Just last nite mine trolled me again. 5+ years in and it still catches me offguard every now and then lol. The dialog says 'we should totally go here and do this', the only available reply is 'so let's do that then, make it so'. And the ship just sits there! Engage dangnabbit! :rolleyes:
I'm as sure as I can be about the two ghosts of the jh missions, without looking at the code ofc. "Infiltrate Deep Space Ketracel-White Production Facility" "Investigate Unmanned Jem'Hadar Warship" Also romulans captains can't run any of the special deals "Special Deal on Entertainment Provisions"
"Thanks for the report. I have verified that for KDF and KDF aligned Romulans who have completed "Surface Tension" can get to Sirius from Regulus or Eta Eridani without Marauder, but cannot do so from Beta Ursae or Alpha Trianguli. " Just want to mention that this is still an issue after the 7/31 patch. thanks!
I too am having this issue. I am guessing that the 2/20 patch bugged it up. Can't be sure because I have not played it since until tonite. http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1027551 "The Farmers on the Ketha Lowlands now have voices that match their gender."