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roejspinodji Arc User



  • Yeah, many good thoughts in the original posts, I do agree to some. However space STF - sorry buddy, the "advanced" hitpoints are just ok, as they are. Why? Well, currently they can be compared with the old elite. Lets take Infected space for example. In the past we used to run thru a ISE in less than 2 min. Good premade…
  • I am not sure, if the salvage trait isn't working. When slotting the Thalaxian BOFF, I felt I would get more of the random items loot that usually. Dont know, if u guys can confirm that. However, what I definitely dont get are crafting materials, but I have purchased the BOFF due to this reason. So, kindly fix it. A 300…
  • I experienced the same, tac team sometimes does not work. After activation the shield distribution does not work.
  • The shield bug (console shields work and regenerate while cloaked) seems fixed now. The overall shield regeneration still seems not right, as the displayed regeneration is -1/0. A bit strange. What I noticed is, that the hull resistances still seem not working properly. The defense value of the ship seems to be not…
  • You are tipping your hat to a simple cheater. It is well known, that you can cheat in this game. Spanish Inquisition is a fleet known for their "double shields" cheating, they are also known for a cheat where a tactical captain has access to miracle worker. Also the Sad Panda fleet is know for cheating, they used a special…
  • You are right, I can live with the turnrate, but I cant live with this inertia. The drift is insane....
  • I got the same impression. Following points from my observation: - Tac team sometimes doesnt work - Hull resistances are shown in stats but obviously dont work - turn rate doesnt feel balanced (too little uncloaked, too high cloaked) - shield regeneration somehow bugged when using cloaked shields console - Drift is much…
  • Totally agree to this post, I got the same impression. I bought the Scimi yesterday and after several hours of testing in stf, pvp, I realized, that the dmg resistances are somehow bugged. I took 12 % hull damage from one sphere shot (while under tac team shields still 90 %) in ISE. Very strange. I also dont like the…
  • Very simple, it has several reasons. The impression of a BOP being a tank is resulted to the Romulan Core with Quantum Absorption. Low level core skill, fast recharge and helps tanking a lot. In conjunction with the romulan BOFF`s which have 2 space traits, subterfuge and superior agent, this results in increased ship…
  • Yeah, this mission is awesome.... played it yesterday... full shields, full hull, jevonite ablative prototype armour, 2 armours in engi slots.... got one hitted by 146K dmg - instakill..... Thats what I call "challenging"... Actually we had a pretty good professional fleet team, 1 wells healer/science, 4 pure dmg-dealer…
  • Your assumptions are correct, indeed Cryptic weighs the costs of future lost profits against the odds to sell more packs (if packs offer more value for money), which I would agree to your conclusion, that the chances to sell more packs with higher content level outpaces the "future sunk profit". My original statement was,…
  • "proof or it didn't happen" I did not expect more than such ignorance, you know better than anyone else, that Cryptic themselves would not publish their sales numbers, nor admit, that they ever did anything wrong. "boosting confidence in player base that they care". Well they dont. Proof me, that they do, or it doesn't…
  • I really love that. It is called "dangerous half-knowledge". Dangerous, because people think, that they know everything, but actually only understand a small portion of it. No, dont worry, I am not mad at you, there are so many people out there, who think they know economics, but actually dont really understand it. In your…
  • Sorry for my english, I mean indeed hardly any real benefits. The free ship is a B-quality ship which is obsolete and hardly anyone uses in pvp or stf. Game pets are real benefit? Exclusive forum titles and ingame titles are real benefit? Well, they are just for your vanity. No real benefit. The monthly ZEN stipend may…
  • Well, if you had ever studied economics (or work in a sales driven business), you would know, that you do not have to top up packages (or offers in general), if they are selling like crazy. But if your offer in the eye of the consumer is not worth the price/content, you either need to lower the price or to top up the…
  • Well, as this is a community forum where players can post a feedback, I just wanted to let the developers know my thoughts, maybe it helps them understand how some players think. I started playing STO around 2 years ago and in the past had spent around 200 Euro a month buying some ZEN. Here and there it was even a bit more…
  • Ok, so lets assume that what you say is correct, why the hell then does a purple MK XII disruptor console give me 60 more dmg on a 196 base dmg dealing disruptor beam array MK XII ACC*1 dmg*3? Please enlighten me with your maths here.... I guess your maths is wrong either, I double checked the energy values, which exactely…
  • Well in every fleet there are big contributors which bring the fleet projects ahead and some guys, who just are casual contributors (500K in FC). What could motivate the ppl would be some real high-end equipment. Of course high priced. But for example you could get some elite fleet shields, resilient, adaptive and here…
  • Come on, I am no noob.... of course I checked the real base values from inventory... as I told you, the numbers for beam weapons are correct, but for mines are not.
