with the idiocy in it's AI is how often it will get the last few hits in for the final destruction of whatever it…
    in Pets Comment by straenge March 2014
  • In the words of Robert Picard about his son sleeping under the stars.. "Shh.. just let him dream.."