I hailed the race starter while under attack many times. The attacks cease immediately, and no attack during race. Are you sure it's not players (Dental, etc) exploiting the bug to attack you for lols?
You have to define "best." Best = survivability? Dps? And dps further subdivides into energy dps (Nukara) and torp dps (Honor Guard). Overall, Nukara is a strong choice, provides the best energy dmg (most ppl are energy) while near best protection (resilient plus 10% all energy dmg reduction, which is only half of elite…
Guys, seriously? If one guy gets 20k, the run will end faster, that's all. And debuffs helps everyone do more damage, it's one of the reasons I always opt beta over omega, and Disruptor/Romulan Plasma over AP.
I've gone through both, and never noticed anything as bad as all single Ks. There's always someone in the single Ks, but never everyone, at least not recently.
I repeat myself again: normal ppl use evasive or omega to move from one site to another. Frankly, unlike evasive, epte isn't anywhere close to fast enough to move from one site to next. You never place yourself in range of only one target to begin with. This is a tried and failed concept. The Cookie cutter fit is what it…
Cookie cutter a2b fit is what everyone uses because it's proven over the years. You've yet to prove that your fit which trades a working skill for a redundant engine power skill that runs into cd wall is superior than conventional wisdom.;)
Yeah, until you run into cd for eptw because you popped epts after catching aggro in a pug. Then you'll wish you used evasive or omega like normal ppl. "Cookie cutter" fit tends to be the way they are because they work better than fits that run into global cd wall. :rolleyes:
What "dps runs?" Who said anything about some "dps runs?" Since you're bring that up, are you implying epte replacing eptw helps dps? Ah the desperation...:D
These are some bad bad pugs... not that you're helping... In my experience, there's usually at least one other player pulling 20k+, usually more than one.
Like I said, engineering ships, unlike science ships, don't have the science tricks as their saving grace to compensate for their lack of weapon damage. The original vision for them as tanks are long gone. Without a2b, they'll be hulks of inert matter on the field, can't even pull aggro. If they can't pull aggro from tac…
The problem is you don't have enough active space roster to let turn the 3x tac skills into the mandatory 6x you need to be viable in today's sto. Engineering ships, unlike science ships, don't have the science tricks as their saving grace to compensate for their lack of weapon damage. The original vision for them as tanks…
It's precisely because it's pve that you don't need an epte for the turn rate and flight speed, as engine power would already have been maxed out out by a2b. This is actually a moot point for fit in question, since you'll never get to use epte due to cd wall. Between the eptw that you'll cycle for weapon power at all…
What point? What 60 crit severity? And you think the lower your crit chance, the more effective crit severity is? What does spiral wave have to do with having/not having a low 15% crit chance?:rolleyes:
No. Anything close to that would make an entire class of ships worthless in today's environment - namely engineering cruisers with 3-4 tactical slots. Ppl forget that times has changed since a2b builds first appeared, ships with less than 6 effective tac slots don't cut it anymore. Science ships have science, even then…
Between 3x high rof torp + 2 cluster, and 2x high rof torp + 3 cluster, both will pump out one torp per 1.5 sec. The difference is in the former, slightly more of these torps will be single low dmg torps instead of clusters. The 2x high rof torps are there to trigger doffs, not meant to actually do the killing. More of…
It's besides the point. His galaxy R has more than enough eng boff slots to just double up on eptx. It's about the tac slots, which is still 1 short even if you double them.
A2b itself is optional. Half an a2b is not functional, therefore not considered a viable option, in the same way sane people may choose between riding a bicycle and walking, without considering unicycle a viable mode of transportation. Newbies read these forums for build ideas. That's the reason nonfunctional items such as…