Now that we finally know that the old event reputation tab won't just vanish tomorrow, I researched which projects didn't auto-complete: Collect Mirror Invasion Event Rewards - ISS Stadi: Anna@nemef, Dillian@nemef, Inna@nemef, Oksana@nemef, Peldora@nemef, S'gir@nemef
Was ingame all the time until now. Experienced some chat troubles. Wanted to change characters, and boom. Not able to get in again. I hope it's the freezing rain because otherwise it'll probably won't get fixed soon.
You can do Neutral Zone Diplomacy as Federation allied Romulan. It's in the mission journal or go to Admiral Quinn. I'd like to know if it is working as planned or a bug that I can't enter any warzone, although I was able to accept the tutorial from Makza. I had no problem finishing the Arena and Scenario tutorials.