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niceguy13 Arc User



  • To be price the invisible one.
  • All good and well with going to a other fleetbase and use your fleet stuff there. But it still doesn't help out the main problem of completing the fleetbase it self. That problem is still dilithium : your in a fleet you got a starbase you want to compleet it. This still kills small fleet because of the hassel of going to…
  • Problem here is: Timegated... not realy if thy would make a better timegate not every 6 hours for 1 or 2 hours. They can make it like 1 to 2 you go there and it pops up from 2 to 3 not 3 to 4 there. They can do that. The randomizer is mestup like crazy then you get it like 5x in a row then like 15x not ( or more ). Or even…
  • Good idee's. But random encounters more like a event thing maybe just like dobble fleetmarks ones in so many hours when you go there.
  • This would help out alot of small fleet that have the fleet marks just not the Dilithium to finish stuff. Considering a wapon from the Romulan or omega store cost you all ready for your ship 25k. Small fleets can't make enough Dilithium and get the wapons. Where not all having 24h time a day to play and 6 charicters to get…
  • Just incase they don't give a free slot save up your delithium and buy your Z-points with it. = 0 cash for them.... think about that cost you nothing but game play. And if they give it any ways wel you got alot of delithium to spent.
  • If there willing to lissen Like that TOM char.. he didn't want to lissen tolt him to shoot the cube still kept shoting the generator. that was the second part. @ the beginning some one all ready said 10% and ask if every one knew what that ment no reply from him. So yes there are some willing to lurn and some that just…
  • Weekends are the worst xunclexruckusx especialy afther 12 @ night eastern ( 6 am for me ) when russia weakes up basicly.... so europe starts to weake up. Apperently people still read the outdated stuff on the wiki's or use the normal stuff that stand in the wiki and apply it also on elite stf's.... I also see people just…
  • I think later on they will put some in the other reputation these are the original omega force duty officers. There will be more reputation stuff coming out 1 al ready revealt. So it would not supprice me if they will put more in the next one. Rank up your duty officer rep and get them that way in the mean time.
  • Wel then i hope they gone tell me how they do that because its random and most of the time you only get them from targets like cubes, big targets. You have a small chance of getting them so your defently wrong. You get energie credits and random stuff like commoditits most of the time. I get from playing with luck maybe 6…