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  • Lol! Oh, i get it now, no more speeding allowed for growth...unless you contribute Zen (converted into DI). What a normal commercial reaction that is. Sorry blokes, but covering your uncreativiness by grabbing more money from the gamers isn`t going to work in the long run.. Oops, that sounds like everyday management style…
  • Well, since all the fun stuff had to go to the weekend and not at any other time, i`ve just simply stopped being online at STO. Nobody is telling me how to play, or when. Try it and you loose a formerly dedicated playe like me. But hey, it`s not that bad to take a big break for a year or so. Their loss, not mine. No more…
  • lol! All i`m missing now is the 8-bit color scene to make it look really retro :P
  • Yup, works the same way as the Vlugta mine. It`s far more beautiful tho :) Well worth your efforts i think. Ow: you can mine once a day.
  • Next bonus: remove the hard cap for refining the ore for 5 days.. Getting ore is nowadays even without the special event easy enough. Price of zen won`t drop i think, cause of the hard cap that`s still there. And i think ppl become somewhat "unfocused" after a period of time after looking at all that amount of purple…
  • Besides of all the afor mentioned ideas, we in our fleet set up sometimes our Special Donating Weekends with prizes. We only did that when the need was high, or that we had to upgrade something major, like shipyard, embassy, mine etc. As former coop -eader i used to craft a nice (part) Aegis set and then spammed our fleet…
  • I`ve stopped playing altogether since 8.5. Part of the reason is the excessive grindiness that made me raise my arms up in dispair. What i also noticed is the sheer grumpyness in my fleet because my fleetmates were busy doing only the FE event and didn`t have time for any other fun anymore. So, time for a big break again.…
  • Well...it is to be expected...grind for shiney`s..all the way. Does it give me that special Star Trek feeling? No, not at all..But hey, f2p huh. But the longer i`m playing this game, the more i feel..lost. And i`ve been here quite some time. For me it`s time to take a serious big break again from the game, so i`ll probably…
  • Well, there`s the golden rule ofcourse which states: let the Lady choose your Lucky numbers. When in pleasant company it isn`t hard at all to become "highroller"or""Lucky". It just takes time..more then the usual 5 minutes-walkthrough-grab-the-price-and-live-to-fight-another-day. Dabo is a great way of meeting new ppl, or…
  • Yup, i do agree with most of your points here. What bothers me tho is the way he actually filmed it. Why all the blown up violence in nowadays series and movies? I call it hyperrealism and for a "touchy-feely" kind of star trek series i think, it may not be the best approach. It worked pretty okay with lost and fringe,…
  • /conspiracy mode on: i think all those cube sightings are there to prepare us for the real thing... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA9yn82LGLg /conspiracy mode off
  • Curious and curiouser...but i like the idea that something`s out there that might have changed a borg cube into rubble..:eek: On the other hand, it could ofcourse be a system failure inside that cube when they tried to assimilate the omega molecules into their system. Always tricky, tampering with something you don`t…
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMERh-sProI Only because it`s new years eve :P
  • /me is checking inventory...still 99 discoballs left :D Time for some "real" party : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBMzA9rd1Hw Taking your balls too serious can only lead to pain in your [REDACTED]
  • What i spend it on? Almost everything and especially pets :) I tend to give m away to my fleeties as well for birthday presents. There`s so much nice stuff in the store just for fun to try out. Just go on shopping mode, bring you wive(s) and enjoy it :) In this case you don`t have to be afraid to burn too much plastic...
  • When i was a little kiddo, i used to believe that anything in those old sci-fi movies was going to look so awesome in the near future...That feeling held true until i saw what the negative effects where for example drones and the so called smartphone. But the key thing is: we`ve expanded way beyond these old ideas, techno…
  • So that takes care of the top predators in the overall eco-system. Now all we have to do is invent some more schools of fishes, orc`s, humpback whales, sharks and not to miss: pirhana`s. Next summer event: critical snorkling lesson`s while staying (possibly) alive.
  • :D You just made my day! :D
  • Uhmm..our fleet exists now since 2011 and we`ve seen that only a small percentage of our fleeties (<5%) is willing to donate DI on a regular basis. So a stop-gap like this is very very welcome for a lot of players and small fleets. It`s not leeching, it`s common sense. Small (and medium) fleets still have to run the…
  • Yup, true, but hey, what`s new when you`re trying to commit your customers to the game. Didn`t you know cryptic has ferengi at their board? They took over in the 21st century without anyone noticing...Bizar huh? Not even the NSA noticed that..It`s seems to be all legal to rip ppl of their goods and then expect em to thank…
  • http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=fleetaveger_0 You might want to see this build, it`s mine for now. At this build i`m getting about 5K dps average, but i`m an average player with no pro-intentions whatsoever. Yes i don`t bother with the new rep or tac consoles, so you could call this old school build. Also, i know…
  • Why don`t we make a special space Guatanamo Dino area at which is anything allowed? So much better and you don`t have to worry about prime directives, ethics or whatever that made star trek such a rich series. /sarcastic mode off. Hence the motives why i`m not even remotly interested in that new "battlezone"..
  • I came across a suliban stealt cruiser when i was rewatching Enterprise which appealed very to me. It comes from the Entrepise series and here`s what it looks likes: http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Suliban_stealth-cruiser Different apporach and still a cruiser. Could be worth it if it gets upgraded to the 24th century :P
  • Graphics: 3-4, seen a lot better graphics at games, but for a MMO it`s fairly decent. Story: 2 Great starting lines, lots of different possibilities, but...when you`ve done them there`s not really any use for them any more except for completing several sets. Too bad, because this is the stronghold of this game and i`m…
  • So far i`ve been disapointed at the season 8 content. It`s not really something i`m enjoying, i tend to keep away from the sphere and it`s region, because it`s not really adding to the universe in my opinion. For season 9 i really would like to see a lot more of depth going into the universe and it`s stories. No more…
  • As one of the major contributors in our modest fleet (+/- 200 members) i`ve seen we also experience the problem of the DIl cap and the fm-grind. But changing the fm ratio wouldn`t solve anything. To be honest, i`m very glad it`s that high , cause with our continued instream of new members, they have at least a chance of…
  • Didn`t you know how hard it already is playing STO while your cat is trying to rest on your keyboard, cauz...you don`t pay him enough attention:D Happens to me all the time :) But a little critter at my captainsquarter, i wouldn`t mind that at all.
  • Now...it would be a very different thing if it were these blue pointed antenna`s on her head:D
  • So, what you are proposing is a buyer embago? Mmm, i`ve seen that happen a few times and the outcome is most of the time not a major improvement but the opposite of it. Less income does lead to panic at a company and that in return leads to costcutting on the short term period. That leads to loss of quality and disgruntled…