Protoneous, thanx, bro ... you're the kind of guy we're all grateful for when we've driven ourselves nuts trying to fix/solve something ourselves and finally 'bite the bullet' and just ask. I'm gonna try several of these thing, but bit-by-bit as you suggest. Thanx again !!
I have the same stupid problem... I just bypass it by using the STO.exe out of the game folder itself. I am NOT gonna spend days downloading the entire game over this.
well...I'm certainly no 'console kiddie"...I'm on PC, as is any REAL gamer, but the 'Hearts and Minds' episode DOES NOT show up AT ALL....can't be hailed by K'Men on my KDF char...been flying around the wasteland of the Donatu system...nothing. I'd like to play it, but there appears NO WAY to find or accept it....WTF,…
*bump* Still having this problem. Can't play ANY Foundry missions, since that disastrous March 9/10 excuse for a patch. Tried both proxy servers - US and Euro - tried no proxy...doesn't matter. Same result. I really want to try out this new 'featured' mission. PLEASE fix this bs... are in the WRONG thread. This thread is for P.C.'s. And posting 4 times - in the WRONG thread, isn't going to help you at all.... jeeeeeezzzz........
Update: Ekypyros : Although your 'description' was somewhat rudimentary, you were essentially correct in your assessment of the cause: The 'read/write' operation in which the Windows O.S. decides whether to hold relevant data in R.A.M. or to 'offload' it to the 'page file' on the system's HDD, and since that March 9/10…
?? I think 12 gigs of DDR3-1800 RAM is plenty. Also, I have a less-than 50 ping to both the patch and game servers. Please read the above. This has never happened until immediately after the game patched on March 9th. I entered the game and tried to transwarped to my Fleet Starbase, and it froze at 40%. This has been…
I, too, am STILL having this same issue with both my Fed Fleet Dread and my KDF Bortas''s unbelievably annoying, mainly for the simple fact that they know about this and have not fixed it... I guess the 'lesson learned' here is to severely limit Zen purchases (at least until the 'purchase' has been nerfed-free for…
Same here...both on my Bortasqu and my Fleet Galaxy dreadnought. PLZ FIX THIS ! Seems not too hard, as an update caused it, so can an update undo it...
I was having the exact same problem. In 'Options', under the 'Display' tab, I changed my graphics card from DX9 to DX11, and it completely solved the problem, altho now my key-bind selections won't stick...gotta keep setting them back every time I change instances...
I suspect it's the new mission requiring us to goto DS9...I've had 20 minutes waits, but only on DS9. Prolly a quarter of a million people trying to get into DS9 at the same time...hoping it clears up as more and more people get that mission completed...
I had that same thing in that same mission. I just assumed it was supposed to be that way. My comp is very high end, so it ran smoothly, just thought it was deliberate. It hasn't done it since.
and again.....YES, it is a connection issue. There are 2 servers, but they create a single game 'world'...which means they must synchronize in order to operate that 'world' at all. If one of those servers can't connect with the other one, they can't sync up, which the one that can connect will boot, because the other is…
nooo...and yes. The trace routes tell the's not the's the fiber T interface the server has with the ISP. And you can bet they are on the horn to (prolly AT&T, or maybe Verizon) the ISP issuing dire threats... (please note that the exasperated guy you banned twice for being a ******* is actually…
some...?? right..... I ran a 'tracert' to and got this: its just one hop before the server.....prolly their outside mirror....
uuuummmm.....nnnooooooooooooooooo, actually I didn't....this 'window' was announced some 18 hours ago....which was certainly OFF peak usage times.... "Inquiry, Captain - why wasn't this done THEN...??"
Can anyone please tell me WHY on God's green Earth would ANY Server Administrator with more than 2 (two) pathetically-shrunken and degraded brain cells to beat together take down a Server, with more than a half a million Players, for Maintenance on a FRIDAY night, during what is inarguably a PEAK USAGE TIME ??!?!!???!! Let…
What a ridiculous mess...entered with a team of 10...killed 29 friggin' times - IN A FLEET BATTLECRUISER - with 2 (count them) TWO pathetic bursts.....whole team got fed up and left me alone...with the mission incomplete.... Don't blame them.... WHY did you have to TOTALLY TRIBBLE up this PVE ??!?!!??? I, for one, will…
I, too, am having the exact same problem on my KDF character. All my assignments are locked up, claiming 'Finishing'...unable to abort any of them, including my R&D assignments. Character name: Tong 'Chel@rectii
I, too, am stuck right here.....and the Klingon 'Mine enemy' mission was hosed for me too....I just aborted that mission and 'skipped' it, which let me do all the ones after it... VERY annoying....