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What is the Arc Client?
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mrtoken Arc User



  • I think it's fair as people can still buy lock box keys / research packs and try their luck, people that don't want to spend money can still trade dilithium for zen to purchase keys and sell them on the exchange for EC to get funds together to buy the ship. Just means if someone really wants the ship they can spend money…
  • I really think there should be a max spend amount on things like this. 1 idea i had a while ago was that for every $10 purchase of Zen you get 1 Zen purchase token. Then when you have say 15 of these they can be used for a ship that is normally locked away behind a lockbox / research box. This way it is tied directly to…
  • I really don't think the t5 bug will be part of the pack or a "starter" ship. The bug is still part of a current re-run promo pack (phoenix) where the other t5 lockbox/lobi ships have not been part of a active/current promo for a very long time.
  • Well on the bright side I can finally use the forums again, the last time they moved forums it did something to my account and i would also get "database errror" if I was logged in and looking at the startrekonline forums. took them like 8 months to come back with "we don't know whats wrong so here is some free zen to go…