Both are great weapons, the boolean is slower firing but packs a punch.. the herald chains to nearby mobs so stuff is already damaged when it's their time to die which is nice... for me I use the herald more than anything else.
On my Klingon gotta go with the D7 , on my Jem'hadar, Vanguard Carrier but that is being overtaken by the Hur'q dread.. only got it to the second mastery so far but I'm loving it, sure I'm broke now but no regrets buying that ship day 1 it was out....
I wouldn't mind seeing a Dominion admiralty give ultimate tech upgrades as the 10/10 reward... it may infringe on the key box sales a bit but 1 every 10 days wouldn't be bad.
Did the warship first and yes I got whooped a lot, even after the full mastery... on the carrier now and it's much better survival wise. The advanced swarm still get me once in a while but not nearly as much as in the warship.
I've noticed the lack of exp also.. was able to get 3 tiers with 1 Borg RA and 1 argala patrol previously... since ViL dropped Tuesday I just hit tier 5 yesterday (sunday) on the first ship I started playing.
The AI needs work, some pets dock, some don't, same with keeping up with the carrier... the bug ships are (in my experience) the most consistent in that regard.... the other frigate pets? Not so much. The fighter types, they are hit or miss.. I may get all of them to dock, half of them or none at all, more time than not…
Or they can add a console or trait so we can use the pets universally.... that way the carrier users have to decide if we want to use a slot or use the pet that comes with the ship.
Yea, I've seen on my account if I get 100 bucks in Zen the 200 option disappears , then if in the same day I go for another 50 the 100 gos away. It's been that way for me since I started playing in 2014 or so.
For me the hangar pets are still pretty wonky, the dock command works about 30% of the time but not on all of the pets, if I'm using frigates I may get 1 or 2 to dock, fighters ... if all 12 are out I'll have anywhere from 1 to 7 just flying behind me weaving around trying to dock. I've noticed that in the tzenkethi R.A. I…
Really enjoyed it, Yea the swarmers were pretty easy to kill but there were a lot of them and we haven't seen the capitol ships yet so ..... dominion was a nice add (favorite villain out of the Trek shows) and Odo rocks, looking forward to seeing this storyline expand.
Always liked it, but as the poster above said, the snowball fight is very frustrating because the snowmen are bugged, they despawn as soon as they pop up ... you hear them appear and they show for a split second on the map but then disappear.
I've never had an item disappear, but I've had them greyed out saying they are equipped on a different ship, but when going to sector space they show up on my ship equipped.
Is it an oversight that there is no set bonus for the consoles or is it supposed to be that way? Just asking because I don't remember there ever not being one for lockbox and lobi ships of the same "breed".