  • However, still something is not correct with kinetic dmg calculations. For example: A purp MK XII disruptor beam dmg*3 makes 196 dmg (unskilled). If I apply a MK XII purp disruptor console on my ship, my energy weps dmg increases by 60 (which is exactely 30% base dmg increase). So here, the tactical consoles calculate the…
  • LOL, they are useless TRIBBLE now. In the past the mines had been draining 5% shield each, so if used with BETA 3, you deploy a maximum of 16 mines. If (and that is not guaranteed) all mines hit, you would have lost around 80% shields. Easy to heal against that, fire EPTS3, Transfer shield strength or Brace for impact…
  • First of all, I have both ships and I tested both ships to the limit. Both ships can be run with a Galor double aux2bat build, which can make the ship near god-like if you set it up correctly. Everyone thinks that the dreadnought would be the tank, but actually the Jem Escort Carrier is the real tank, as you can equip the…
  • Well, that is the only advice I could give to you as well - I figured the same out for myself, just keep your wallet closed. All the new stuff Craptic is developing cannot offset my frustration caused by some "adjustments", which especially turned pvp in total favour of tac captain cannon escorts. The balancing is totally…
  • As I had said in my original post, no-one want to touch Cryptics right to make some small adjustments to optimize the balancing, but the nerf of items into the uselessness shall be stopped. Be realistic guys, the devs need to earn their living, so if any endgame item is always the same level as everything existing before -…
  • I did that before, unfortunately only half of the fun than to fly a trico bomber.... Hey, if I would be a foolish noob, I would just fly around in a JHAS pure cannon boat. Highest DPS output in pvp, but no real fun for me. I prefer something more "unusual".
  • LOL, if flying around in an escort with DHC`s, using Rapid fire and other tactical buffs would be real tactics.... Its just arcade flying, nothing much to do with Star Trek. To make the trico tac work in pvp you need to work out a tricky timing and combination of many things (Tractor beam, subsystem targetting, buffing…
  • I dont say that it is illegal, what Cryptic is doing, of course they have all rights, as it is their product. As my thread title clearly states "golden rule" not "US law". Indeed, the game is f2p, but for all guys who always say "dont pay for anything, its free" let me ask you guys, "who is paying the paychecks of the…
  • i.e. the temporal disruption device, the bio-neural warheads, the romulan boffs, the tricos, the omega shield repair (ok, that skill was free of charge, only marks and stuff required).. plenty of stuff
  • FYI, I am running a jem HEC as a heavy trico bomber, which worked nicely in STF and half-way (but acceptable) in pvp. It was really fun to fly this ship. After your genious trico-nerf I can throw it away now, as it became pretty useless. Half usable in STF and fully useless for pvp, as with the low dmg output peaks even…
  • SNB needs a buff? Biggest bull**** I ever heard.... If you fire a snb just after an opponents Omega has run out, he is nearly paralized for 30 seconds (until all powers restored). Most ppl dont have sci team (as the escorts usually lack of sci Boff abilities, hazard emitters most important) and the problem is the shared CD…