They managed to do something: they broke the infiltrator ambush duration for bridge officers . I've tested basic infiltrator and superior infiltrator: alone and together => no increase in ambush duration at all. Captain infiltrator stil works; for now. Edit: they broke most BOffs; SRO crits now working either as far as i…
only this in the patch notes: Resolved a series of issues causing potential server performance impact when using the following abilities: Teamwork (Ground Trait / Bridge Officer Trait) They are 'working' the traits is seems. Not the reman one as far as i see
tier 6 on all reputations? you mean grind all the uncounted reps on all my chars to 150k or 200k or 250k exp? hell no !!! this sounds so discoraging that after i read the news, i stopped the small amount of amiralty grinding i was doing already. sheesh!!!
It's real, it's the beggining. I really can wait to fly a bird of prey from my fedie. I believe it's time we can fly ships with battlecloak. It's only fair we benefit from this tranzaction
Cryptic made a mess out of this one: could've checked their code upon releasing - didn't do it could've made bugged ship bound to account - didn't do it could've at least renamed bugged ships to T5 - didn't do it don't bother to make amends for their own mess - done.
Thank for your response. It's looks like a very foggy promotion that from the reaction of this thread seems to have awoken some unhealthy flames. But it's their game therefore their rules. I've asked about the ship in the original OP because i really really like the 5/3 layout; i though it was about time for another R&D or…
"these responses" ? - it was only one of 'those responses' actually. And i was searching for something clear and official. I've searched only the arc sto news site . I got my response now; My thanks goes to the people that cleared that out for me. This thread must be closed now since the i got my answer awhile back
People are hoarding ZEN for the AoY packs and keys, faster and more than it's being brought into the game while dilhitum it's being refined at a rather constant rate. If people don't have anything interesting to burn their dilithium on, they'll stockpile it. The exchange acts like a buffer, we don't know how 'old' is the…
AoY will have some success; new characters will require upgrades, new rep equip will require upgrades, new lockbox weapons will require upgrades. If people will buy zen for those the market will go down slowly but surely.
T5U lockbox and lobi ships are actually 3 steps behind T6 lockbox and lobi ships: 1- Starship trait 2- Specialisation seats 3 - T6 has one more bridge officer skill (13 over 12 for all ships except raiders - 12 over 11-) Cryptic only made the number of consoles (11) on par. For the old lockbox ship it would be more…
When i said "The bigger chung of Zen bypasses this zen/dilitium market (ships, keys, services, doffs and r&d packs etc etc)." (i've misspelled chunk), i was referring to the store.
We know the currency is Zen and the good is Dilithium. And therefore , not accounting for speculators, the need is for dilithium, not for zen . The bigger chung of Zen bypasses this zen/dilitium market (ships, keys, services, doffs and r&d packs etc etc). There isn't too much dilitum, there are many sources of dilithium…
It would be ideal if we got account rewarded but i'm not too optimistic about that: those are 14 days grind vs 40 days acount reward grind. This idea here is not that bad, Cryptic wil collect 'interests' on past events since there are alot of alts created after.
Cannons are fine; also CRF and CSV are good at they current ranks as they are intended for heavy tactical ships with good turn. They could improve a tad bit the damage drop off. Just because most players follow like herds the new FOTM doesn't mean is anything wrong with cannons.
Ty'Gokor has a great starship trait; it would be very helpfull to use for Kurak which i believe it to be superior. Qib is also a top ship able to use SS3; this light battlecruiser has great turn and battlecloak. For me at least, i rate just under Kurak: that's 5th forward weapons is great. Mat'ha is a raptor, has that nose…
This issue it's not singular. The Kumari Phaser Wing Cannons also cannot be upgraded; the bug was reported and acknowledged over an year ago. Stil, it's not solved yet.
In a TNG episode , commander Riker serves as first officer on the klingon battlecruiser Pagh and at the end of the episodes he's even the captain. Everything is earned in the Empire; except maybe the high born but they also could lose everyting by dishonorable conduct.
Hm, i have the heavy crescent wave cannon at epic and didn't even notice the missed a mod. Tha andorian cannon can only be use on an andoarian ship, here it should've been upgraded to epic qualitiy mk xiv by default with the start of delta rising.
Common sense dictates there's should be no forum rule violation for old unresolved bug report threads. I've just bought the Andorian pack and if i knew this bug existed, i would've kept my money in my pocket.